Thirteen New Game Gear Titles Heading to 3DS Virtual Console


New member
Dec 1, 2009
Owyn_Merrilin said:
Azaraxzealot said:
I wonder what 80s gamers (back in the 80s) would have thought of someone telling them that Nintendo would beat Sega handily, then Sega would be making games for Sony, Microsoft, AND Nintendo, and Nintendo would have a full 3D handheld console that would be more than 100x more powerful than anything that existed today that would get Sega handheld titles of the day....
They'd probably be asking for a time machine, because that sounds awesome.

Of course they'd probably ask to stop time in its tracks if you told them about DRM and exploitative DLC...

Edit: Unless the person telling them that was from the time, and not a time traveller. In that case, they'd probably think the person saying it was crazy.
Neither of which I've seen Nintendo practice (thank Dio).


Geekdad News Writer
Jan 5, 2013
Vigormortis said:
If they manage to code, and gain legal permission for, a port of the Jurassic Park game, then I'm excited.

The game was fairly short, repetitive at times, and not all that great. Yet, I loved the hell out of it back in the day. I played it all too often.
I had completely forgotten about this game up until now. It was so much fun! I never made it to the end, though. :(


New member
Apr 9, 2008
If they get Phantasy Star Gaiden (or whatever it was called) on there, I might have to finally get a 3ds. I loved the Phantasy Star games but never played that one.