tl;dr at bottom for any of those foolish fools who go 'tl;dr' instead of just not posting.
As the title suggests, I am tired of multiplayer games. Let me expand on that: in the last year alone I have played close to 600-700 games of LoL (700 *average game time of 30 minutes\60 = 350 hours of LoL+ 150 bot game hours), 100ish games of DOTA2(100 * average time of 40-50 minutes=75 hours + 30 hours on bots games), and probably another 50-70ish games of SCII.
These games are fun, but I am sick of how so many new games have a focus on multiplayer.
I need more RPGs. I'm a RPG junkie and I need my fix. The last two RPGs I tried left me with a poor taste in my mouth
Kingdoms of Amular felt heartless and made in an anti-RPG style to me: In truth it wasn't an RPG as much as an action game with a focus on Lore and VERY VAGUE RPG elements. My biggest issue with it was how...souless the world was. If didn't feel fun to explore because magic, dungons, Giant hollow trees, and faeries were ABSOLUTELY goddamn EVERYWHERE and it didn't feel fun to quest: Everything was So formulaic: Talk to guy: go place. Kill things. maybe pick stuff up, maybe steal stuff. That is a decent formula. The problem was the combat was the deepest and most interesting part of that formula. No Easter eggs, no really interesting dialogue, No interesting characters, no interesting environments. Dungeons were so common they felt..well..commonplace and dull.
Skyrim was enjoyable for a time, but I've played so much of it I'm burned out. It also was not what I am looking for in an RPG.
Long story short I need some suggestions for some AWESOME RPGs/adventure games that aren't poorly made.
What I'm looking for specifically is a dialogue heavy game that (most importantly) DOES NOT FOCUS ON COMBAT as a game mechanic!!! combat should be there to drive the story forward and maybe give you sweet loot/boost epenis size. There should be as AT LEAST much or preferably more traveling and talking to people as there is hitting things with swords/magic missile, and story/dialogue should NEVER EVER EVER take a back seat to combat.
Combat is the icing on the cake, not the cake. Hell, the cake would be healthier and still pretty tasty WITHOUT the damn icing.
So then escapists. I am sitting in my classes begging for RPG suggestions instead of taking notes and learning stuff like I'm paying the bloody college to let me do.
Help me out here?
tl;dr (you lazy and yo mamma so ugly!)
suggest me RPG that has something close to this list of qualities.
1. STORY > than any other mechanic.
2. Good dialogue that is > than combat.
3. IS NOT an action game with RPG elements.
4. IS not Baldur's Gate (my favoritest game series ever), Mass Effect, Dragon Age, KOTOR, the Witcher I or II, Icewind Dale, Planescape Torment, Fallout, or any elder scrolls game.
captcha: Free Rent for a Year. _>
Why does this site torture me with impossible dreams? *whiny voice* I want free rent for a year.
As the title suggests, I am tired of multiplayer games. Let me expand on that: in the last year alone I have played close to 600-700 games of LoL (700 *average game time of 30 minutes\60 = 350 hours of LoL+ 150 bot game hours), 100ish games of DOTA2(100 * average time of 40-50 minutes=75 hours + 30 hours on bots games), and probably another 50-70ish games of SCII.
These games are fun, but I am sick of how so many new games have a focus on multiplayer.
I need more RPGs. I'm a RPG junkie and I need my fix. The last two RPGs I tried left me with a poor taste in my mouth
Kingdoms of Amular felt heartless and made in an anti-RPG style to me: In truth it wasn't an RPG as much as an action game with a focus on Lore and VERY VAGUE RPG elements. My biggest issue with it was how...souless the world was. If didn't feel fun to explore because magic, dungons, Giant hollow trees, and faeries were ABSOLUTELY goddamn EVERYWHERE and it didn't feel fun to quest: Everything was So formulaic: Talk to guy: go place. Kill things. maybe pick stuff up, maybe steal stuff. That is a decent formula. The problem was the combat was the deepest and most interesting part of that formula. No Easter eggs, no really interesting dialogue, No interesting characters, no interesting environments. Dungeons were so common they felt..well..commonplace and dull.
Skyrim was enjoyable for a time, but I've played so much of it I'm burned out. It also was not what I am looking for in an RPG.
Long story short I need some suggestions for some AWESOME RPGs/adventure games that aren't poorly made.
What I'm looking for specifically is a dialogue heavy game that (most importantly) DOES NOT FOCUS ON COMBAT as a game mechanic!!! combat should be there to drive the story forward and maybe give you sweet loot/boost epenis size. There should be as AT LEAST much or preferably more traveling and talking to people as there is hitting things with swords/magic missile, and story/dialogue should NEVER EVER EVER take a back seat to combat.
Combat is the icing on the cake, not the cake. Hell, the cake would be healthier and still pretty tasty WITHOUT the damn icing.
So then escapists. I am sitting in my classes begging for RPG suggestions instead of taking notes and learning stuff like I'm paying the bloody college to let me do.
Help me out here?
tl;dr (you lazy and yo mamma so ugly!)
suggest me RPG that has something close to this list of qualities.
1. STORY > than any other mechanic.
2. Good dialogue that is > than combat.
3. IS NOT an action game with RPG elements.
4. IS not Baldur's Gate (my favoritest game series ever), Mass Effect, Dragon Age, KOTOR, the Witcher I or II, Icewind Dale, Planescape Torment, Fallout, or any elder scrolls game.
captcha: Free Rent for a Year. _>
Why does this site torture me with impossible dreams? *whiny voice* I want free rent for a year.