Tired of multiplayer games need good RPG suggestions.


New member
Jan 23, 2012
tl;dr at bottom for any of those foolish fools who go 'tl;dr' instead of just not posting.

As the title suggests, I am tired of multiplayer games. Let me expand on that: in the last year alone I have played close to 600-700 games of LoL (700 *average game time of 30 minutes\60 = 350 hours of LoL+ 150 bot game hours), 100ish games of DOTA2(100 * average time of 40-50 minutes=75 hours + 30 hours on bots games), and probably another 50-70ish games of SCII.

These games are fun, but I am sick of how so many new games have a focus on multiplayer.

I need more RPGs. I'm a RPG junkie and I need my fix. The last two RPGs I tried left me with a poor taste in my mouth

Kingdoms of Amular felt heartless and made in an anti-RPG style to me: In truth it wasn't an RPG as much as an action game with a focus on Lore and VERY VAGUE RPG elements. My biggest issue with it was how...souless the world was. If didn't feel fun to explore because magic, dungons, Giant hollow trees, and faeries were ABSOLUTELY goddamn EVERYWHERE and it didn't feel fun to quest: Everything was so..so...same-ish. So formulaic: Talk to guy: go place. Kill things. maybe pick stuff up, maybe steal stuff. That is a decent formula. The problem was the combat was the deepest and most interesting part of that formula. No Easter eggs, no really interesting dialogue, No interesting characters, no interesting environments. Dungeons were so common they felt..well..commonplace and dull.

Skyrim was enjoyable for a time, but I've played so much of it I'm burned out. It also was not what I am looking for in an RPG.

Long story short I need some suggestions for some AWESOME RPGs/adventure games that aren't poorly made.

What I'm looking for specifically is a dialogue heavy game that (most importantly) DOES NOT FOCUS ON COMBAT as a game mechanic!!! combat should be there to drive the story forward and maybe give you sweet loot/boost epenis size. There should be as AT LEAST much or preferably more traveling and talking to people as there is hitting things with swords/magic missile, and story/dialogue should NEVER EVER EVER take a back seat to combat.
Combat is the icing on the cake, not the cake. Hell, the cake would be healthier and still pretty tasty WITHOUT the damn icing.

So then escapists. I am sitting in my classes begging for RPG suggestions instead of taking notes and learning stuff like I'm paying the bloody college to let me do.

Help me out here?

tl;dr (you lazy and yo mamma so ugly!)
suggest me RPG that has something close to this list of qualities.
1. STORY > than any other mechanic.
2. Good dialogue that is > than combat.
3. IS NOT an action game with RPG elements.
4. IS not Baldur's Gate (my favoritest game series ever), Mass Effect, Dragon Age, KOTOR, the Witcher I or II, Icewind Dale, Planescape Torment, Fallout, or any elder scrolls game.

captcha: Free Rent for a Year. _>
Why does this site torture me with impossible dreams? *whiny voice* I want free rent for a year.


New member
Mar 6, 2011
Hmm. Kotor, The Walking Dead and Deus Ex: Human Revolution fits some of those.

The Witcher 2 is, apparently, pretty good, I've never messed with it myself. Aside from that, I can't really think of many dialog / story heavy RPGs besides the obvious you've mentioned or Final Fantasy.

Try poking around Steam or GoG.com for some RPGs and see what piques your fancy.


New member
Jan 23, 2012
Qitz said:
Hmm. Kotor, The Walking Dead and Deus Ex: Human Revolution fits some of those.

The Witcher 2 is, apparently, pretty good, I've never messed with it myself. Aside from that, I can't really think of many dialog / story heavy RPGs besides the obvious you've mentioned or Final Fantasy.

Try poking around Steam or GoG.com for some RPGs and see what piques your fancy.
I'll check out Deus Ex, it looks very fun. I should have added KOTOR and Witcher to the list. I love those games. except SWTOR. that game is an abomination sent from hell to ruin the chances of KOTOR III.


New member
Mar 6, 2011
Should also mention Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy as it was renamed for some places) is pretty dialog heavy, it's an older game so you'll have to grab it off GoG but it's pretty trippy shit.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
Qitz said:
Should also mention Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy as it was renamed for some places) is pretty dialog heavy, it's an older game so you'll have to grab it off GoG but it's pretty trippy shit.
That's an adventure game. Not an RPG.

