Things you thought you'd love forever...


New member
Jul 17, 2009
axlryder said:
Seriously though, I think That guy with the I always figured I'd grow out of watching their stuff, but now I can hardly go on that site without being annoyed by the obnoxious and unfunny videos that practically permeate from its content creators as well as the users who practically fellate these guys for every turd that they drop. The major exception I think is Oan citizen. That dude is the bee's knees.

I guess it doesn't help that most of their shticks went stale and they lost a lot of people along the way.
Same here kinda'. Nostalgia Critic stopped his show (which was by and large pretty good, save for a bum review here and there, no pun intended), and all his other content besides the bum sucks. Also Spoony left, and his sight started to suck, really the only one I still watch is Angry Joe, and he's shared with Blistered Thumbs and his own website, and hell I'm even starting to get tired of him.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
College, or more specifically what I chose to do.

You have any idea how depressing it is to be a year and a half in and realise that you don't actually like what you do? That you're doing it not because you want to, but because you feel like you have to?


Elder Dragon
Jan 6, 2013
Call of Duty. I loved the series, I had fun with it since the beginning. Then Call of Duty 4 happened, and I loved it even more! Then Modern Warfare 2 came out, and the series began to decline in my eyes as I saw it having shorter and shorter campaigns, a lack of innovation, extremely unbalanced multiplayer, HORRIBLE business practices, an overabundance of DLC (most of which sucked) and many many issues besides.

That and almost every shooter now is trying to be CoD makes me hate it even more. I mean Dammit Crysis what happened? 2 was still fun, and better than a lot of other shooters that are coming out these days (I'M LOOKING AT YOU MEDAL OF HONOR) but I liked the open world of the first game SO much more than New York, which has been overdone to the point of Cliche.

And dammit Battlefield what happened? BF3 was supposed to be the best BF ever, but it ended up being a watered down version of BFBC2 AT BEST.


Elder Dragon
Jan 6, 2013
The Maddest March Hare said:
Family Guy.

Jesus Christ Seth McFarlane has lost his touch, with his shitty spinoffs which work on the exact same formula, the increasingly predictable and unfunny cutaway gags and the degeneration rather than progression of all the characters. The further in the program has gone, the more extremely stereotyped each character and joke has become. They're just whaling on the same cliche gags that made the series funny each time.

gigastar said:

It started going downhill early last year when they introduced microtransactions following the introduction of a wheel of fortune clone which you could buy spins on through microtransactions. And this wheel could potentially award high-level gear.

That and the combat rework has finally cemented it for me that the shareholders are thinking "We want to be like WoW! Lets copy everything they do!" so most of the preached updates so far this year are new raid bosses, updates to existing raid bosses to make them relevant after being left behind by the rest of the game and new quests which will probably unlock more raid bosses.

Not my cup of tea, so my stomach turns every time i think of going back to it.
Also this, except the combat rework and animations actually partially revived my interest. But nothing will save it until they bin the fucking investors. What was originally a unique take on MMO worlds with a great quest system has managed to drop everything that made it special in favour of aping every other popular MMO. The website redesign, the latest models and armour designs, the animation styles, all ripped wholesale from WoW, Aion and other big names in the MMO business. It's being milked as a cash cow, and when it eventually stops increasing in revenue the investors will drop it, pocket the cash and leave it to flounder and die.

The microtransactions are genuinely sickening, and my final straw was seeing tons of concepts for what were actually pretty damn cool being released as Solomon Store merch for the low low price of £20! That and the fucking panda costumes. That just happened to coincide with the release of mists of pandaria for WoW. Fuck off Jagex, kindly let yourself die with your shreds of dignity rather than allowing the investors to continue with this disgusting mess.

And this. I used to love Runescape. Sure the combat was weird, and the graphics meh at best, but the world was fantastic! The stories for the quests were some of the best I have EVER seen!


New member
Oct 5, 2011
MMOs in general. When I was a kid reading PC Gamer, Ultima Online sounded incredible. I'd fantasize about it. I forced my computer to run EQ when Ruins of Kunark came out (had to turn off the damn sky to get an almost playable frame rate), and was all about AO and so on. Now I can only bring myself to screw around in GW2 once in a while, occasionally play Rift a bit, and that's it. Just hate them. Wish there was an MMO that didn't devolve into "kill tough monsters for better loot to kill tougher monsters" treadmill, or at least did it with some panache, like Monster Hunter.

