Things You Liked As A Kid But Don't As An Adult (And Vice Versa)


New member
Jul 29, 2010
I've been pretty damn consistent I must say, even at the current age of 35 I like most things I did as a kid.

Chocolate milk, pizza, spicy Chinese food, fighting games, driving games, Slayer and Anthrax, martial arts. If anything, I just like more different stuff than before while my interests broaden. Yes I do some things a bit less because I've overkilled them, but that doesn't mean I don't like them anymore. I played drums since I was 5 and still have a set I bash on few times a week after work.

I've gotten into so much more, even if they are just dabbled in a bit: skateboarding, drifting, guitar, karate, kick boxing, mountain biking, sim gaming, airsoft, and now the most recent at almost mid-life crisis point - riding motorcycles. Sooooo...probably still just a kid I guess. Is that a bad thing?

Queen Michael

has read 4,010 manga books
Jun 9, 2009
I finally like coffee, ravioli, Jules Verne, the manga Akira, P.G. Wodehouse and Earl Grey tea.

I pretty much never stop liking things. The only exception would be watching the washing machine at work. I did that when I was about five or six. I still remember it.
Oh, and I can't stand many Swedish dubs of kids' shows anymore, now that I've learned to notice how they use the same six voice actors for basically every character in every cartoon. It's even worse than it sounds. You can actually tell that Reed Richards and Spongebob Squarepants are the same voice actor.
Feb 7, 2016
As a kid/teen I used to be all about metal. Almost exclusively. I didn't even know half of the band names, I just listened to them because it was metal.

Indeed today I still enjoy metal, but I've opened my tastes and mind to a vastly larger world of music. Today there isn't a genre I won't listen to if I like the music they're playing.

Other than that, same old shit. Perhaps I enjoy sweet things a lot less because they can actually make me feel nauseous (particularly candy and pastries)


New member
Jun 8, 2011
Things I liked as a kid but don't any more:
-Pokemon anime - I LOVED it as a kid. Didn't matter if it was a rerun, I'd always watch it when it came on TV. These days I can't really stand watching it any more. The games are still fun though.
-Counter Strike 1.6 - It used to be my main game when I was 15~18. I'd play it for 4~5 hours straight every single day. These days I barely touch any FPS, let alone CS.

Food I used to hate but like now: (since I can't think of other things but food items for this at the moment.)
-Broccoli - I used to hate the stuff. But these days I even like it plain every now and then.
-Tomatoes in any dish - Used to disgust me. These days I like eating them or including them in some dishes.
-Mushrooms - I used to hate the texture. I learned how to prepare them the way I do like them though and now it's the main ingredient for a sauce for a dish I really like.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Liked as a kid:
Nirvana - I cannot listen to any of their songs anymore. After Kurt died, the radio stations would not fucking STOP playing his shit, and it's now to the point, decades later, I still can't stand any of it. Plus I think it's a bit overhyped than it really merits.

Harder metal music in general: For me at least, music is very emotionally charged, and based on my overall mood/temperament. As a teenager, while not a huge metal fan, I did enjoy a lot of harder music, like TOOL's album OPIATE. And I just can't really listen to a lot of those albums anymore. The mindset they remind me, I'm so far divorced from at this point in my life, it feels strange. It's an unpleasant nostalgia, that I just really don't care to indulge much anymore. Thankfully, a lot of the bands that I loved back then, like TOOL, have also grown and evolved as a band, so I can continue to enjoy them, by listening to their newer music.

Like as an adult:
Pop music. At least some of it. As a kid, I would avoid a good bit of the pop radio stuff, but as a guy in my 40's, I genuinely enjoy stuff like Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, some Jpop and Kpop (though very little of that). I just don't give a shit anymore, and if the song is fun and improves my mood, I don't really give a shit who sings it.

There's probably some other stuff if I sat for a long time and just thought about it, but I don't feel like doing that, so this is what you get.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
I couldn't stand Westerns as a kid, but as an adult I have an appreciation for the good ones.

As a kid I always found them boring in terms of action. No explosions, lame slow guns, etc.

As an adult with a knowledge of history, ballistics, firearms manufacturing, etc. I have a much greater understanding of how old west gunfights went and exactly how the gunplay worked and why it's portrayed the way it is.

Wild West duels where two guys stand there wiggling their fingers and twitching look silly until you learn that dueling was actually illegal, and what the gunfighters are trying to do is psyche each other out and trying to make their opponent draw their gun first so that they can legally shoot them in "self-defense."

