Those "Dude, I'm fucked up" moments


A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
Jan 24, 2009
And not as in drunk, but as in a fucked up person.

After seeing the thread about teaching kids to cross the road this popped up on my mind. We all have those little moments when we realize we have a morbid side to us. My example: I've been working at a graveyard all summer (gardening work, that sort of thing.) One day I noticed a grave where a 4-day old baby had been buried.

His surname: Fatal. I'm not kidding.

I chuckled a little, and immediately stepped back and thought "Dude, I know it was sort of funny, but that's fucked up". The moment's been stuck on my mind ever since.

So, your similar experiences?

captcha: exceedingly well read. Why thank you, finally someone noticed!

Oly J

New member
Nov 9, 2009
Well, I must have had loads of those as I think I'm pretty fucked up on a regular basis, but no isolated incident immediately springs to mind, I suppose the biggest cause of concern for me is that I've never once cried over a death, no matter how close the deceased was to me, or how sudden the death, I've never shed a tear over it, and my grandmother, to whom I was particularly close, died extremely suddenly, and I was the only one not crying, I certainly felt like crying, but the tears wouldn't come


Jun 5, 2013
Well, I grew up on a farm and we had chickens. Every so often field mice would end up building nests in the coops. So I would clean them out. Ever see Jurassic Park? The hens would puff up, squawk, tear those mice apart, and devour them in seconds. Like mini feathered raptors. Not gonna lie, slightly disturbing, but interesting to watch.


That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.
There was a shoot-out around me once, I didn't even react, like at all, I mean I noticed, I just didn't care enough about anyone's life or my own to do something stupid or run to safety, I just walked across like nothing was happening and no bullets hit me, so I guess it was OK, but rather strange, I always thought I'd do something stupid, I mean I put a knife to a drug dealer's neck once and when I got mugged I just pushed the asshole aside and told him I had no time for that shit, so I know I'm not afraid of death and I know I usually care about other people way more than it's probably healthy, but when put on the spot I don't really give a shit, so that's pretty fucked up, specially considering the other stuff I mentioned is kinda fucked up too, and there's a lot of stuff that I don't even dare mention, so it's safe to say I'm astronomically fucked up, though considering people keep thinking I'm going to kill them that's not much of a surprise.
Sep 14, 2009
bartholen said:
And not as in drunk, but as in a fucked up person.

After seeing the thread about teaching kids to cross the road this popped up on my mind. We all have those little moments when we realize we have a morbid side to us. My example: I've been working at a graveyard all summer (gardening work, that sort of thing.) One day I noticed a grave where a 4-day old baby had been buried.

His surname: Fatal. I'm not kidding.

I chuckled a little, and immediately stepped back and thought "Dude, I know it was sort of funny, but that's fucked up". The moment's been stuck on my mind ever since.

So, your similar experiences?

captcha: exceedingly well read. Why thank you, finally someone noticed!
not gonna lie, i lol'd when I read that, so i'm right there with you.

hell I might be worse, I laugh at the most fucked up shit, I'm one of those people where you say someone was electrocuted in *insert horrific way here* and i'm bound to start cracking up, I actually had a teacher call me out on it in class one time, I felt horrible but I couldn't help but laugh at it.

occasionally a deep dark thought will pop into my head, usually it's my brain trying to troll me by thinking of fucked up things so i get a sour face trying to get the thoughts out of my head.


this is one of the video's I cried laughing at the first time I saw it.

it didn't help my friend kind of did some asian commentary for it, but man I had to wipe some tears away.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
Anytime I play this [] game.

Or when my brother nearly died from his colon basically exploding. After he explained what happened I said to him straight to the face: "So you were full of shit?"


New member
May 14, 2011
When I was a little kid I decided to 'parent' a little panda plushie. I made it a little bed under my own, and pretended it was alive. I few days later I discovered how fun it was to soak it in water and throw it against the brick wall... until I came to the realisation that I'd completely destroyed the thing I'd been nurturing for days. It made me cry.

EDIT: Also, I cried with laughter watching this:

Mossberg Shotty

New member
Jan 12, 2013
I come to that realization more often than I would like to admit, but no one example really springs to mind. Anyways, I try to be compassionate most of the time.

I'm not nearly as bad as some of my friends though.


New member
Aug 2, 2011
I once got a boner while watching one of the Saw movies. I immediately put that thing in a bucket of ice. Yeesh.


Elite Member
Mar 17, 2010
saintdane05 said:
I once got a boner while watching one of the Saw movies. I immediately put that thing in a bucket of ice. Yeesh.
If you're talking about the freezer scene then I'm (shamefully) there with you.
Our brains went all "Hey, it's a naked lady, penis, you know what to do."
Sure, I can play the "it's involuntary" card but that doesn't make me feel any better...

It's pretty much that for me, actually, getting aroused by things I... REALLY shouldn't be.
I won't mention them here for my own sake, I'm sure you guys have seen/heard worse things than I have to tell, but I'm trying to get rid of these dark parts of me and bringing them up and describing them in detail is something I don't want to bring myself to do.

