Titanfall's Quick-Scoping and No-Scoping Sniping to Be 'Ineffective,' Respawn Says


New member
Mar 22, 2010
Andy Shandy said:
Obviously, the proof of how true this is won't be found out until later, but if this is true then I have just one thing to say.

Thank. Fucking. Christ.

As someone who "hardscopes" ie likes to look down the scope for more than half a second, quick-scoping and no-scoping irritates the hell out of me. Might be because I'm on the receiving end irregularly highly, but it's mostly down to the fact that it makes no fucking sense.
effectively Quick scoping and No scoping puts us Hard scopers out of the competition since most of the time they'l kill us quicker than we can them and our own targets and I will wholly agree that frustrates the fuck out of me since I love to look down my scope for more than 2 seconds.

Still glad and hoping that as time progresses they will be able to snuff out those two type attempts because they aren't the norm and they certainly aren't needed over hard scoping (regular sniping) for this game.


New member
May 14, 2012
So, basically sniping will finally work how sniping is SUPPOSED to work?


New member
Feb 25, 2008
SecondPrize said:
My bad, I didn't realize that the aim assist meant for you to get a headshot if your crosshairs were near them, or that the the method known as a glitch which was adopted by cod players wasn't actually a glitch.
It isn't and was never a glitch sadly, it's the snap-to auto aim in CoD working exactly as intended. Hit ADS, auto aim snaps to nearest target, hit fire before the scope sway effect takes effect. If it were a glitch it would have been removed, but it's been in every CoD game with snap-to, so somebody obviously wants it there, joy of joys.

Removing quick scoping would be easy, disable snap-to auto aim for sniper rifles, done. No scoping is a pretty valid skill, giving 'sniping' weapons massive hip fire spread Counter Strike style works to discourage it, but doesn't make it completely pointless or impossible. BF3 had the hip fire mechanics of sniper rifles down pretty well, which made it all the more hilarious when you ever so rarely got that no scope headshot in a panic moment.


New member
Apr 27, 2010
I've always preferred games that require you to look down the scope and have the kind of "hold breath" function to snipe properly. No scoping and quick scoping is just as painful on PC shooters by the way. The real problem is, as soon as that scope comes up the gun is 100% accurate on the crosshair, this should not be the case with sniping. If you're moving it should be bouncing around, if you've just pulled it up, ditto. Having that 100% accurate (more often than not), one hit kill is nothing but frustrating for everyone else playing the game. Snipers should have to be prone, aim slowly and carefully, and pick their positioning an their targets with some degree of tactical skill. You should not be able to sprint around with a sniper, stop for 0.1sec, aim, fire, kill, run off. It's just silly.
Jun 11, 2008
That's unfortunate that they removed something that is pretty much only a problem on consoles with auto aim. Seriously, the only thing that is wrong with quick scoping is the added auto aim that exists on some console games. Any console games that don't have that I've never had a problem with it and I've never had a problem with it on pc. If you get quick scoped on PC you deserved to get shot.


Jack of No Trades
May 16, 2008
TF2 handled it the best way - make your shots sucky unless you're looking down the scope for at least a couple seconds


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Oh my god thank you Respawn. This actually means a lot to many people.

Still I think the way TF2 did it is probably the best way, improving damage over time when you're zoomed in, because if you don't you'll be lucky to kill a weaker class with your shot.
Sep 14, 2009
Hero in a half shell said:

Another M.M.S. staple shows it's first signs of being bled out of the FPS market. Now if we could just get rid of the autokill melee weapon, tiny FOV, and ridiculously short and terrible single player campaigns maybe I'll actually buy a military FPS again.
couldn't agree more with this, it's absolutely irritating that these things aren't all aimed for in every single shooter these days, I'm sick and tired of reading up on shooters and having an instant "wow...same old shit wrapped in a new 60 dollar box? no fucking thanks."

quick scoping has been a plague that needs to die out.

fix-the-spade said:
SecondPrize said:
My bad, I didn't realize that the aim assist meant for you to get a headshot if your crosshairs were near them, or that the the method known as a glitch which was adopted by cod players wasn't actually a glitch.
It isn't and was never a glitch sadly, it's the snap-to auto aim in CoD working exactly as intended. Hit ADS, auto aim snaps to nearest target, hit fire before the scope sway effect takes effect. If it were a glitch it would have been removed, but it's been in every CoD game with snap-to, so somebody obviously wants it there, joy of joys.

