my current system cant handle even the minimum specs, however the system i plan to buy next month and got most of the money for already will outperform recommended by a generation. Good, means i can once again use it for 5 years without trouble and run anything i want.
Xan Krieger said:
I fall at the first hurdle, my OS can't handle it.
Minimum System Requirements
OS: Windows Vista with platform update
Using windows XP, fuck
you really want to upgrade from XP if you are using your PC for gaming. Dont get me wrong, i love XP and i still thing it was the best looking OS ever made, but it simply is no longer supported. It cant do DirectX 10-11.1. This is why this game cannot run on XP - it no logner supports the legacy DirectX 9 and runs on a more powerful 11 variant (hence why vista upgrade packet, as pre-upgrade vista can only run 10). and more games are going this way. Most games released from now will no longer support XP i fear so you really should think about upgrading. I suggest 7, takes a while to get used to but its quite comfortable. I dont suggest 8, rather wait for 9 instead as that seems to be "8 except fixed".
Not to mention most hardware manufacturers dropped driver support for XP quite a while ago.
Snowbell said:
OS: Windows Vista with platform update
Ok, I'm safe here
CPU: High-performance dual core CPU or quad core CPU
Intel i3? I have no idea what that means
I have 3GB...
Graphics Card: AMD Radeon 4800 series / Nvidia GTS 250
GeForce GT 240, does that mean I fail?
DirectX: DirectX 10
What even is this?
Well I don't have a SSD but at least I have plenty of space to spare!
So, I'm guessing I probably wouldn't be able to play this. And that I have no knowledge whatsoever of computer firmware/hardware, huh.
Ill try to provide some explanation.
i3 is a new like of Intel CPUs that are pretty much controlling the market (well i3/i5/i7). They use different architecture which allows them to actually do more while remaining at same power. i3 is the dualcore variant, i5 is quad-core variant and i7 is 6-8 cores usually. thing to notice about the "i" variant is that they are more pwoerful than regualr cores, meaning for example a i3 with 2 cores would actually work as fast as 3 regular cores, and due to less number of cores its easier to code for. AMD only solution was to increase amount of cores (you can find 16 core CPUs from them), which didnt work that well since noone wanted to program for so many cores. the i generations also offer variuos increase (and problems) but i wont get into that now)
tl;dr you need a powerful CPU for that, preferably intel one.
3 GB of ram likely wont be enough and cause you problems, thought if it is a 32 bit program (can maximum use 3.6 GB due to technical limitation) you may not be in that bad of a shape here.
Sadly yes, that means you fail as far as graphical card requirement goes. But do not despare, requirements are sometimes not precise and the difference isnt that big, so it may just run afterall.
directx is, to put simply, a helper program. You said you are good in OS department so you will have directx 11+ very likely already, which supports diretx 10 programs (the game likely runs both anyway). the people that have to worry about that are people running XP or old Vista versions.
You dont NEED a SSD to run any game. SSD will make game load faster and textures stutter less in some games, but every game is definatelly playable on a HDD.