But it's only like, two or three things, other than that, I like to think I'm pretty stable.

an annoyed writer

Exalted Lady of The Meep :3
Jun 21, 2012
I had one of those last year. I was out with a friend getting drinks at the local Taco Bell and some guy drove by while his friend stuck his torso out of his window to yell "YOLO" at us for whatever reason. I turned to him and said "wouldn't it be funny if he got hit or killed by a blunt object right as he said that?" and my friend responded "That's pretty fucked up, but yeah, the irony is pretty funny."

Dirge Eterna

New member
Apr 13, 2013
Queen Michael said:
Now and then, I realize that my sexual tastes are pretty damn sick.
Meh as long as you are doing something consensual and no one is getting hurt against their will then do what you want.

I have laughed at people who seriously hurt themselves due to their own stupidity quite often. I believe if you are doing something wrong and you get hurt or killed then its your fault. In high school there was a guy who was always being a dick to anyone who wasn't in the cool football player clique. Well he got busted at 16 for DUI, lost his car in the accident and his idiotic parents bought him a new sports car. He killed himself a few days later driving home drunk. We had a whole assembly about underage drinking and driving under the influence and his parents were there crying about how he was such a victim. About 5 of us stood up and told her it was his fault laughed and turned our backs on them and walked out. It was worth the 3 day suspension.

Elementary - Dear Watson

RIP Eleuthera, I will miss you
Nov 9, 2010
In work I see a lot of people die... either on a live feed, on a video or via reports. Sometimes I need to study the videos to determine cause of death, or to confirm weapon effects. Seeing this used to affect me, especially if it was someone in our own uniform being slotted, but now... now it doesn't affect me at all. I can watch the vids, do my job, and get on with it... and after a while I notice that i'm not affected any more, and I think 'sicko'. Sometimes I even find it funny.

2 of the ones I saw live made me laugh... They were both Darwin Award level suicides. The first was an IED emplacer, who buried the IED with a pressure pad. He then retreated to a spot to watch it work. Weirdly from his hiding spot he had forgotten exactly where it was he had buried it, and he hadn't set up a marker. He goes back to it, and prods around with his foot to re-find it. Boom...

The second one was a suicide bomber with a vest travelling down a road towards a PB. An aircraft was re-routed to do a 'show of presence' above him (basically a low fast fly past, to show that we have an aircraft in the area, low so they can see it's armed) He didn't respond to the first one, so the aircraft did it again... this time he decided to try and destroy the aircraft with his suicide vest... Unfortunately for him, it doesn't effect an aircraft hundreds of feet above him, so all he did was made a mess on the road.

I would like to think this is more conditioning than being fucked up, but it is still concerning...

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Elementary - Dear Watson said:
2 of the ones I saw live made me laugh... They were both Darwin Award level suicides. The first was an IED emplacer, who buried the IED with a pressure pad. He then retreated to a spot to watch it work. Weirdly from his hiding spot he had forgotten exactly where it was he had buried it, and he hadn't set up a marker. He goes back to it, and prods around with his foot to re-find it. Boom...
That's the one you told me about, right?

OT: Well, I for one am unashamedly in touch with my dark sense of humour, so that never makes me question myself.

I suppose the last time I really thought "hey, I might be rather fucked up" was when I was tending to my stab wound (for reasons I won't go into). I ascertained that I didn't need to, but it kept crossing my mind that I should cauterize it just for the hell of it.

Similarly, on some level I'm glad I've experienced alcohol poisoning.


New member
Feb 27, 2012
Well I very much enjoyed a scene in Elfen Lied. Most of them I thought the ultra-violence was kinda neat, and fairly disgusting, but the scene after (hopefully this works) those kids beat Lucy/Kaede's dog to death in front of her, where she rips their bodies to shreds. The logical part of my brain thought death was too harsh a punishment for killing a dog, especially since their kids. The more emotional part of my brain was rooting for it all along, and wished it had lasted a little longer, so they could tell what was about to happen before they were shredded. They beat the only thing a little girl ever loved to death in front of her. They murdered a innocent little puppy. Fuck them. Kill them in the most gory, painful, awful way you possibly can, and hang their dismembered corpses from nearby trees as a warning.


New member
Aug 2, 2011
torno said:
saintdane05 said:
I once got a boner while watching one of the Saw movies. I immediately put that thing in a bucket of ice. Yeesh.
If you're talking about the freezer scene then I'm (shamefully) there with you.
Our brains went all "Hey, it's a naked lady, penis, you know what to do."
Sure, I can play the "it's involuntary" card but that doesn't make me feel any better...
Nope. I'm talking in real life. Helps unarouse a male. Don't ask how I know that.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
I read the Darwin awards and couldn't stop laughing at people violently removing themselves from the gene pool


New member
Aug 13, 2009
My neighbours....I hate them.

This hate had led to me imagining things happening to them that would make A Serbian Film look like Teletubbies. Hell, I even had a dream once where I kicked down their door and went postal on them with a chainsaw.

When I woke up I was all "Jesus...that's a bit much even for me".