thoughts on medical marijuana?


Perfect Strangers
Jun 23, 2009
13 states and counting for legalization here in the U.S. Lets hope the other states follow suit. Its only a matter of time. It really makes no sense for the drug to be illegal. Think about all of the other more harmful substances that are legal.


New member
Mar 23, 2010
Aisaka said:
I have seen the effects of long term marijuana use.

I refuse to support anything that involves people using it.
And I have seen the long term effects of both alcohol and tobacco use. They're both legal.
Honestly I think there is a point at which a person should be able to decide for themselves what they put in their bodies without the government stepping in. That and the legal and economical benefits of legalized marijuana.
Note: TO A POINT. Things like meth and PCP I could never consider legalizing.
*Edit* You know what they say, a drunk driver will run a stop sign. A driver who's high will sit there and wait for the sign to change.


New member
Jun 14, 2009
TheSquirrelisKing said:
And I have seen the long term effects of both alcohol and tobacco use. They're both legal.
This really can't be said enough, nearly every country's drug policy is completely screwed up. We either need a mass legalisation or a mass banning all the way down to caffeine. A lot of fuss was made about Prof. David Nutt's claims comparing ecstasy harm to horse riding (I'm not convinced, he doesn't provide adequate numbers for my liking) but his same article had some hilariously messed up statistics. I can't find it off hand, but to badly paraphrase:

He did a study on % of drug deaths reported. It's something like [stupidly low]% of paracetemol deaths are reported in papers, [sort of 80-ish]% for heroin, and [slightly over 100]% of ecstasy. As most people get their drug news from the papers and not the coroner's report this leads to completely backwards views on drug lethality.

Public survey on drug classifications, large swathes of people are in support of an A or B class for pot. They want it VERY illegal. Yet at the same time they want light sentences on possession. Even though the ONLY difference between the classes is the typical sentencing. Clearly the A to C ranking is too damn vague to be any use.


New member
Mar 29, 2010
The likelihood of the drug being legalized is very small, for the simple reason that it has to be smoked. Now it can be eaten, and made into a drink, but it will never be legalized due to its heavy association with rolling and bongs. The stoner movies will always keep it stigmatized on some level as well.


New member
Nov 4, 2009
it should be, same with recreational. you give away the cheap stuff for free at state sponsored clinics(the same place where you can get help if you get addicted) and you can buy fancy artisan dope at cafes.


New member
Aug 29, 2009
As a pill form medical drug I don't see how it's worse than anything else. As something burned I'm not so sure it would be better that way but still not too harmful from what I've heard.


New member
Mar 23, 2010
StevieWonderMk2 said:
TheSquirrelisKing said:
And I have seen the long term effects of both alcohol and tobacco use. They're both legal.
-snip-We either need a mass legalisation or a mass banning all the way down to caffeine. -snip-
A mass banning all the way down to caffeine? Has no one in this country learned their lesson from Prohibition? The illegalization of alcohol is what created organized crime in this country, and during Prohibition, alcohol consumption did not slow down. The government realized that fighting the mobs and enforcing policy was too expensive and wasn't working.
The parallels to the illegality of pot are astounding. Pot (and later along with cocaine) almost single handedly provided gangs the means to purchase the weapons that make them so dangerous. Honestly, I'd almost be in favor of legalizing crack cocaine just to see what it would do to the gangs.
Almost. But seriously, a lot of the so called "crime" in this country is all because this generally harmless plant has been made illegal. At the very least it should NOT be a schedule 1 drug.


New member
Mar 11, 2009
I think that we should get both. Seriously, smoking and drinking are legal, why not recreational marijuana? If anything it's better for you than the alternatives.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Just legalize it think how many people every year lose their lives, go to jail, or something else specially in countries that we force this legislation on. We finance huge drug organization and gangs just on our refusal to legalize something.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Legalize it, put age limit to 18, set a limit that can be bought at one time, tax it, and have only certain shops that can sell it (i.e., pharmcies, and other places that have to get permits)

It's better then smoking, it's better then alcohol. I don't even know why it's so heavily illegal.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Now that there's a substitute for medical Marijuana(K2),there's really no legitimate reason for it to be legalized.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Marq said:
Fuck no. My taxes aren't for others to get high on. I'd sooner support medical cyanide.
ugh guys like you weed is more harmful than soda
oh and weed can save lives and here are some hemp and cannabis facts


1. Cannabis and hemp are the same.
"Marijuana" was the Mexican name given to cannabis.

2. Cannabis was first cultivated in China around 4000 B.C.

3. The original drafts of the Declaration of Independence
were written on hemp paper.

4. One acre of hemp will produce as much paper as four acres
of trees.

5. Hemp is a source of fiber for cloth and cordage for rope.
The hemp fiber is located inside the long stem of the plant.

6. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew hemp. Washington,
our first president, declared," Make the most of the hemp seed.
Sow it everywhere."

7. Hemp seed is nature's perfect food. the oil from hemp seeds
has the highest percentage of essential fatty acids and the
lowest percentage of saturated fats.

8. Sterilized hemp seed is commonly sold as bird seed.

9. Rolling papers, like Bambu, are made from hemp paper.

10. In 1937, the Marijuana Tax Stamp Act Prohibited the use, sale,
and cultivation of hemp/marijuana in the United States.

11. Five years later, during World War II, the U.S. Department of
Agriculture released the film, " HEMP FOR VICTORY, " which
encouraged American farmers to grow hemp for the war effort.

12. Hemp is cultivated all over the world. Today, China, Korea,
Italy, Hungary, Russia, and France are among the countries
that grow hemp for fiber, paper, and other products.

13. Cannabis is classified as a schedule 1 drug by the Food and
Drug Administration. Designated as a narcotic, it cannot be
prescribed by physicians to patients.

14. In 1988, the DEA's own administrative law judge concluded that
"Marijuana is one of the safest, therapeutically active
substances known to man."

15. Cannabis can be used as a medicine to treat nausea, pain, and
muscle spasms. It alleviates symptoms of glaucoma, multiple
sclerosis, AIDS, migraines, and other debilitating ailments.

16. Thirty-five states have passed legislation permitting medical
use of marijuana.

17. Twelve Americans receive prescribed marijuana from the U.S.

18. More than 400,000 Americans are arrested each year on marijuana

19. More than 400,000 Americans die from diseases related to cigarette
smoking each year. More than 150.000 Americans die of alcohol abuse
each year. But in 10,000 years of usage, NO ONE has EVER died from

Richard Hannay

New member
Nov 30, 2009
Step 1. Legalize marijuana.
Step 2. Control price and/or rationing (and age requirements) in a way similar to tobacco.
Step 3. Profit. Prison maintenance costs are reduced by thousands of dollars, in all likelihood reducing taxes, and a multi-billion dollar industry aids the US economy.