Those "Dude, I'm fucked up" moments


New member
May 16, 2013
Whenever I hear about a drunk driver dying, I think "good". (If they take anyone else out with them, I feel bad for those people though.) If someone (like my dumbass loud neighbours) go drinking and then drive, or someone has their car stereo blasting stupidly loud, or no muffler, or drives way over the speed limit, I say "Crash. Only kill yourself though, please." And I mean it.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Lonewolfm16 said:
Well I very much enjoyed a scene in Elfen Lied. Most of them I thought the ultra-violence was kinda neat, and fairly disgusting, but the scene after (hopefully this works) those kids beat Lucy/Kaede's dog to death in front of her, where she rips their bodies to shreds. The logical part of my brain thought death was too harsh a punishment for killing a dog, especially since their kids. The more emotional part of my brain was rooting for it all along, and wished it had lasted a little longer, so they could tell what was about to happen before they were shredded. They beat the only thing a little girl ever loved to death in front of her. They murdered a innocent little puppy. Fuck them. Kill them in the most gory, painful, awful way you possibly can, and hang their dismembered corpses from nearby trees as a warning.
You're not supposed to write the plural of spoiler in the spoiler tags. Simply [spoiler ] and [/ spoiler ] is the correct one.

OT: If I were to share mine then I fear someone would get me thrown into the loony bin and I don't want that. I do make a lot of sick jokes though.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
I think this is a problem for anybody with a decent imagination and a bit of boredom. I know my mind goes to dangerous places when I dont have enough to do...


New member
Aug 22, 2009
More often than I would like to admit, I imagine someone I hate being tortured or killed in a horrifying way, and I can't help but laugh, sometimes out loud.


New member
Feb 8, 2013
So long as you're not hurting anyone IRL, what goes on in your head doesn't matter.


has tits and is on fire
Jan 8, 2009
bartholen said:
And not as in drunk, but as in a fucked up person.

After seeing the thread about teaching kids to cross the road this popped up on my mind. We all have those little moments when we realize we have a morbid side to us. My example: I've been working at a graveyard all summer (gardening work, that sort of thing.) One day I noticed a grave where a 4-day old baby had been buried.

His surname: Fatal. I'm not kidding.

I chuckled a little, and immediately stepped back and thought "Dude, I know it was sort of funny, but that's fucked up". The moment's been stuck on my mind ever since.

So, your similar experiences?

captcha: exceedingly well read. Why thank you, finally someone noticed!
I got told I was a terrible person and a dick and deserved to get stabbed in the eye by somebody when I was visiting the Normandy World War 1 graves because I kept giggling at some of the names (I was 12, and extremely immature). I later found out that the guy who'd threatened to stab me had lost his Dad a few years ago, and THEN I felt guilty.


New member
Jul 18, 2009
ExtraDebit said:
I used to torture small animals, now that I look back I realized how fucked up I was.
I don't think there's a kid in the world who hasn't bisected ants with a knife or burned something with a lit match.

I used to chase down butterflies with a rake. Once when I was 7 or 8 I threw an injured butterfly into a spider web, then returned 5 minutes later to see it twitching and squirming in agony, being devoured alive by the most terrifying spider I've ever seen. I almost cried with regret.

Aramis Night

New member
Mar 31, 2013
Yesterday, A woman came to my store and asked if we had anything for infants. I immediately told her that we are currently selling our excess hanger stock at around 60 cents a hanger. I love my job.

Black Reaper

New member
Aug 19, 2011
I cried more when a videogame character died, than when my great-aunt died
I should clarify that means 2 of my great-aunts died, not that one died twice

I also value the life of my pets more than the lives of some people i know


Dib dib dib, dob dob dob.
May 25, 2009
I don't use coasters at friends houses.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Silently wishing terrible harm on people who use cell phones/text messaging while driving, or smoke while driving with kids in the back seat and/or blow their smoke into your face and act offended when you cough from it.

Then my common sense catches up and I think 'What are you thinking dude, they don't deserve to die for being inconsiderate idiotic jerks, if that was the case half the population would die'.

Then I feel very sad and depressed, because it's probably more than that.


New member
Oct 19, 2010
gmaverick019 said:
not gonna lie, i lol'd when I read that, so i'm right there with you.

hell I might be worse, I laugh at the most fucked up shit, I'm one of those people where you say someone was electrocuted in *insert horrific way here* and i'm bound to start cracking up, I actually had a teacher call me out on it in class one time, I felt horrible but I couldn't help but laugh at it.

occasionally a deep dark thought will pop into my head, usually it's my brain trying to troll me by thinking of fucked up things so i get a sour face trying to get the thoughts out of my head.


this is one of the video's I cried laughing at the first time I saw it.

it didn't help my friend kind of did some asian commentary for it, but man I had to wipe some tears away.
I'm not religious, but damm!! God must really hate that guy.

Kevlar Eater

New member
Sep 27, 2009
When I was younger (around 8-10 years old), anytime I caught a small lizard, I would rip its skin off, tease a fire ant hill, drop it in and watch the action.

I stopped doing it because I got bored of the hobby. That's about the most fucked-up thing I can recall doing.

Aramis Night

New member
Mar 31, 2013
WhiteFangofWar said:
Silently wishing terrible harm on people who use cell phones/text messaging while driving, or smoke while driving with kids in the back seat and/or blow their smoke into your face and act offended when you cough from it.

Then my common sense catches up and I think 'What are you thinking dude, they don't deserve to die for being inconsiderate idiotic jerks, if that was the case half the population would die'.

Then I feel very sad and depressed, because it's probably more than that.
I disagree entirely. I believe that self centered and selfish/inconsiderate behavior is a great indicator as to who deserves to live the least. And I don't disagree about half of the population deserving to be snuffed out.

Mark Rhodes

New member
Nov 15, 2011
I was being a dick on the internet in skype with some friends, as I tend to do, and we were playing team fortress 2 and just fucking around when some guy said "Oi, stop fucking around because I actually want to win." We joked around about him for a while and he kept complaining so I told him that I was going to go "Boston Bomber on his butthole". I'm not proud of it, but I must have been really pleased with myself at the time.
Sep 14, 2009
rutger5000 said:
gmaverick019 said:
not gonna lie, i lol'd when I read that, so i'm right there with you.

hell I might be worse, I laugh at the most fucked up shit, I'm one of those people where you say someone was electrocuted in *insert horrific way here* and i'm bound to start cracking up, I actually had a teacher call me out on it in class one time, I felt horrible but I couldn't help but laugh at it.

occasionally a deep dark thought will pop into my head, usually it's my brain trying to troll me by thinking of fucked up things so i get a sour face trying to get the thoughts out of my head.


this is one of the video's I cried laughing at the first time I saw it.

it didn't help my friend kind of did some asian commentary for it, but man I had to wipe some tears away.
I'm not religious, but damm!! God must really hate that guy.
if that video is real, I whole heartedly agree, i just wouldn't get up after that, in fear of being struck again, zeus was clearly wanting him to STAY THE FUCK DOWN.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
I can't help but think up torture methods in my free time. It's kind of like a mental exercise, figuring out how to do the most with the least, and then how to improve upon the last iteration. What makes this fucked up is that I really don't like hurting anyone. Shit, I get upset when people start talking about hurting the Nyancat, and that thing's not even real.

So far, the best method I've come up with involves a Twister spinner and a hammer.


Avid Reader
Dec 22, 2008
I guess the worst thing would be that I'd eagerly employ my Civilization/Alpha Centauri behaviors into real world politics if I had relevant authority.

That's a bad thing.