"Too old" to play video games.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2008
porous_shield said:
I think the C.W. Lewis quote said it best.

Just like other things, like reading or television, there are things not aimed at your particular age demographic, or you lose interest in over time, but you don't outgrow reading or television as a whole just like you don't outgrow gaming.

sneakypenguin said:
Yeah kinda, I mean I just get too busy with stuff. Play games or go ride the dragon on my motorcycle, play games, or go skiing, play games or go to the lake, play games or travel somewhere on the bike, play games or go watch a sporting event. Play games or watch arrow/psych/got/justified/true detective/AoS/HIMYM/Brooklyn nine-nine. Increasingly gaming has bee losing out to all those.
But from what you've said you aren't too old for them, you're choosing to do other activities. When you have less time to go to to sporting events, will you be too old to go to sporting events?
Yeah i guess its not to old so much as the interest just isn't there. I guess as disposable income and free time has increased with age i'm more able to do the things I like rather than be regulated to the PC.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
I prefer to think of it as being old enough to do what I want.
As long as I keep out of other peoples' way, anyone who thinks they are qualified to pass judgement on my leisure time activities and interests can kiss my ass.

...unless they're into that sort of thing in which case I deny them my permission. So there.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Brownie80 said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
My dad played Age of Empires well into his 50s so there's that point of reference for me. He used to play with/against his bro, who's even older than he is.
I played the heck out of that game when I was little.
Me too but I never really beat him. He was too good at it. His interest in AoE has since waned and nowadays plays nothing but Pac Man but some people might call that gaming...


New member
Jun 24, 2011
The moment you turn 20, you're too old to be playing vidya gayms!!!!!!!

You're an adult! you should be doing something productive like filing your taxes or standing in line at the DMV! If you have so much time to waste that you can click buttons to make things blow up on a screen then you're a communist! GET A JOB HIPPIE!


New member
Jan 27, 2014
Johnny Novgorod said:
Brownie80 said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
My dad played Age of Empires well into his 50s so there's that point of reference for me. He used to play with/against his bro, who's even older than he is.
I played the heck out of that game when I was little.
Me too but I never really beat him. He was too good at it. His interest in AoE has since waned and nowadays plays nothing but Pac Man but some people might call that gaming...
I played the second one mostly. I never beat a campaign on it but I got pretty close. Until William Wallace's entire reinforcements didn't come under my control since they got stuck on a boat.
Also if your dad played Age of Empires in his 50s and he is still playing games then that is applaudable.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
I was about to make a thread very similar to this because of an article I saw in the Metro that made me mad. It was about when you "finally grow up" and it said that men grow up at 43 and women at 32, defining immaturity as things like "making the same jokes again and again, staying silence during arguments, being unable to cook simple meals and playing video games." It was apparently research conducted by Nickelodeon at some university.

So whilst I don't think you can be too old to play games, at least this moronic article seems to disagree.


New member
Dec 3, 2013
I have this argument with my wife all the time - I'm 38, she's 43, and it's like we are in completely different worlds when it comes to games. She sees it as a waste of time (or as she would put it "I'd rather be doing something else if I was just going to sit there and play a game"), and I recognize it as the valid entertainment medium that it actually is. What is working your brain more - playing through any game where you have to actively make decisions and give inputs or watching House Hunters on HGTV? No contest.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
You're never too old to enjoy the things you enjoy. While I don't play as often as I used to, I still enjoy playing video games as I rapidly approach 40. My father is 67 and he plays them. He's not into COD or anything like that but he enjoys various casino themed games as well as stuff usually labeled as casual. There will always be naysayers but I find playing a video game is a better use of my free time than watching TV.


New member
Oct 27, 2008
No I don't believe you are ever too old. As long as you still derive enjoyment from playing games, then carry on playing games. You are never too old to stop doing something you enjoy doing in my opinion.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
My dad is 68 on Friday has a monster PC rig and probably spends more time playing games then I do. I'm also buying him a game for this birthday.

Not Matt

Senior Member
Nov 3, 2011
allow me to laugh at that idea: ha ha ha. okay i am done laughing. Games are a new medium yes, but that doesn't mean you need to be young to use it. You don't have to be old to read books, you don't need to be middle aged to watch tv. It is a medium, open to everybody that wish to be entertained by it. I've caught my dad playing GTA V just enough times for it to start being annoying (he has done half the story missions for me)

Stavros Dimou

New member
Mar 15, 2011
My mother is 57 and casually plays NES games like Bomberman,spending about 3 to 10 hours a week gaming.
It's not a matter of age,it's a matter of taste.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
the only people who would consider video games to be for children would be those who hadn't grown up with them. so No you are never too old for video games.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Well...technically Video Games are toys. That being said though, they're also an entertainment medium that provides more interactivity than any other, similar medium (films, TV, etc). I don't like the thought that anyone can be too old to play video games, especially when you consider how just a couple of years ago just about every news network was reporting excitedly how many old people were getting active with this newfangled Wii thing.

When I was a kid I didn't really consider adults to be game players...even though it was my Dad who bought our NES and I'm sure he used it more than I did. He doesn't play the kind of games that are considered popular but he's into hunting sims and pinball tables...wait, what would pinball tables be considered as? Pinball may not count as a video game but there are VG elements in each table...


Jabbering Fool
Mar 31, 2010
Ratty said:
Liquidprid3 said:
No offense, actually, screw the no offense. It's is one of the stupidest questions to ever ask on a gaming forum. Ever. If not the worst. We ALL know what the answer will be by everyone. There is no point in discussing something that has not only been discussed to death, but also is being asked in a forum for gamers. Of course you are never too old to be playing video games, it's obvious.

Sorry, I'm doing this out of love I guess, I'm newer to this specific forum, but I have enough experience to tell a good topic from a bad. This is bad. There is no discussion. None.
To try and mix things up, let me attempt to play the Devil's Advocate for a bit. Now, video games are a medium like books, live action or animated motion pictures. Let's assume one does not ever get "to old" to enjoy works in a given medium.

So you can't necessarily ever get too old for works in a medium. But does there come a point when sticking to low quality material (like most of the stories in the still-short history of video games) or only things with which you are familiar without ever broadening your horizons become harmful? I would say yes this is possible.

If someone only ever reads books in the science fiction genre, they're artificially restricting themselves from some great experiences. Just like people who never play any video games. Similarly, if someone only ever plays a few types of games or plays games to the exclusion of all other hobbies and experiences, that can also be "harmful" over time. Though only to the enrichment/roundedness of the individual. Again, just playing Devil's Advocate, I don't think this is a serious concern in most cases.
Strangely enough, this came up with the new Watchdogs "story" trailer [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuAbH8Z8iwk]. I couldn't help but roll my eyes as one of the most horribly cliched run of the mill action plots is rolled out even including a dead little girl as motivation. Because there aren't enough idea's to explore in the expanding scope of surveillance and coupling that with information technology, the ramifications of which are much better explored in something like person of interest.

This game might still be good mechanically (if they ever resolve the AC terrible controls issue) but my god did they have to go so generic?

and the truth is maybe i'm just too old for the game.

legend of duty

New member
Apr 30, 2011
No, but it is still viewed as immature and a waste of time by some people. Then those same people watch Law & Order: SVU for four hours straight.