They are trying to cancel Dave Chappell

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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Considering, a good amount of their trans employees walked out of the Netflix office. That backfired immensely. This will bite them in the butt at some point, which it already has to a degree.
Will it though? I doubt that. They'll live this down fine. At this very moment there's probably suits planning to increase their diversity output to counter any sort of hot water they're in over this Dave Chappelle thing. They'll make an animated series with a trans protagonist or whatever.

Also, nice to see from some of the comments here that the 'I can't be racist I have black friends/am attracted to black people' excuse is still alive and well amongst the transphobic. If you say you agree with J.K. Rowling on this topic and that you're team TERF with a completely straight face, I don't care how many trans friends you claim to have, you're transphobic.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Will it though? I doubt that. They'll live this down fine. At this very moment there's probably suits planning to increase their diversity output to counter any sort of hot water they're in over this Dave Chappelle thing. They'll make an animated series with a trans protagonist or whatever.
I'm not talking about anything too major. But the story has a friendly reminder to those that bother to listen. If the same thing keeps happening over and over again, or with a different comedian, the history will build up and people will notice a pattern. So Netflix better keep that in mind.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I'm not talking about anything too major. But the story has a friendly reminder to those that bother to listen. If the same thing keeps happening over and over again, or with a different comedian, the history will build up and people will notice a pattern. So Netflix better keep that in mind.
I'm sure this is something Netflix isn't happy about having to deal with, but then trans creators don't have a lot of major avenues to express themselves, which I'm sure Netflix is taking into account with their response to this. If they piss off and drive away some of their creators there are probably others desperate for a chance willing to take their place. This is me just being really cynical though.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
If they piss off and drive away some of their creators there are probably others desperate for a chance willing to take their place. This is me just being really cynical though.
There would be some that would be willing to take their place, it can't last forever. Them doing the same thing over and over again will bare consequences. Because at some point enough is enough, and there are people with standards. I prefer more realistic outlook. Now Netflix is smart, which they aren't, they would do better not jumping off the handle like that. No one is immune criticism.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Worth mentioning also that his rant disguised as a joke completely erases Black queerness so he can treat it like an exclusively white people thing. Hardly sounds like friendship.
The Double Toasted video I posted on the first page, Korey and Martin also pointed this out too. I can't help but feel that Dave Chappelle is turning this into an us against them thing. Both critics point of this out in the video as well, and they have a point. I hate that type of crap about who's more oppressed than the other. We're all suffering, and all of us trying to make a contest or trying to hurt others just to feel better only make things worse and shittier.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Dave Chappell just got paid a fucking ton to make a Netflix special with jokes that both Netflix and Chappell knew would incite these sorts of responses.

How the hell does anyone think this qualifies as "cancelling"?
Being Criticized is the same as being canceled to some people.

I kinda roll my eyes and stop listening whenever people complain about canceling because 90% of the time they're the same people who want Trans people to shut up and be "normal" and who probably vote for the same party who was very vocal about Gay Marriage being an existential threat to the nation just 5 years ago.
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Elite Member
May 11, 2020

Comedian Hannah Gadsby has some words for Netflix's bumbling CEO. The last part is especially relevant. "I definitely didn't cross a line because you just told the world there isn't one."

I am willing to bet money that a significant chunk of Chappelle's defenders on this lose their shit every time a queer person facetiously remarks on, "the straights." Can't have this conversation without talking about the hypocrisy of sanctimonious people who think everyone else's personal lives are their business.


~it ends here~
Apr 29, 2020
It's not like words from the rich and famous don't have harmful real life consequences

Reports of homophobic hate crimes have risen by 210 percent over the last six years, while over the same period transphobic hate crime reports rose by 332 percent, according to figures obtained by VICE World News.

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That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.
I think it's sad that the only thing people are discussing about the special is whether Dave Chappelle is cancelled or not, while the special was filled with a lot of really bad and tasteless jokes and Chappelle was definitely being transphobic on it, it did raise some rather important points of conversation, particularly on how LGBTQIA+ activism tends to focus on the white members of that group and how that still affords members of the definitely marginalised LBTQIA+ community some privileges and protections that people of colour, particularly black people don't have and Chappelle does give some pretty good examples of that in the special and I think that's an excellent point to raise, even in this fight between a trans woman and a black man, it's a white trans woman.

All I'm saying is that there's a little bit more to the special than Chappelle simply being transphobic and rather than discuss that and how weird it is that someone that seems to understand these issues of intersectionality as well as Chappelle apparently does can still be this transphobic, but rather than have this kinda interesting discussion we're arguing about a meaningless stupid culture war while avoiding all nuance there is to the discussion, honestly it's pathetic.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Sure. We could start by pointing out that the trans person that Netflix fired was the only Black trans person at the company, and not any of louder white ones, on the suspicion that they were the ones who leaked metrics to the press, despite them being the one who told people not to do that.