Watching old Samurai movies that were then adapted into Spaghetti westerns also didn't hurt, and neither did playing Red Dead Redemption.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
There's lots of things I now like less as an adult (or sometimes more) as my tastes have changed (using examples from this thread, Pokemon and Digimon waned in interest for me over the years), but as far as actual 180s go:

Things I Liked as a Kid but Don't as an Adult

-Dragonball Z. Loved this as a kid, tuned in every morning that I could, eager to see some evil doer get beaten up...or watch an episode of filler. One or the other. However, as an adult, there's something about DBZ that bothers me conceptually. Well, two things actually. One is a bit more benign, just the approach that to overcome any obstacle, one simply has to get more powerful - Goku trains to beat Vegeta, becomes a super saiyan (which is now meaningless since they're everywhere now as far as I can tell), Gohan has to beat Cell, etc. I'd argue that better writing would have protagonists at a set level, and overcome obstacles through more creative means than beating the hell out of them.

The second thing is that there seems to be a scenario where either you're a saiyan, or you're useless. I don't think this is intentional, but it's kind of a disturbing view on the world, that what you can achieve is entirely down to biology. I mean, if you were born a human in the DBZ world, and wanted to help protect your world against the arseholes that keep coming to it...well, don't bother, because no matter how hard you train, you'll never, ever, be on the level of someone who happened to be born in the right species.

-Family Guy: When I first saw Family Guy, I loved it. I saw it as an even more comedic version of The Simpsons, a more 'edgy' version if you will. Now? I hate it. Absolutely hate it. How much this is down to the show versus me maturing is debatable, but in later episodes, I hated the gross-out humor, hated the cutaway gags, hated how mean spirited it had become, etc. I mean, speaking of the Simpsons, I lost interest in it in the same way many others did, but that isn't a 180 in the same way Family Guy is for me.

-Candy (still like chocolate and ice-cream, but candy isn't really my thing anymore. Just makes me thirsty. Y'know, the snakes, gummi bears, etc.)

Things I Didn't Like as a Kid but Do as an Adult

-The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (probably told this story here a dozen times, so I won't bore you)

-Sushi (love it as an adult, hated it as a kid)

Bit of Both

-The Chronicles of Narnia (I like books 1-6 more as an adult since I can better appreciate their themes, but dislike Book 7 much, MUCH more for the same reason. Also doesn't help that they're still children's books, with a writing level to match)

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Hawki said:
The second thing is that there seems to be a scenario where either you're a saiyan, or you're useless. I don't think this is intentional, but it's kind of a disturbing view on the world, that what you can achieve is entirely down to biology. I mean, if you were born a human in the DBZ world, and wanted to help protect your world against the arseholes that keep coming to it...well, don't bother, because no matter how hard you train, you'll never, ever, be on the level of someone who happened to be born in the right species.
This was always my problem with DBZ as well. Krillin is basically the strongest human who has ever lived. He manages to fight and even do some decent damage to Frieza, but the show treats him as utterly useless because unlike the Saiyans, getting nearly killed doesn't automatically shoot up his power level.


New member
Sep 2, 2010
My Chemical Romance. I don't know, some of it is still ok, but for most part, just noooo.

Anime. I don't know what it is about it now. I just can't really stomach a lot of it. I guess it's because whenever I try and branch out to it, I just end up bored and realise that for most part, I know where the story is going to go. I understand there are a few exceptions, but jesus christ I just can't do it anymore D:

Timeless Lavender

Lord of Chinchilla
Feb 2, 2015
I was obsessed with Yu-Gi-Oh! as a kid. Whenever I miss a episode of the show, went into a tantrum. As I got older, I thought that the show is plain silly.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
Superman. I used to love his movies in my childhood; but nowadays I hate them (specially Man of Steel and Batman v Superman).

Rogue-likes. I used to hate them as a kid; but nowadays I like them (specially FTL and The Crypt of the Necrodancer).


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
CaitSeith said:
Superman. I used to love his movies in my childhood; but nowadays I hate them (specially Man of Steel and Batman v Superman).
I don't even like the older Reeves ones anymore.

I forgot to add that Baulders Gate 1 and System Shock I would no longer class as good. (BG2 is still good)


New member
Oct 12, 2013
Hawki said:
The second thing is that there seems to be a scenario where either you're a saiyan, or you're useless. I don't think this is intentional, but it's kind of a disturbing view on the world, that what you can achieve is entirely down to biology. I mean, if you were born a human in the DBZ world, and wanted to help protect your world against the arseholes that keep coming to it...well, don't bother, because no matter how hard you train, you'll never, ever, be on the level of someone who happened to be born in the right species.
Then again you can boost your power level if you become a cyborg just ask 17

OP I now prefer animated fight scenes where strategy is used instead of who make the biggest explosions.