THQ: Death of Consoles Means "Tremendous Opportunity"


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Double post so I will add here:

If PC's get cheap and decent enough they will edge the other 'gaming' boxes aside not the cloud. Or maybe the future is your computer + your TV.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
i think when internet gets alot better then it will work but till then it isn't gonna have massive use


New member
Nov 9, 2009
I like consoles because I'm kind of a tard with computers. I can use them just fine but if I had do something like upgrade a graphics card I'd probably fuck it up, then lose the screws to the casing.

Consoles are easy. Insert game. Game plays. Happiness obtained. I don't have to install 3 disks. I don't need to worry about my hardware. I just put it in and play, and I like that. I also like controllers more than mouse/keyboard for everything but shooters.

More Fun To Compute

New member
Nov 18, 2008
I guess that if cloud gaming is all that console gamers can manage when console gaming dies then it isn't too bad for them. I'd rather carry on playing locally as before as there is no benefit too me in cloud gaming. Only loss of rights, money, and quality of service.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
GonzoGamer said:
ArMartinez02 said:
Maybe in the future, instead of buying physical sopies maybe they will come with removable thumbdrives with games in it.....
Great idea but we just left that medium... or do you not remember cartridges.

After seeing the prices and lack of quality hardware (360) or decent hardware support (ps3) for the consoles this generation, I don't think a loss of consoles would be the worst thing that could happen to gamers.

Now we just have to get a cloud gaming service that isn't a bigger ripoff. I would be willing to give up ownership of a physical disc if I was saving money by doing so. If they price the games more reasonably (considering they don't have to design, print, package or ship anything I don't think it should be out of the question) and arrange it so I don't have to buy a $300-600 console, I'll be very interested.

The one thing I would have a problem with is if they don't arrange for a way we can rent titles. There are some games I've enjoyed playing through but wouldn't buy.
Your right, shit i forgot lol


New member
Aug 10, 2009
tehbeard said:
I'm sorry, did I blink?

Do we all now have never-failing highspeed fiber-optic links?

Cloud gaming is a nice idea, but we ain't ready yet.
/thread. Well said, and the same point I was going to make. Cloud gaming might take off in the future, and I wouldn't be surprised if it eventually became a viable option, but for now most of the world isn't ready.

Even though digital distribution (to own) has taken off quite well, it's still got a long way to go. When most people put £30-40 down for a game, they want something physical to show for it. I learnt my lesson this year with Mass Effect 2 (£40 for the digital deluxe over Steam) and I'm not enthusiastic to go and make the same mistake again.

OnLive might do alright, but for the next few years I don't think it's going to go anywhere really. Too much too soon, IMHO.


New member
Apr 8, 2008
Umm consoles are just IMB hardware with off the shelf video and audio cards....

They are mini pc's but their software is what stops the easy piracy....

THQ is smoking the funny weed again.
1000 bucks? That's what they cost? Right. I can buy sony took a few bucks at a loss but 3-00 a shot?



New member
Oct 18, 2009
Jadak said:
In a theoretical future where I have 100% reliable, crazy fast internet, hard copies be damned.
And therein lies the problem. That, and a completely reliable , completely secure system that can keep track of what people have "bought" which game(s).
I like having hardware (platform irrelevant!) and physical copies of software that are my property, which no-one can legally take away. The thing that worries me about cloud gaming is that you don't 'own' anything you've paid for - at best, you get a temporary lease to play a certain game, until the software creator decides they want to take away that game's server for something else. Then you're left with nothing for your money.


Working on Avatar
Jan 24, 2010
tehbeard said:
I'm sorry, did I blink?

Do we all now have never-failing highspeed fiber-optic links?

Cloud gaming is a nice idea, but we ain't ready yet.
AHH My heart jumps at fiber-optics!
Damn I hope I'm still around when they go for wide use.
and umm yea I would probably be on the side of cloud gaming if we had fiber-optics!!


New member
Dec 21, 2009
How wonderful for the industry to finally be able to rid itself of the troublesome concept of gamers owning anything which is related to games. Wonderful!


New member
Jun 23, 2008
Simonism451 said:
So it's actually Steam?
Quite frankly, it's worse. Steam, at the very least you still have everything on your computer, you can still look at the files. With cloud computing, you don't, your computer is basically just a screen, showing remote content.


New member
Jun 1, 2008
The way cloud gaming is being talked about, and the word 'cloud gaming' itself, sounds like an addictive illegal drug.

Hey Dude, have you heard about Clouding? It's the new thing. Screw consoles and last year's stuff, you want Cloud gaming, man. Cloud gaming is the next happening thing. Everyone's doing it. Go on, try it. It'll put your head in the clouds! It's good for everyone; you're, like, benefiting the world with this stuff.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
ArMartinez02 said:
GonzoGamer said:
ArMartinez02 said:
Maybe in the future, instead of buying physical sopies maybe they will come with removable thumbdrives with games in it.....
Great idea but we just left that medium... or do you not remember cartridges.

After seeing the prices and lack of quality hardware (360) or decent hardware support (ps3) for the consoles this generation, I don't think a loss of consoles would be the worst thing that could happen to gamers.

Now we just have to get a cloud gaming service that isn't a bigger ripoff. I would be willing to give up ownership of a physical disc if I was saving money by doing so. If they price the games more reasonably (considering they don't have to design, print, package or ship anything I don't think it should be out of the question) and arrange it so I don't have to buy a $300-600 console, I'll be very interested.

The one thing I would have a problem with is if they don't arrange for a way we can rent titles. There are some games I've enjoyed playing through but wouldn't buy.
Your right, shit i forgot lol
Hey, I'm ready to go back to cartridges whenever they are. Remember when you could fix your console by just blowing in the slot? I miss those days.
Going to a medium like back to cartridges or moving on to usb would make these consoles cheaper, smaller, more energy efficient, quieter, and less likely to have massive expensive hardware failure - less moving parts to break.
The only thing is that the games would probably be more expensive (and they're already absurdly expensive) as those usb flash drives cost more than a blank BR disc and a case.


New member
Mar 4, 2010
V8 Ninja said:
Y'know, I wanna say, "That will never happen!" and then list a bunch of reasons that support my idea, but that would just be too cliche for internet forums. Instead, I leave you with two words:

Blueberry pie.
mmmm...blueberry im hungry damn you!
anyways...where i live the internet is down every once in a while.and so i play offline games.but if i had to play online? i wouldnt ever get into such a system