Generally not a big fan of pre-ordering either. In between the time you pre-order a game and it gets released, there's any number of things that could be revealed that you don't like. Trailers, and even gameplay trailers can give you completely misleading impressions of how the game is played. For example, the Last of Us, while a good game, gave a really skewed impression of how dynamic their gameplay was. The trailer made it look amazing. In the actual game, it was... alright. Plus, there's the fact that a game can look completely great on paper, and not be fun in execution. Skyrim was this for me, on paper everything sounded so much better than Oblivion (a game I liked, but had a number of issues with). When I played it I was fairly disappointed, and actually preferred Oblivion to it.
Waiting for at least some reviews is usually the better idea. Get some information about the game from someone not being paid to make it look good.
That being said, sometimes the pre-order bonuses are pretty sweet. And I know 100% that when a preorder for The Last Guardian comes out I will be getting it (with the gorgeous artbook it'll inevitably be coming out with). The first to games are among my favorite, and no matter how bad the reviews of the game are, it's something I'd still want to gauge for myself.