People are confusing that with the white trans person who was briefly suspended for joining a zoom call that they were sent the link to


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Sure. We could start by pointing out that the trans person that Netflix fired was the only Black trans person at the company, and not any of louder white ones, on the suspicion that they were the ones who leaked metrics to the press, despite them being the one who told people not to do that.

People are confusing that with the white trans person who was briefly suspended for joining a zoom call that they were sent the link to
Thank you. The articles I posted about the firing and reistatement missed some important details. Netflix can definitely get fucked!

Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
Oh, I think Dave will be fine. He's rich. Netflix also seems to be firmly behind him. Cuz that walkout mentioned in that Kotaku article? They fired the organizer.
This shows how misplaced all the whining about "cancel culture" is. Chappelle's career has not suffered one bit while the only people who are losing jobs are the people complaining about his jokes being transphobic.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Man, remember when Chappelle tried to be funny with controversial topics. Where did that Chappelle go?


Elite Member
Jul 13, 2021
United States
Contrapoints said it best.

"Look, we don't mind you making jokes about trans people, it's just that you're not very good at it."

I love edgy humor. Always have, always will. Nobody should be safe from comedy.

But it has to be GOOD comedy. It has to focus on being funny first. The thing is that now the right and especially the alt right think that "N!ggers, amirite?" constitutes great comedy and that if you don't laugh you're a humorless SJW.
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Elite Member
Jun 28, 2016
United States
I watched that special and all say is that in terms of comedy they have gotten the worst. Not a matter of if the jokes are offensive the delivery and punchlines of the latest special were weak. Like Dave tried to make a joke about Palestinian occupation with the whole Space Jews thing but it was just corny and Dave can make corny stuff funny. Like I can't even talk about how I felt his latest one was the weakest wet fart ever without people thinking I am trying to "cancel" him.

Plus you can't cancel Dave Chappelle the greatest the publicity stunt is comedian using cancel culture to boost their money. For Dave talking about how much he hates it that the thing that is giving him a second wind.

I watched that whole special and worst part is whatever good point he made I had to rummage through a pile of shit takes that he thought was profound.

If it's support and friendship only on terms suitable to him, is it really support and friendship?
Honestly that whole Daphne story just made me feel greasy and made Dave come off greasy. The fact that people are using that to say Dave is good those other people are bad. Terrible what happened to Daphne but Dave using that as a shield and unironic saying he is a TERF lacks introspection from a man who is pretty good at it. I am pretty sure Dave would not want to be used as a shield for some racist white person so that story while tragic the sincerity seemed pretty loose to me.

But my point is without all the cancel culture boogeyman scares and revving up flock to his defense Dave Chappelle network specials would be remember as the first one being great and each one after getting worst.
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Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Contrapoints said it best.

"Look, we don't mind you making jokes about trans people, it's just that you're not very good at it."

I love edgy humor. Always have, always will. Nobody should be safe from comedy.

But it has to be GOOD comedy. It has to focus on being funny first. The thing is that now the right and especially the alt right think that "N!ggers, amirite?" constitutes great comedy and that if you don't laugh you're a humorless SJW.
That's what got me watching the parts of the special that everyone was on fire over. I wasn't necessarily offended, even though I'm maybe some form of genderfluid/enby (look, trying to figure out myself is hard, OK?). I just found myself wondering "Where is the joke?" He just seemed to be spouting anti-trans rhetoric, like "trans men still have vaginas!" OK, and...? Where's the joke?

Because if there's no joke, or even if there is a joke but you are punching down instead of up, it's not comedy. It's bullying. There is definitely a spot for edgy humor. One of my favorite comedians, Christopher Titus, has basically no filter, and I'm sure quite a few people could and do find him offensive. However, I feel that he manages to keep from offending me because one of his biggest targets is...himself and his family. A lot of his humor is basically about how fucked up his life is, so when he veers into insulting others, or making fun of them, he's shown that he's not above doing the same to himself. Punching up, not down.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Because if there's no joke, or even if there is a joke but you are punching down instead of up, it's not comedy. It's bullying.
The point of the trans jokes in Dave Chapelle's special is that as a black man he doesn't feel that making jokes about trans people is "punching down." He feels that trans people have more social credit in the entertainment industry and in society at large than black people do, from his perspective as a black man. He literally says as much during the show.

I'm not interested in debating whether or not that's something that is actually true, as it's a viewpoint that's down to personal experience and personal bias. Dave is black, he is not trans, so I don't expect him to view the struggles of trans people as accurately as he may view and understand his own struggles as a black man. I am neither black nor trans so I'm not going to comment on the "trueness" of either perspective. It seems pretty obvious that trans people disagree with this perspective, but again that's not exactly surprising seeing as this is down to personal experience and bias.

Of course, one could say that Dave is "punching down" on trans people just by the fact that he's rich and famous and is therefore in a higher status than the majority of the people he's making jokes about, but by that perspective the only person it would be ok for him to joke about would be Jeff Bezos.
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