OP: Xenogears, Chrono Cross, and Lunar Silver Star Story. You'll be happy. Incredibly, incredibly happy.


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
OP, you need Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines

1. STORY > than any other mechanic.
Yes, you can say that.

2. Good dialogue that is > than combat.
Believe me, it has some of the most memorable characters I've ever seen. I can clearly recall some that have had something like 5 minute screen time or less. Also, the combat is nothing major, so that sort of helps the dialogue stand out.

3. IS NOT an action game with RPG elements.
It's not an action RPG.

4. IS not Baldur's Gate (my favoritest game series ever), Mass Effect, Dragon Age, KOTOR, the Witcher I or II, Icewind Dale, Planescape Torment, Fallout, or any elder scrolls game.
I'm pretty sure it's none of these.

Also: Arcanum. Go get it on GOG. Pretty much the same as above but it quite bigger in comparison.


New member
Jan 23, 2012
DigitalAtlas said:
Qitz said:
Should also mention Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy as it was renamed for some places) is pretty dialog heavy, it's an older game so you'll have to grab it off GoG but it's pretty trippy shit.
That's an adventure game. Not an RPG.

OP: Xenogears, Chrono Cross, and Lunar Silver Star Story. You'll be happy. Incredibly, incredibly happy.
ooh. Some research googling makes these titles look very enticing indeed.

time to update my old Playstation emulator.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Verzin said:
I'll check out Deus Ex, it looks very fun. I should have added KOTOR and Witcher to the list. I love those games. except SWTOR. that game is an abomination sent from hell to ruin the chances of KOTOR III.
Witcher 2 is the game you should be aiming for. Enhanced Edition. Is easily one of, if not the best story-based RPG of the last 10 years.


New member
Jan 23, 2012
DoPo said:
OP, you need Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines

1. STORY > than any other mechanic.
Yes, you can say that.

2. Good dialogue that is > than combat.
Believe me, it has some of the most memorable characters I've ever seen. I can clearly recall some that have had something like 5 minute screen time or less. Also, the combat is nothing major, so that sort of helps the dialogue stand out.

3. IS NOT an action game with RPG elements.
It's not an action RPG.

4. IS not Baldur's Gate (my favoritest game series ever), Mass Effect, Dragon Age, KOTOR, the Witcher I or II, Icewind Dale, Planescape Torment, Fallout, or any elder scrolls game.
I'm pretty sure it's none of these.

Also: Arcanum. Go get it on GOG. Pretty much the same as above but it quite bigger in comparison.

Perfect! Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines looks great and Arcanum looks to be very promising indeed! (I LOVE top down isometric RPGs.)
My list is growing.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
Verzin said:
DigitalAtlas said:
Qitz said:
Should also mention Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy as it was renamed for some places) is pretty dialog heavy, it's an older game so you'll have to grab it off GoG but it's pretty trippy shit.
That's an adventure game. Not an RPG.

OP: Xenogears, Chrono Cross, and Lunar Silver Star Story. You'll be happy. Incredibly, incredibly happy.
ooh. Some research googling makes these titles look very enticing indeed.

time to update my old Playstation emulator.
If you got a good rig (and let's assume you own the titles and are playing them on an emulator for convenience so you don't get into trouble, kk?), then I suggest looking into some high-res pluggins. Try "gpuPeteD3D.dll" (one of the most customizable video plugins, makes most games look less blurry) or "gpuPeteOpenGL2.dll" to enhance your visual experience. Happy playing!


New member
Jan 23, 2012
DigitalAtlas said:
Verzin said:
DigitalAtlas said:
Qitz said:
Should also mention Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy as it was renamed for some places) is pretty dialog heavy, it's an older game so you'll have to grab it off GoG but it's pretty trippy shit.
That's an adventure game. Not an RPG.

