"This **** will not beat me."


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Yes, that is a Zero Punctuation quote in the title. But before you decide that I'm just being manipulative and trying to draw in more traffic, hear me out.

There are a lot of really difficult games out there, and there are some games that people find easy that others find impossible. Sure, that seems completely obvious - Demon's Souls exists in the same universe as Lego Star Wars. But here's the thing - some of us just give up when we reach a part of the game that's too hard. But depending on the game, sometimes I find that its suddenly kicking my ass just makes me want even more to beat it.

Recently, I've been playing a lot of League of Legends (under the screen-name NerfedFalcon if you want to come find me, I don't turn down friend requests but I might unfriend you if I wind up hating you), and it's struck me that for various reasons, I'm actually pretty terrible at the game. From not knowing to hug the turret if you're outnumbered on a lane to forgetting that I have two Summoner Spells equipped, one way or another I just can't stay alive long enough to get anything useful done for my team. But, I don't know how it did this, but I want to play it even more just so I can stop doing stuff like that, finally become good at it. And I didn't even like it at first.

I don't know what's up with it - whether it's that I know some friends are playing it and might want to help me out, to the fact that I've already bought a champion (it was Annie, for the record) so now I'm 'invested', something's clicked in my brain. And now, I don't want to stop until I've, not mastered, but at least managed to get rid of the ball and chain mentality. It's an incredibly rare game that does that to me - and rarer still when it's multiplayer-based.

So what about you guys? What are some games that you found incredibly difficult, but that just made you more tenacious in return?


New member
Mar 2, 2011
I'd say Dungeon Defenders on Nightmare. It's incredibly difficult compared to the rest of the game (if only because there are enemies that spawn that you might have never seen before, and they require a fresh way of thinking compared to even Insane mode), especially when you're only starting to get into mythical equipment (but it's also a requirement to get said equipment). Still, I'm determined to do everything (eventually) on Nightmare, so I'm inching my way through it.


Pro Misinformationalist
Jun 22, 2011
Heres the deal with everything you do in life.

Throw enough shit at the wall some of its gonna stick.

So basically just keep at it, pick 1 char and stick to it, bollacks to team compisation at the level your playing at :) just pick 1 champ and play it to a diamond shine.

Things you find hard now will become 2cnd nature eventually, map awareness is the hardest thing you can learn, people won't call mia just assume they don't speak english as most legue players seem to be brazilian or russian.

Mute people who are rude to you or are gobbin off they will only tilt you and make you loose focus.

Read, i mean read lots on the forums you will learn alot.

Unfortuntley i don't play legue anymore, else i would be happy to mentor you. I moved onto dota 2 :)


New member
Dec 4, 2011
Gish... I don't have the words to describe how frustrating the fire world in that game gets. But I kept going and it got a bit better after that, it didn't get back up to the level of the beginning of the game, but it got better.

I usually try not to quit games for those reasons because often they do get better (or even worse) after and I like to know.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
Demon's/Dark Souls, obviously. Although my resolve eventually died with the former (fucking King Allant).

Honorable mention goes to Halo 3. That was my first FPS and my introduction to the genre, and the basic FPS control scheme was kicking my ass. But I was determined to finish the game, so I eventually did. On Easy.

Fortunately, I'm now actually good at the game as well as FPSes in general.

Sean Hollyman

New member
Jun 24, 2011
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, on Sith Master difficulty

Kazdan Paratus was a damn hard boss, but I persisted and wooped his ass


New member
Mar 17, 2012
Halo 3's cortana mission on legendary solo. Absolute piss take but I did it. Eventually.

Sean Hollyman said:
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, on Sith Master difficulty

Kazdan Paratus was a damn hard boss, but I persisted and wooped his ass
Bah, he wasn't too bad on that difficulty. I personally had more problems with the proxy as maul cos pretty much as soon as he started a combo on you, you may as well restart the fight.

Sean Hollyman

New member
Jun 24, 2011
MiskWisk said:
Halo 3's cortana mission on legendary solo. Absolute piss take but I did it. Eventually.

Sean Hollyman said:
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, on Sith Master difficulty

Kazdan Paratus was a damn hard boss, but I persisted and wooped his ass
Bah, he wasn't too bad on that difficulty. I personally had more problems with the proxy as maul cos pretty much as soon as he started a combo on you, you may as well restart the fight.
Really? I found Maul easy, I just spammed the same few moves every few goes and he hardly got a chance

Dalek Caan

Pro-Dalek, Anti-You
Feb 12, 2011
Gears of War, General RAAM on Insanity difficulty. I spent two weeks trying to kill him just so I could beat the game on its hardest difficulty. When I head kill him it twas a glorious sight. Still to this day my greatest gaming achievements.


New member
Nov 7, 2011
Most recently, Donkey Kong country returns K levels on mirror mode. It was quite frustrating at times but it was amazing to feel my reaction times quicken and other such things.

Z of the Na'vi

Born with one kidney.
Apr 27, 2009
Recently I have been playing a lot of Arkham City, having already played through the story mode and proceeding onto the challenge maps before I do my New Game+. I've made decent progress so far, but my god are some of these campaign gauntlets brutal, especially with the modifiers they force you to use.

More specifically, I'm talking about the Predator missions (the Combat ones I'm pretty good at).

I have Riddler's "game over" lines burned into my head I have heard them so much. However, I don't quit because they are challenging and usually I only fail due to my own stupid mistakes. I also keep coming back because the challenges are flat-out fun. There is little that can top wiping out an entire room of thugs without one of them even catching a whiff of your presence. Those combat challenges aren't bad, either.

I refuse to let the challenge maps beat me for this reason. I will keep going until I have mastered them all with each character.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Super Meat Boy and I Want To Be The Guy

Admittedly, I finished neither of them, but they drive me to that extent.


New member
Jun 14, 2011
Had one of them momments with a mech in Fear 3 on insane difficulty (i got it dirt cheap dont judge me!) Damn sod would chase me all over and poor pointman almost went into cardiac arrest from all the sprinting. Cover was no help the mech would just go up to you and smash your face in or shoot the cover to bits. Sprinting to a safe place is also murder cos its weapons were insanely accurate and kills you in 2 hits and again it chases you.

Half an hour later karma kicked him in the arse.

The **** did not beat me!


New member
Jun 18, 2008
Call of Duty Classic. Hardest difficulty was pure hell; No regenerative health and no medkits, four bullets and you're dead. One on rails truck level had me periodically going to a nearby punching bag to relieve anger. To top it all off, difficulty trophies weren't stackable and I had to play the game twice more.

Still, I had fun, which is more than I can say about other Call of Duty games.

Broady Brio

New member
Jun 28, 2009
Max Payne 3 on hard. I've never played a Max Payne game.

Everytime you run out of bullets while falling. I have to try again, which causes me to put in rage to my playing strategy. Sometimes it works. Sometimes not. Repeat until it works. Now to get all these Golden Guns and clues I've missed, then try Hardcore and Old School difficulty.