Titles of Featured content


New member
Jun 8, 2011
Am I the only one who doesn't like the titles on the front page? even though I know unskippable is going to make fun of the game, seeing the feature titled
Yakuza 4 -
Banality Personified
kinda puts me off watching it. I know its the point but I would rather watch it and find out for myself.
Same for "Bob Hates American Pie and Reviews Martial Arts Movie The Raid Instead",
I would rather watch and find that out, or I can just read the summary on the bottom of the video.


Full Frontal Nerdity
May 25, 2010
Yeah it seems to be a new feature, and weirdly doesn't appear to come up in the feed titling. Not sure I've ever wanted a summary on what the videos going to be about on the front page, but doesn't affect me as much - I get all my updates to watch new content via Google Reader.
Glory to the Publisher's Club!