Guess BfA's gotten so bad they had to push the T-button to try to keep players "engaged". This wouldn't necessarily be a bad move but for Sylvanas blatantly being made into Garrosh 2.0, which was the biggest cause of players' discontent with the lore to begin with...because every big bad has to be made to Actually Have Been Fighting the Next Big Bad, All Along! All thanks to Blizzard's lore team inexplicably tying the Old Gods and Burning Legion plot lines together as far back as Wrath, when they just had to make Arthas a "complex and compelling character" and reveal he was really fighting the Old Gods all along.
Their attempt to actually do something different in WoD only belied how creatively bankrupt the lore and story team really are, and how badly they painted themselves into a corner over the course of a decade.
Now, what could have made this Really Goddamn Cool, and broke WoW and its lore out of this stupid-ass rut, was if Sylvanas added two and two with regards to Draenor. Draenor did not have a world-soul, life managed to flourish there regardless, and even lived in harmony with the elements. And...what happened to all the life on worlds with world-souls when their titans woke up? It's not as if the titans had living, breathing, mortal or immortal, allies and had to artificially create their own to war against the Old Gods or anything...
At this point the writing's on the wall, Azeroth awakening is less "end of Final Fantasy VII" and more "Evangelion" if you catch my drift. The entire point of life on worlds with world-souls is to generate "Spirit" to nourish and gestate the titan which it consumes to hatch. And, even then it still parasitizes the elements and drives them insane...that probably has something to do with why the elementals ally with Old Gods in the first place. The titans' goal is to ensure world-souls come to term, and they don't hesitate to commit omnicide if things stop going their way -- they have on Azeroth before, and they've already tried it again lest we forget the whole Algalon encounter.
Now, had Sylvanas stepped the fuck up, and been like "no gods, no masters, no Army of the Light, no Burning Legion. Azeroth needs us to live, but we don't need Azeroth. The Titans and Old Gods alike are the true enemies, so fuck it let's kill 'em all." it would have been awesome.
Nope, Garrosh 2.0.