OP: Xenogears, Chrono Cross, and Lunar Silver Star Story. You'll be happy. Incredibly, incredibly happy.
ooh. Some research googling makes these titles look very enticing indeed.

time to update my old Playstation emulator.
If you got a good rig (and let's assume you own the titles and are playing them on an emulator for convenience so you don't get into trouble, kk?), then I suggest looking into some high-res pluggins. Try "gpuPeteD3D.dll" (one of the most customizable video plugins, makes most games look less blurry) or "gpuPeteOpenGL2.dll" to enhance your visual experience. Happy playing!
sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar. Thank you. And yes, I use a PS emulator because I don't have a television to hook my playstation to anymore. Just my gargantuan PC monitor.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
Verzin said:
sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar. Thank you. And yes, I use a PS emulator because I don't have a television to hook my playstation to anymore. Just my gargantuan PC monitor.
Haha, no problem. I hate old and blurry textures more than anybody. I still can't play Deus Ex because it just looks too... old for me. Games like that REALLY need an art style so they can age better.


Elite Member
Dec 27, 2010
As someone already mentioned, Arcanum comes to mind.

Also, if you're interested in Chrono Cross, you can give Chrono Trigger a go as well. If you can't play it on a SNES, the playstation version works fine. It has animated cutscenes, but there is a LOT of loading involved, even when browsing inventories, part equipment etc..


New member
Jan 23, 2012
Fishyash said:
As someone already mentioned, Arcanum comes to mind.

Also, if you're interested in Chrono Cross, you can give Chrono Trigger a go as well. If you can't play it on a SNES, the playstation version works fine. It has animated cutscenes, but there is a LOT of loading involved, even when browsing inventories, part equipment etc..
I love Chrono Trigger. I've played pretty much every JRPG and RPG on the NES and SNES. grindy fun times.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
Well story over any other game mechanic would definitely fit Ar Tonelico 2 melody of metafalica seriously they dont shut the hell up and combat overall is pretty easy (and different enough to be interesting) most of the time you have to go out of your way to get killed so no grinding is neccesary (except possibly the very end) its also quite divergent you will need a few playthroughs to see it all and it is not a short game.

The graphics are crap as it was obviously made on a small budget but I found it quite good overall if a bit er sexed up in places for no reason but apart from that it was great and cheap as well.

Its not for everyone but then what game is? there is also an alternate game space inside each of the reyvatails that changes the game into a visual novel for a short time just so you know how much dialogue and story it has over combat, but there are no huge places to explore each area is selected off a map (its not like skyrim or baldurs gate etc its pretty linear, divergent but linear in those diversions)


New member
Jun 16, 2009
Verzin said:
DoPo said:
OP, you need Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines

1. STORY > than any other mechanic.
Yes, you can say that.

2. Good dialogue that is > than combat.
Believe me, it has some of the most memorable characters I've ever seen. I can clearly recall some that have had something like 5 minute screen time or less. Also, the combat is nothing major, so that sort of helps the dialogue stand out.

3. IS NOT an action game with RPG elements.
It's not an action RPG.

4. IS not Baldur's Gate (my favoritest game series ever), Mass Effect, Dragon Age, KOTOR, the Witcher I or II, Icewind Dale, Planescape Torment, Fallout, or any elder scrolls game.
I'm pretty sure it's none of these.

Also: Arcanum. Go get it on GOG. Pretty much the same as above but it quite bigger in comparison.

Perfect! Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines looks great and Arcanum looks to be very promising indeed! (I LOVE top down isometric RPGs.)
My list is growing.
If you do get Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines make sure you get the fan made patches, the game is virtually unplayable without them, once you get those patches the game is great though

As for my pick, I noticed someone mentioned Xenogears, I haven't finished it but from what I've played (about 25 hours) it fits your criteria as long as you're willing to forgive the problems that most PS1 era RPGs have


New member
Jun 1, 2011
I would be looking forward to Dragon's Dogma. So far the story looks a little cheesy (I'm surprised the dragon isn't voiced by Sean Connery... ten cookies if you get that reference), but everything else about the game looks absolutely fantastic. A bunch of people are dissing it for having no multiplayer, but I think it's a good thing; we need more good games that don't have multiplayer thrown in just BECAUSE, even if it turns out to be fun. Mass Effect 3, I'm looking at you.

EDIT: Eh, now that I think about it, I've seen people compare the game to Monster Hunter a lot, which makes me think that story will take a back seat. I would still keep it on your radar though.