Things you have always wanted to say to an Ex


New member
Sep 24, 2009
I have two.

My first ex. "Well, you broke up with me. I got over it pretty quickly and now, I honestly don't give a shit about you. Nice try when you wanted to get back with me. That never would have happened."

My second ex. "As much as you're a ***** and as much as I really don't like you, I still find you really fucking attractive."


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Shit happens, glad you're happy, thanks for the good memories, and I'm sorry it didn't work :)


The end is nigh.
May 24, 2010

Because Scott Pilgrim knows: You gotta punch out your girlfriend's exes and try to have no strings attached sex with your own!

Or something...


New member
Aug 10, 2011
Let's see now.

Most previous ex...thing ?(didn't really date): Quit being a *****. Honestly, that's what you were. I could go into detail and teach you the error of your ways, but it all sums up rather nicely when I just call you a *****. Nothing but nice to you and your friends. Lucky I never told them some of the jacked up shit you told me. And no, I did not care when we "broke up". I legitimately haven't ever cared less about ending a relationship with someone. I understand that your life revolves around drama, but when you go out of your way to try and get a reaction out of me, don't be surprised when you get a reaction. Grow up.

Also, Heard you're dating the guy who cheated on you twice again? Have fun with that. It'll end swell.

Ex before this: Hey, can you blame me when you used your parents as an excuse for ending it? I really did like you, I was kind of baffled that you ended it the way we did. But you were generally a nice person (to me), so I really am sorry that we ended up clashing throughout the years. Oh, and that thing with your friend? I honestly had no ideas you guys knew each other.

Ex in 6th grade. Yeah, this one was definitely my fault. Honestly, I was a tween. We barely even talked, yet I really took it to far. Forgive my language.

And yeah. That's really it. I've dated many more girls, but most of it was kinda bullshit middle school stuff. I've never really considered myself to actually be in any legitimate relationships.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Thank you. I know we lost touch after a while, and I won't pretend I understand the whole reason we broke up, but I loved that we dated for a while, I was happy beyond words during that relationship, and I'm glad we were able to be friends beforehand and remain friends for so long afterward.

...yeah, I actually only have one ex. And typing that kinda backfired on me. ;_;


New member
Oct 13, 2010
Most recent: No I wouldn't be jealous of you talking to hot girls because I TRUSTED you. Also thanks for making me feel like a piece of shit. Also you have a tiny weird penis.

To the ex before that: thanks for the epic rebound sex. pity thats all we had in common.