Thief Reveals Launch Date With New Cinematic Trailer


New member
Jun 17, 2009
evilengine said:
teebeeohh said:
still veeeeeeeeeery skeptic on this one.
and why does Garret talk so much about the city, he wouldn't give two fucks, the only reason he ever gets involved in world changing events is because an apocalypse would not be good for his bottom line.
What he said. Garrett was never one to get embroiled in the poor vs rich, I think he mentions the gap between the two once or twice, but it was never a central focus of his goals at all. It was always make a profit, then the story unravels and some supernatural or conspiratorial forces get to work, to which Garrett is unwillingly and forcefully dragged into, only though his wits and skills he saves the day, but the endings are all bitter sweet. He wins, but gets nothing from it and few people are even any the wiser. His is a thankless job, he's a criminal and that's all he ever is, and certainly isn't a voice of the downtrodden as this trailer seems to be suggesting.

It could be he takes no part in this revolt and merely watches form the sidelines, picking up what he can in the madness, but it doesn't really seem that way. We'll see.
there is just too much caring and too little happiness at the opportunities presented.
and having played the other games as a kid/young teenager growing up i really liked that you are a straight up unrepented bad guy, not a horrible person who seeks to inflict suffering unto others but a self-centered criminal with no heart of gold that awakens just in time for the final act BUT you also don't get the good guy ending. even in the first game i always had the feeling Garrett was much more annoyed at how expensive a replacement eye might be and how much that cuts into his profits than anything else.


Wait, what?
Jul 29, 2009
I... Will withhold judgment until I see see some gameplay footage or a demo.

It's a pretty looking cinematic, but that's all it is. If the gameplay ends up being solid and Garrett remains the snarky, callous jerk I know and love from the other games, then I'll start getting hyped. Until then, though, I'll remain skeptical.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
I think Aliens Colonial Marines has just ruined what optimism was left. Plus I don't get why everyone is giving it crap for somehow ripping off Dishonored. If the original thief games had a medieval fantasy setting then sure but the originals had steampunk settings as well. There's not much variety in Victorian-inspired industrial city.


New member
Dec 6, 2011
As much as I enjoyed Dishonored, I am not pleased that Thief is looking more and more like it every day. Hell they even have the same bridge (I don't remember a bridge in the earlier Thief games so I could be wrong here). I'm still holding out some vague hope, but things like contextual jumping is doing a real good job of smashing that down. Is it to much to ask for a city where you can run around stealing whatever isn't nailed down, and not have to worry about overused scripted events and QTE's.

le sigh. Probably just going to end up ignoring this and play some more of Thief 1 and 2, with mods.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
I'm excited for a Thief reboot. There, I said it! It could be interesting and it could even be better than the originals. But there are a few things I feel they should keep no matter what: Garret's sense of humour, the supernatural elements and the actual stealing everything not nailed down bit.

Obviously, I'd prefer it to look a bit less like Dishonoured but if you're gonna rip off a game, might as well be a great one.
Jun 23, 2008
Dishonored was inspired by The Dark Project. And now Thief looks like Dishonored.

Jumping is contextual? Won't fly. Part of the greatness of the previous games was freedom of movement (mantling and the first appearance of leaning). TDB was one game in which bunny-hopping away from guards seemed appropriate.

And yeah, Garret was never invested, even during The Metal Age, at least not enough to admit he had more interests than his own welfare. His allies were enemies of his enemies, and he was tolerated more because he was destined than because he was well-intended.

Thief isn't The Dark Project. It's shark-jumping fanfic until proven worthwhile. Somehow I expect it to, like Tomb Raider and Star Trek be a cover shooter with franchise assets.

Anticipating disappointment. Hoping for a fan-made HD remake of the first three.



New member
Nov 21, 2008
Dafuq kinda voice is that. He sounds like some kinda 20 something prissy college kid. Sigh. I didn't know you aged backwards in Thief.

Voice gropes aside, it looks like, well, not Thief. Maybe not a bad game in and of itself.

But it's not Thief. However, I do hope that if they keep one thing from Thief 1/2, it's the fact that being 100% quiet meant moving at a literal snail's pace. Not this Dishonored/Tenchu/Splinter Cell/Thief3/Everythingelse "I crouch and am now 100% silent" nonsense.

All my sadness.