Forgotten Realms. I guess I don't exactly hate it, but as I've explored other fantasy novels and stuff, it's become more and more stale. Some books can be really good and refreshing, but it's not often. Same with DragonLance. And damn, am I tired of beautiful white people saving the day (which is actually killing me with A Song of Ice and Fire and Wheel of Time, even though I still enjoy both).

Final Fantasy. I still love and froth at the mouth over FF6 (and adopted a stray cat that I've named Sabin), but FFX was the last one I could bring myself to finish; couldn't bring myself to try the sequels because I hate Yuna, I don't care much for Rikku, and don't care to meet Payne. FF12 wasn't as bad as I first thought, but it didn't hold my interest. FF13 was a crime against taste and decency.

Journalism. Maybe I was naive, but in high school, journalism seemed so bad ass and courageous. Now that I've peeled back some layers and seen the progression of both print and televised journalism, I'm sick of it. I still keep up with news, but I have to comb through shit to find something I find trustworthy.

Star Wars. I still love the original trilogy. And I love KotoR 1 and 2. But man, soon that cow ain't gonna have much milk left.

Dogs. I love animals, but cats are so much quieter and easier to deal with. And even though they might climb curtains and stuff, I've never had a cat eviscerate my things the way my dogs used to.

CAPCHA: Cupid's arrow. And yes, obligatory joke about ex-girlfriends here. Though I do miss my former fiancee.


New member
May 8, 2009
The drink Yoohoo...
As a kid I loved it for a few months, drank it when I had the flu or something and then hated the taste.
I haven't had it in ages tho, maybe I'll like it again, gotta find it one of these days.
To answer the question no, while I make grow tired develop a dislike for a flavor of something it has never lead to an actual hatred.

Mondai Randy

New member
May 15, 2010
Ring of Honor , back when I started watching in 2004, I thought it was the best wrestling promotion ever. But around 2006 I started getting bored with it and I ignored. I completely stopped watching in 2008

Kenan and Kel - I used to love that show when I was a kid , recently watched an episode and wow did that show age badly

Queen Michael

has read 4,010 manga books
Jun 9, 2009
TwilitWolfAmaterasu said:
BanicRhys said:
I guess for me, it'd have to be Butt Stallion. It's along the lines of Homestuck where it was really great at first until everyone and their stupid PONIES decided to rape the joke with "RARITY AS A DIAMOND PONY OMGLOL". As an artist, I appreciate seeing ART instead of something funny like that with ponies slapped all over it. I have nothing against bronies, but you don't have to seep your fandom in EVERYTHING ELSE.
...what's butt stallion?


New member
Jul 24, 2008
SckizoBoy said:
Corax_1990 said:
Warhammer 40k, the game that is, anybody who has been involved in the game for 5+ years should know what I mean.

Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy the fluff, have 40+ 40k & Warhammer books on my shelf, but I hate GW more and more every time some kid convinces their parents to buy them a box of Ultrasmurfs for $65 that cost $35 when I was their age (about 10 years). Fuck you Games Workshop, with a big rusty choppa.
See, I still like the game & the fluff (always loved the fluff)... but I'm definitely with you on hating Games Workshop and whoever does their pricing, even in the UK (that is to say, the source of all WH40K goodness) everything's s'damned expensive. I get all my models from other hobbyists these days... *le sigh* I kinda feel sorry for their staff, because they're basically forced to buy shitloads of the products (granted with a piddly staff discount), but don't really get remunerated for all the extra work they do. You've really got to love the hobby to work at a GW outlet, because most of my GW friends have long since left or moved up to head office to different depts (including one guy who's now at 'Eavy Metal).

Hell... *dons monocle and a superior air* I remember the good old days when paints cost £1!
I love GW and all, but I'm right there with y'all on their pricing being the single most retarded thing they've got going.
Thing is, they're far and away the absolute best miniature company around.
They can charge whatever the hell they want because they're so much better that no one else comes close.

I think they've just about reached the ceiling of their insane pricing structure though.

Back when I started a Tactical Squad was like $25...and that was a lot. Now they're like...$37.50?
Okay, to be fair, the modern Tactical Squad IS a lot better than it was 10 years ago.....but NOT $12 better.

The prices for the tanks and flyers nowadays....sweet Throne Of Terra.... Land Raiders are nearing TWICE the price of what the current model originally was when it first came out.
The tiny Stormtalon is like $50, and the Stormraven is OVER $80... It's just messed up...