Removing quick scoping would be easy, disable snap-to auto aim for sniper rifles, done. No scoping is a pretty valid skill, giving 'sniping' weapons massive hip fire spread Counter Strike style works to discourage it, but doesn't make it completely pointless or impossible. BF3 had the hip fire mechanics of sniper rifles down pretty well, which made it all the more hilarious when you ever so rarely got that no scope headshot in a panic moment.
while i understand and usually laugh out loud at the random panic/spaz out "oh shit" moments when you fire your sniper, it's getting god awful annoying having people run around with sniper rifles as an all range weapon (abusing the quick scoping mechanic for it to basically be a one hit shotgun)


Quiet, Odd Sort.
Jul 8, 2009
United Kingdom
SecondPrize said:
GloatingSwine said:
SecondPrize said:
Quickscoping isn't just pressing the aim button and firing before the scope comes up, it's an aim-assist glitch found in other games by these guys, not an industry standard or fps trope.
It's not an "aim assist glitch", it's just the aim assist working as intended. If your crosshair is near an enemy and you aim down sights the aim assist snaps your crosshair onto them.

So you can easily make quickscoping not work by turning off that aim assist.

You can make no scoping harder by not having crosshairs and/or by having the aimpoint waver when you aren't using the scope on a sniper rifle.
My bad, I didn't realize that the aim assist meant for you to get a headshot if your crosshairs were near them, or that the the method known as a glitch which was adopted by cod players wasn't actually a glitch.
Its not so much an auto headshots as most MMS sniper rifles doing enough damage to one-hit kill you wherever the shot lands (which is true to life, and most real life professional marksmen don't aim for the head anyway unless there's a specific reason they cant just use center of mass)

Besides the guy you Quoted pretty much stated quick-scoping is BS, and ways to fix it (ironically, I think I remember at least one of the BLOPS games had introduced an aim waver when scoping to neutralizing quick scoping, but put it back in after fans had a meltdown)


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Thank you escapist i have found out glitches i never knew existed now. this was definitely an interesting read. at first i didnt understand why would they be bothered but after reading the explanation posts i can certainly see how this is a good good thing.


New member
Jun 20, 2011
auto aim or any automated system that takes away skill for convenience is something that the casual market of gaming supports, hence why IMO cod/bf are now in a casual game market, like angry birds and bejeweled (which are the games cod/bf players GF's play). if you want to play a hardcore shooter play quake 3 arena or unreal tournament 2kxx, there still around, but let the casuals think there so good at fps games, because the cpu is aiming for them and that's sad to say the least.

on the subject of titanfall being a game born from mech warrior and cod, "quick/no" scoping seems the least of their worries for balance issues, hopefully this game doesn't become first team to have there titan "fall" wins cuz that sounds boring.


New member
Apr 16, 2013
Christ, they better have a good security system because if someone gets death threats for nerfing a sniper slightly i worry what will happen now.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
So are they actually working on disabling those exploits or just hope the higher mobility might make them ineffective, because the latter will only make it harder for regular sniper work while not hindering quick-scoping in the slightest.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Uh, yeah. It's not really that hard to prevent this. Just disable aim-assist and snap-to-center when scoping.

Hell, I've been playing Ballistic Weapons for UT2004 lately, and it has iron-sight/scope aiming for every weapon, while managing to balance it. How? Weapons sway a bit as you move OR turn quickly and you can't insta-scope with anything; it takes half a second to actually scope in; quicker for ironsights.

Two simple fixes that ANY shooter, for PC or console, can employ.

If MODDERS figured this shit out back in 2007, surely professional developers can.