Too Human's Dyack Discusses Death of 40-Hour RPGs


New member
Jun 19, 2008
runtheplacered said:
I'm a lover of all things RPG, but I'm also a realist. There's no way you're going to get Joe Blow from Genericville, Montana to sit down and play an epic RPG for 80 hours and expect him to keep his attention long enough to not wish there were massive boobs at some point in the game to look at. In other words, gaming has picked up such tremendous amount of popularity that we now have to cater to the lowest common denominator. That's business.

That said, coming from Dyack's mouth really makes it sound like his game is going to be balls-to-the-walls terrible.
I think you answered my question to why they put boobs in Age of Conan...No just kidding, or maybe your right?


New member
Jun 21, 2008
Dyack is an idiot. He is speaking generally about his personal preference, and sounds like he doesn't have too much confidence in Too Human storywise, so he is trying to push it away by talking nonsense. Hasn't this guy played modern RPGs? These games reward you the more time you put into it and by revealing a huge storyline that could possibly be the size of a noval.

Other Western Developers are still putting their resources into role playing games that are long and have staying power. How many people here have replayed Knight of the Old Republic numerous times just to experiance its plot and characters? If Dyack had his way, non of these characters would have been developed and you wouldn't have a big enough reason to replay the game. And I'm not even touching on JRPGs.


New member
May 19, 2008
HalfShadow said:
If it doesn't last me at least 40 hours, I've wasted time and money.

Well, for RPGs, at least. I'm willing to be more forgiving for shooters and the like, though with multiplayer I can very easily surpass 40 hours on a FPS. And if the game is particularly enjoyable (like Psychonauts, which I'm going through right now) I'm also willing to be forgiving on the length. But for RPGs? No. Keeping the Too Human series at 15 hours seems like a cheap way to ensure that the game is a trilogy so they can get more sales. Screw that, I'd rather you just combined them into one release, thanks.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Short rpgs are really worth the time.
The only problem wit long ones is if the characters or game play are annoying. It's easier to put up with those for shorter ones, but that's about their only advantage.


New member
Jul 21, 2009
I really don't agree with this. If you can create a good combat system, interesting charecters, and a engaging storyline, most people will want it to last past 15 hours.

A good example is the Persona games. Last time I checked, I was 56 hours into Persona 4 and still not finished. I am planning on finishing the game because I actually like the characters, it has a unique story line, and the combat doesn't make me want to pull my hair out.


Feb 5, 2008
Fuck this guy and the horse he road in on.

It's like videogames is going through the equivalent to the Rolling Stones disco era. Stop catering to the mainstream, and start trying to remember what/who put you in this podium in the first place.


New member
Jul 22, 2009
We did all play Too Human right? If that is what we are going to get from now on 15 hours may be about 10 hours too much.

To pick on one of the many problems ... I believe that all the enemies in the game could run past you, run all the way from Hellheim to Val'halla and back to Asgard and still kill you about seventeen times.

Besides, a 15 hour game will only take about four or five years to develop.

OK ... Rant over..


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
Denis Dyack said:
"Gamers these days have less and less time, so anything that starts going more than 15 hours will probably lose its audience"
Hey there Denis. I'm a 19 year old gamer and I am not a gamer with the attention span of a goldfish. Thanks very much for patronising a vast number of your consumer base as twitching idiots who can't deal with story for more than 15 hours. It's really going to convince me to buy products from you in the future.

Denis Dyack said:
but as you get older and you want to continue to play games, you just can't put in that much time and have time for other games.
No, you can put in enough time if you make it for you. As with every single pass time, be it gaming, clubbing with friends or shooting clay pidgeons you make time enough for how much you want to do it. If you want to do it a lot you will make that time, if you don't make time I doubt you want to do it as much as you're so earnestly trying to tell me you are.

The wonderful thing about RPGs these days is that most of them have these cool inventions called "Save points." meaning that if you can only play for three hours now, then an hour tomorrow, then 20 minutes the day after and 7 hours over the weekend: You can just save it and pick it up from where you left off.

Heck, a number of games have adopted the "Save anywhere" method which gives you even more flexibility. Lack of personal time=/=lack of interest in 'long' (if you can call 40 hours 'long'- I personally racked up over 100 hours on my first FFX playthrough) RPGs.


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
Here allow me to translate this article since you guys don't seem to be fluent in Dyakenese.

"We could have put the entire Too Human trilogy on one disc. Then someone pointed out that if we split it into 3 discs we could triple our profits. Brilliant so that is what we did. Then the critics got a hold of it and tore it apart. Not before we managed to pay off a couple sites to give it a glowing review. Then the game hit retail shelves and the fans weren't happy. I knew that would happen but what I didn't expect was them to pull themselves away from thier consoles to go onto the internet, form a community and tear my game to shreds. So now instead of doing what I should have done in the first place and bust my ass making sure Too Human 2 is THE best game ever made. I will instead try and make it look intentional by trying to trick them into believing me when I say things like gameplay isn't the most important part of a game. Or that a game can't be good if it is over 15 hours long. Why those bunch of morons will believe anything I say. I am a superstar afterall."


New member
Sep 6, 2008
WOW Thread Necromancy?

Too Human had so much potential, and I even liked it at first, but... the combat was "point in their general direction and they die". Flicking the sticks was interesting but lacked any visceral quality or controllability.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
If you want to have a good RPG you need a good story. If you look at all the really good (feel free to replace with that great word "immersive") stories in other mediums they are all bloody long.
If you were to read a book/series of books that only took 15 hrs to read I would think it was too short. Can you really get the feel of an alternate reality/univese/world etc to the extent needed if you were to interact with it in less than 12 hrs? maybe, but it would be nothing compared to finding that you're still learning new things about the world (even if it is just it's Flora and Fauna, or the story behind a lovely little cottage you come across) after 39hrs 59mins.