Things from previous Elder Scrolls games that you wish were in Skyrim.


New member
Apr 3, 2009
I don't like how it's harder to interact with and move objects than it was in Oblivion. It's harder to turn and orientate an object and this makes it harder to customise ones house. I had a glorious book-collection in my Skingrad manor- it's much harder to set it just right in Skyrim.

Also, it irks me a lot how you can't block if you have a spell in one hand. I can imagine why they've done it, but it's a damn shame. In some ways, spell-sword combat was better in Oblivion, because you could pound your target with fireballs or whatever and quickly switch to your sword and shield to finish them off in a moment. Now the actions broken between me pausing the game by pressing the up-button to access my favourites so to switch to my shield. Spell-sword combat isn't as fluent as it was on Oblivion.

Still, overall it's an epic game.