To be a gamer, you MUST play...


New member
Mar 1, 2010
I don't think all those guys (and girls) out there who buy a console for Madden or The Sims alone are gamers. They like a game, or a few games, but it's usually restricted to the secret urge to be a football player.
Not to say those games aren't fun, just that I don't think they, alone, make someone a gamer.

I would snatch up any Fallout game. Even though I own it, and the collector's edition. Fallout /foams at mouth/

BloodRed Pixel

New member
Jul 16, 2009


To be a Gamer you need to PLAY games A LOT and with a big diversity.

therefore the passion to the media counts and building up knowledge about good gaming
and appreciating the existance or absence of the drama it´s presenting to you.

Same like a cineast, literate, musician, gourmet.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
First, I don't think there are any games you absolutely have to play, rather there is an amount of how much you think about gaming and how much you care about the industry and fellow players that determine if you're a gamer or not. Though there are some exclusionary games that make you NOT a gamer. IF all you play is Farmville, or anything on FACEBOOK really, at least until the CIV game comes out, you're no gamer. YOu are a poser.

But if you ask for games other people liked and yo uthink you will, and you have developed your own tastes in games, then you are surely a gamer.

You should at least TRY otehr genres than FPS.

You should have tried on RTS, one W/J RPG, sports, and some kind of fighter or hack and slash. If you do, then you have developed your tastes and can be a critic of games.

But if you must know what I think everyone should try, here it is.

Final Fantasy(one of htem)
The Elder Scrolls(one of them)
Devil May Cry
Fire Emblem

If you HATE(not necessarily just not like) all those games for being too hard or just not in your tastes, and you return to your farmville to waste your life, then by all means, you are no gamer.


New member
Sep 19, 2009
To be a gamer you need to play games. Thats it. You could play nothing but MW2 and be as much as a gamer as the guy that grinds away at WoW for hours straight. You could still be playing FF7 regularly and be as much as a gamer as the guy that plays Halo every now and again.

Someone that owns every console, has a massively expensive gaming rig and owns at least one of every handheld is as much of a gamer as someone that only plays their DS a little at lunch breaks to kill some spare time.

In reality being a gamer means, very, very, very little. And thats how it should be.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
On the whole, no. But, in my eyes, all true gamers- that is, people who play multiple kinds of games, not the people who play Halo and/or CoD obsessively and say "lol i r gamer"- should have at some point in their life wasted several hours on Tetris and played Pacman at least once. But then again, every human being on earth with access to a computer should have played Pacman at least once. And Tetris at least once if they didn't waste hours of their life on it.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
MrBacon said:
In the age of mainstream gaming, the monopoly FPSes have over the minds of the so-called "gamer" and the many many clones there are out there, I pose a simple question to you.

Do you think someone should HAVE to have played certain games before you can consider them a "true" gamer?
No. If you play enough games that you consider yourself a gamer, then you are.

MrBacon said:
To add an extra-bonus-mega level of discussion, do you think gaming gold is hard to come by these days? Were games better in the past, when innovation was key?
I don't think so. Good games are more common now than ever, what with video gaming becoming a prodigious business and all. There are more games, and the ratio of good- to- poor games is basically unchanged from what it ever was.

MrBacon said:
And finally, is there any game that you would immediately snatch up if you saw it on sale?
Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie for N64. No, really.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
I dislike labels. To be a gamer, you must play video games. That's about it.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
I agree with the posts so far. If you play a game, you're a gamer. I hate when some people say things like beating Halo on legendary ect- for one thing not everyone likes the same game, people shouldn't feel inferior because they don't like shooters or haven't played final fantasy because they dont like JRPGs and so on. :)
(Knowing me I've probably gone way off topic now lol).

Oh, and if I saw it on sale, I'd immediately snatch up Shadow Hearts Covenant.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Wolfram01 said:
My choice tho would be Rock n Roll Racing. LOVED that game.
yes, yes, yes, and dare I say it again? YES! Probably one of the most enjoyable games EVER. They need to make an updated version for all systems, or at least a DLC version of the original! No music changes or anything!

Veldt Falsetto

New member
Dec 26, 2009
Well you should always try any classic tbf but you should as a gamer instantly recognise all the proper classics.
Y'know, just know the games, Mario, Zelda, Sonic, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, PacMan, Space Invaders anything 10 years or older you should at least have some knowledge of


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Not one particular game. To me, all what makes a gamer is a certain passion for the medium.

That includes people with little time but who still try to follow the developments in the videogame industry and are excited about new releases, but does not include bored housewives who play a game of Peggle or two.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Kalezian said:
at least one game for the NES, SEGA Genesis, or the Atari 2600.
Pong, NES, SNES and C64 for me^^

as have been said earlier in the thread, if you own a console/PC/teletubby/Mac/HAL9000 and you play games on your system, your a gamer...


New member
Dec 21, 2009
Chrono Trigger! A game where:

- The main character has NO lines in the entire game (it's not an issue)
- The main character DOESN'T take up one slot in a party of three. You can use three character out of ANY of the playable character.
- The main character
- Abilities are combined between party members to make BETTER special moves. (ex. slash + fireball = fireslash?). AND they look badass.
Jun 30, 2009
I don't think you have to play specific games to be a gamer but there are plenty of games I'd say make you a gamer if you actually play/played them a good bit and can handle them.

Any old school platformers (Super Mario Bros. 3, Sonic, Mega Man, etc.)

Old JRPGs (original Final Fantasys, Chrono Trigger, whatever)

Then some new games that are intentionally very difficult (Demon's Souls, the new Mega Mans).

Just a few examples.


New member
Sep 19, 2009
I think that all gamers should have played at least one great game of every genre. They don't need to have finished it or enjoyed it, but they have to have at least gave it a serious chance. Some of the more notable ones:

FPS: Any of the Halo and CoD titles
RPG: A JRPG (something like Star Ocean or FF) and a WRPG (Elder Scrolls, Bioware games)
RTS: Starcraft, C&C, Warcraft, Dawn of War, or Paradox games
Platformer: Mario and/or LBP
Racer: Forza or GT for realism, and Mario Kart for kart racers
Action: Devil May Cry or God of War
TPS: Gears or Uncharted
Simulation: The Sims, or flight simulators
Sports game: Anything from EA, MLB the Show