Dante_Alucard said:
I know of some girls that play pokemon and guitar hero and rock band
....I'm a girl, and I totally play all of those. XD
However, I can't necessarily say there really has been a "good" game targeted specifically towards girls...I know a lot of these Imagine games on the DS are targeted towards girls (I don't know many men who want to raise a baby or become a fashion designer in a game). I know a lot of girls gobble up Kingdom Hearts, and I enjoyed the first one, and then the second one became too muddled and yaoi-fangirl fodder (yes, more so than before). I'm an RPG fan, but that doesn't mean I don't like shooting me up some Locust in Gears of War, or rawking a Horde Warrior for hours. I'm 18 and work at a GameStop, and sometimes, guys approach me, assuming I know nothing except ponies in games.
Really, I think there's too much of a rift between the gender stereotypes of girls playing games and guys playing games. For guys, it appears sixth-sense, but for girls, it hasn't caught on yet. I think once they actually play a GOOD game, most likely not one of these junk "girl-specific" titles, they'll be more eager to play more and more games. Not even necessarily something as extreme as Gears of War....I play a lot of E titles, too. Good ones. Like Phoenix Wright, for the love of God. Someone needs a DS cannon to fire at girls. That'll get the job done.
Trying to wrap this up, girls who don't like games, I disown from my sex. Girls who don't dig guys 'cause they play games get a boot to the head (I think my 70 Paladin boyfriend is right manly, and if they don't, they don't know what dedication is. >.>
In the end, try to make all-around GOOD GAMES more visible to girls, not shallow "girl-friendly" titles, and maybe we can turn the stereotype around.
....Like when Riku gave Kairi that blasted flower keyblade. Douchebag.