things hard core gamers miss/ignore from their favorite games


New member
Oct 7, 2009
Ok, so if you are a hard core gamer your probably thinking this is complete bull... but read it first ok? now granted there are several things on this list that some people have noticed... but I'm talking the true fans of the game are missing this. While i am a fan of most of these games, and the only reason i know these is either it was a boring sunday and thought about it for a long time or a friend who doesn't like the game pointed it out.

Mario is a failure: I'm not talking about a bad game series, because its a great series (except it may have jumped the shark in Galaxy... i mean the best sequel they have is Galaxy 2) I mean Mario himself! think about it... desepite his ability to beat King Bowser he never gets there in time to prevent
A) Peaches kidnapping (with the exception of Galaxy 2) Mario gets there AFTER the event every time after all.
B) King Bowser buying over half the kingdom. Maybe he takes all the land he builds 8 castles a year, but the fact he was able to do that with out mario ever even trying to stop him really says something
C) Building the for-mentioned 8 castles
D) Bowser finding new and interesting way's to kill Mario. King Bowser in every game has a new toy that kills Mario several times. Think about it, how many times did you die when you got the first Mario game... how many game overs (and I'm talking about the original NES that most played when we were about 8.) now thats easily a hundred deaths per player... and there are over a billion gamers out there so thats ONE HUNDRED BILLION DEATHS A GAME. in the mean time... Mario is stuck with flowers and shrooms.

Spartans are suicidal with the exception of M.C. (Master Chief.): In the multi player of the Halo games the player gets a spartan of his very own and picks the color and even the armor in the games after #3. But remember what you fought in those games? OTHER SPARTANS! thats right, the spartans are all dead because they kept killing each other. There was no actual story behind the multi player but thats what every one played right? No matter what the story behind it is though, they are still killing each other, the only way that would be acceptable is if it was a VR training thing... except it cant be. if you read the book it describes in detail every thing the spartans went through in training... and VR is never mentioned once. Though you could say why would they detail everything? There where no detail about Master Chief taking a dump but we can assume he did. That however is blown out of the water with the fact that THERE ARE ELETES IN MULTI-PLAYER so they have a species of alien in a VR simulator that they have never seen before? (don't forget, they stopped making them before Reach and Reach was the first encounter). You could say the multi player is supposed to be Spartan Vs. Covenant during reach and such... But there where none during the first two games, or even ODST. (correct me if im wrong about ODST, I honesty did not get much of a chance to see it outside the story mode and could be wrong about that.) So they are either suicidal, (side effect of the drug maybe?) or bored out of their minds.

Sad VS. *****: So i'm going to use Cloud from FF7 for this one for two reasons. one, because he is the best example i can think of right now... and two... well i stomped on Mario and Halo... why stop now?
Ok, so if you never played FF7 let me fill you in on the story a bit before i get into the whole thing, the bad guy used to be a good guy until he discovered he is a clone of a alien/god creature. Sephiroth (the bad guy) then decides he is going to make his mother proud and kill off all the humans who are tainting the world and you are the only one who can stop him because... i dont really know... Either its because Cloud's emoness can assist him or he is also a clone super solder...
Ok, now we can talk the details about why Cloud has gone out of being sad, to being a emo *****. First thing that happened to him is when he was in the army (or was he? dun dun duuun.) he worked with Sephiroth (This is the even that turned him bad btw). This is like a rookie cop working with Bat man for his first mission. It all goes bad when Sephiroth discovers the truth and takes it out on the village they happen to be in... oh did I mention that its where Clouds family lives? cus thats important... So yeah, Cloud can be sad about that... I'd say about ten to fifteen years before he should think about getting over it right? So about ten to fifteen years later (he should be thinking about it and decided killing the guy who did it might help, reasonable still.) Cloud falls for a girl, and she joins your group. She became the white mage of my group because it was that or Red XIII and that just seemed weird to me. i also worked on making sure we had lots of Phenix downs and every one knew Revive, for worst case senerio. people who know the FF series know this was expensive as hell so it entailed a lot of grind to earn the Gil... Then my white mage dies as part of the story... and everything i have worked on is now worthless. i cant bring her back at all so i have permanently lost my white mage. She had to be replaced by a level 10 guy even though both Cloud and Tifa could rez and where experts at it... but no, cloud apparently is to emo to think logically... I decided to give the game away and look up the end on youtube because I could not deal with this any more. Cloud had the ability to fix it but would not do it, there is being sad and being stupid.

Poke'mon are the end of the world.: This one is a bit old but i have a detail to bring in that no one has noticed before.
Every one knows the story pretty much, you want to be a great trainer, so you get a your first one from a scientist (which is odd... if you wanted to be a greatest base-ball player you don't talk to a scientist about getting a bat.) Then you start your adventure and capture more that you turn into slaves and force them to kill each other... yeah its dog fighting with a anime twist. Now the poke'mon fans get to have a relaxing moment because the whole slave thing... yeah it may be slavery to a extent... but if you actually pay attention its more of owning pets and competing with them, So its like saying we enslave dogs or cats. Also the battling thing, its not a blood sport. Yeah is vicious, but its also regulated and its not to the death. they have special centers for dealing with the damage these poor pocket monsters get hit with. so thats not that bad... but the other side of the coin is my point. Remember that Poke'mon stadium game? remember the mini games, and how about the power plant one where you play as pikachu and zap the nodes? Well thats actually how the power plants work. Lumber mills? why work your ass off making a giant saw when you can get a bug to slice cleaner than the machine you can make? All jobs are done by the Peoples pets, not the people. You could call out slavery here but then again, we have police dogs and beasts of burden, they just took it farther than we can because we don't have a rat that can shoot thunder bolts... yet.
Now we get to the meat of the problem... the Poke'mon do EVERYTHING. These are not dumb creatures either... they are smart enough to have full conversations, and there is even a cat that taught itself to talk. It is really not a stretch to say that they could revolt if they wanted to... They have us by the balls, they could demand anything from us, how long until they want to run the government?

so there are many more things i can get into... but I feel people are going to be pissed enough and anything else i bring up is going to sound like im complaining about how you have to push buttons to punch or tilt the stick to walk. Thats not what im going for here, in-fact every thing i brought up is story related, not game play related. Some are going to say I'm looking to deep into it, to that i say shut the hell up, this is a fourm of art. Art should be admired and examined to the last detail, hell the Last supper is put under the magnified glass daily.
So comments, questions, problems... hell i dont mind a discussion, (if it gets to argument where we are getting actually upset then i'll just drop it but i dont mind a debate.)
oh and if you have a few things you want to add to the list post that too.