They're not doing their pricing calculations according to size of models or number of models anymore. The prices are based off of point values now.....but they keep adjusting the price UP every time there's significant change in oil prices...regardless of if the price changes up or down.

I'm interested to see how long they can keep this up before they start losing money by the truckload.

I have my 16000pts of Ultramarines. I can just sit back and watch.


New member
Feb 23, 2011
TheRightToArmBears said:
Energy drinks. I used to drink them constantly when I was younger, now I can drink them, but every now and then when I go to sip them I smell a whiff of something not unlike cowshit.
Gotta agree. I used to drink them like they were water. I didn't know how sick they were making me, either. Now I only drin tea and water.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
BanicRhys said:
... which you now hate.

For me, it's Rooster Teeth, especially the podcast. I would always look forward to the next RT podcast, it was probably the highlight of my week. But recently I've really begun to despise the entire crew for reasons I will not mention here for fear of setting this thread off on the wrong foot.
I used to listen to the podcast every week but I don't think I've listened to it for nearly a year now. I guess what it is, is that the original crew (Bernie, Gus, Geoff, Matt, Joel) were what got me into it in the first place. With Ray, Michael and Chris on there I just don't care as much anymore.

OT: Pokemon. It was the greatest thing to me when I was 12 but I just grew out of it at one point. And when I tried getting back into it, there were like 400 more Pokemon than I remembered so it seemed like too much effort to try.

Spider RedNight

There are holes in my brain
Oct 8, 2011
Queen Michael said:
TwilitWolfAmaterasu said:
I guess for me, it'd have to be Butt Stallion. It's along the lines of Homestuck where it was really great at first until everyone and their stupid PONIES decided to rape the joke with "RARITY AS A DIAMOND PONY OMGLOL". As an artist, I appreciate seeing ART instead of something funny like that with ponies slapped all over it. I have nothing against bronies, but you don't have to seep your fandom in EVERYTHING ELSE.
...what's butt stallion?
A Borderlands 2 joke

sextus the crazy

New member
Oct 15, 2011
Pokemon. Each game I play, I seem to get less and less into it. I've only got 40-50 hours on HGSS & BW (just enough for one playthrough and endgame content). Compared to the 150-200 hours I'd spent on each the of RSE & DPPT games, It's a clear decline. Hell, I can't even remember the names of the new ones anymore.


New member
Sep 19, 2012
Brawl in the Family. It used to be excellent. Well written and what not, which it still is. But it's the authors constant breaks. EG: Christmas 2011 he had a week off (Understandable) this time... Over a Month. But I don't despise the comic, I just think it's going down in quality.

MLP:FiM - Yeah. It grew stale. It's a chore. It's main;y that I've started watching better shows.


New member
Oct 3, 2012
BanicRhys said:
... which you now hate.

For me, it's Rooster Teeth, especially the podcast. I would always look forward to the next RT podcast, it was probably the highlight of my week. But recently I've really begun to despise the entire crew for reasons I will not mention here for fear of setting this thread off on the wrong foot.

But enough about me, let's hear from you.
I'm listening... []
I have to say I am in the same boat when it comes to RT as of late.

I still enjoy Red vs. Blue but it seems the last few series they have put out have been lacking, or pure shit. Nothing stands up to some of their RT Shorts and Immersion as a whole was pretty awesome.

The has gone down hill since they switched to video, maybe even before that. In addition to that, I immediately know if I am going to enjoy a podcast based on who is on it. If they could rotate Matt, Joel, and Geoff (Yeah, right.) in more often that would be fantastic. Oh, and it would be nice if Gavin stopped appearing altogether. I am tired of him redirecting every conversation to toilet humor or a lively discussion about his dick. At this point it isn't even worth the possibility that he will say something ridiculously stupid that everyone could berate him for.

Rage Quit I enjoy in waves. Let's Play's are consistently decent. Every so often they put out something hilarious.


New member
Jan 10, 2009
Another vote for Games Workshop games here. I really did think I would love those forever.

I started playing Warhammer 40,000 at the tail end of Rogue Trader/beginning of 2nd edition and immediately fell in love with the setting. The game was fun, too.

My falling out with Games Workshop actually isn't primarily about the price (although that certainly helped me quit!) but rather that I just stopped having fun with the games and the fluff for various reasons.

Queen Michael

has read 4,010 manga books
Jun 9, 2009
Duck Avenger comic books. I used to like them, and the old issues are still great, but the new ones just aren't as inspired most of the time.