Nile McMorrow said:
I always found trying to clear dungeons on the first day that you are able too a fun challenge... then generally giving the screen a blank look as I realise I've failed for the tenth time trying to beat the annoying sub-boss. In other words generally try to get as far as you can in a dungeon on your first expedition into one. Although be warned, unless you have a certain item you need to use the little floating blue spectral butterfly checkpoints to get out of dodge, I mean, dungeons.
Little pro-tip, when you are going after the killer, DO NOT DO THE DUNGEON ON THE FIRST DAY. I'm not sure if this is still the same for Golden (I haven't finished playing through it yet) but when you finally finished that dungeon on the PS2, the game instantly jumps you to the ending, regardless of how many days were left and how many links you needed to max.
I'm not exactly sure if this article is necessary though, Persona 4 Golden is easy, like, really easy, all you have to do to beat the game is keep picking the stat and skill increase cards and you can practically breeze through the entire game, I'm nearing the end game and I've never even switched out Izanagi, because I never had to, by the time I got persona's that were decent (which is pretty early) Izanagi already had more stats then they did, currently he's got almost double the stats of the next best persona I can equip, and I haven't even been grinding, you beat a dungeon once, then again to beat the optional boss, and as long as you pick those increase cards, the game is over.
I'm a little surprised you didn't talk about the cards in your tips, like the one that instantly gives you a level up, or the one that upgrades an okay skill to a great skill, use it enough and that tiny slash turns into God's hand.
One thing I am curious about, why do you call it "The Golden"? This is the only place I've seen where it's called that, normally it's just "Golden".