Top Ten Video Game Soundtracks


Friendly Neighborhood Time Lord
Apr 1, 2009
1. Beyond Good and Evil. - It was just so diverse and wild... it really shouldn't have worked at all, yet... every track fits the moment its attached to perfectly. Hell, even the basic exploration themes for the levels are great to listen to.

2. The Binding of Isaac. -Another one that shouldn't work but... kind of does. The main reason it isn't on the number one slot is... well... some of it is just too plain weird even for the general level of 'fucked up' that the rest of the game was going for.

3. Planescape Torment/Fallout 1/Fallout 2/Fallout New Vegas/Most stuff that the folks at Obsidian have ever done. Generally good listens on their own, but... they all really work with the atmosphere that they're going for in all four games I mentioned.

4. Mass Effect 2 - again, all great to listen to, but... there wasn't a whole lot of variation there. It was all pretty much instrumental synth. Sounded really nice, but... there wasn't a whole lot of variety.

4. Dear Esther (the remake) - yeah, I'm putting this at a tie with ME2. Its... just absolutely beautiful, though it does kind of repeat itself a fair bit. Intentional though, and it does vary it up enough in subtle, yet noticeable ways. Plus, it all sounds amazing (even the stranger tracks) on its own.

5. Deus Ex Human Revolution - this is one of the things that the devs nailed perfectly. The only trouble is... very few of the tracks have memorable beats aside from the Icarus theme. And well... there just aren't that many of them. While the music is great, its such a shame that more money hadn't been put into it, and so... there are a lot of quiet moments... which is fine at times, to build atmosphere... but that doesn't always work for the game in my opinion.

6. Shadowrun Returns - generally more varied than my number 3 slot, and while most songs on this one are fun to listen to on their own... I don't think that many of the tracks quite fit the moments they are attached to. They DO fit the universe they're set in, but... not the world.

7. Kentucky Route Zero - not every song on this one is that great to listen to, but a few are, and all of them build on the Deep South/ghost story atmosphere that they were going for. A cool feature of the game is that when there's an actual song in the background... as in, people are actually singing in it... if you look hard enough, you can find the band playing it somewhere in the scene. As if they're following you... which again, adds to the subtle creepiness.

8. Silent Hill 2 - Absolutely NONE of the tracks in this one sound good on their own, but all of them fit the depressed mood, and the unnerving and hostile tone that the game is going for perfectly. They're... also kind of varied, but... its hard to tell because... umm... they all sound very, very strange. And of course, they aren't very memorable, though to be honest, you kind of don't want to hear these tracks stuck in your head... they just wouldn't work outside of the game. Unless you're a serial killer.

9. To The Moon - barely a game, and hell, barely even a visual novel for that matter, but... the music fits perfectly, and is very memorable. Almost too memorable. Not catchy per se, but... the beats are far too recognizable, and this isn't exactly a good thing because they are, for the most part, slight variations on the same few notes repeated over and over again. But... I can forgive that to a degree because its tied into the game's ticking clock. Sort of. And... only a few of the tracks really sound different enough to be enjoyable on their own. The rest... are too derivative of each other to really be much fun to listen to in a row.

10. Portal 1 - Only one memorable song that felt truly unique to it. You all know what it is, but its still pretty damn awesome. The rest of the soundtrack though... I don't know if it was entirely recycled from Half-Life 2 or its episodes... but... I bet you could easily put most of these tracks into HL2 and you probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference.


New member
Jun 19, 2010
Morrowind - perfect RPG adventure music
Metro 2033 / Last Light - suitably dystopian, really fits the setting
Zelda Ocarina of Time / Majoras Mask - uber nostalgia value, plus I still know all the songs by heart even after all this time
XCOM Enemy Unknown
Crysis 2 / 3 - movie quality musical score
Rome Total War
Napoleon Total War - They managed to wedge Mozart's Lacrimosa in, which is both fitting and awesome
Antichamber - mostly ambient noise, but really effective
Pharaoh - yes, the 2.5D citybuilding game!

Edit: Also, Far Cry 1 and 3 (haven't played 2 yet). Bioshock series also pretty good.

Listed in a semblance of order, though not rigidly.

Andy of Comix Inc

New member
Apr 2, 2010
1. Banjo-Kazooie
2. Banjo-Kazooie
3. Banjo-Kazooie
4. Banjo-Kazooie
5. Banjo-Kazooie
6. Banjo-Kazooie
7. Banjo-Kazooie
8. Banjo-Kazooie
9. Banjo-Kazooie
10. Banjo-Kazooie

...don't think I missed anything.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
Mumm, having me lunch listening to the soundtrack from Assassin's Creed 2 and this lovely thread appears!
So in no order:

*Assassin's creed (all of them but Revelations is beautiful)
*Mass Effect (again all three rock but ME3 is my favourite)
*InFamous 2 (makes me cry)
*Dragon Age (both of them)
*Saints Row 4 (love the Saints of Rage tune!)
*Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
*KotOR I and II, brilliant use of atmospheric music
*Uncharted (the whole series, the music is perfect for the location)


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
I'll try this. Only the first two are in any order.

Chrono Cross
Silent Hill 2
Super Metroid
Mega Man 2
Metal Gear Solid
Final Fantasy 7
Street Fighter 2
Grand Theft Auto (solely for "The Ballad of Chapped Lips Calhoun" by the Late Sideways Hank O'Malley and the Alabama Bottle Boys)


New member
Mar 18, 2009
1. Shadow of the Colossus
2. Journey
3. Bastion
4. Shadow of the Colossus
5. Everything Zelda
6. Kingdom Hearts
7. Shadow of the Colossus
8. Braid (more sound design than soundtrack, but still)
9. Shadow of the Colossus
10. Audiosurf


New member
Mar 30, 2013
If there's one thing I enjoy the most in a video-game, it's a good piece of soundtrack that fits with the overall theme of the thing (for example the part in Half-Life 2: Episode 2 involving certain turrets and vortigaunts where the music kicks-in).

Top 10 you say?

Let's see:

1. Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (I have yet to notice a game that surpasses this one in terms of soundtrack and voice acting, outstanding work as expected from Troika)

2. The Witcher 1 (the music fits so well with the ambiance of each scene it's used in that if you listen to any of it's soundtrack pieces separately it immediately journeys the mind in a similar setting as the one presented in the game, very nicely done I say)

3. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl (Mooze did an AMAZING job with this one, captures the sense of desolation, which this game's atmosphere is famous for, perfectly, don't believe me? Listen to this [])

4. Deus Ex - Human Revolution (half the reason I love this game is it's music, really left an impact on me, it fits perfectly with it's theme)

5. Mass Effect 1 (just because Blade Runner and I like Blade Runner's score, too bad they changed it in the sequels, this is one thing the game did flawlessly)

6. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 - The Sith Lords (the game employs a very dark theme compared to usual Star Wars stuff, it's score also follows, wonderfully captures the mood and feel of the characters/places it's used for)

7. X3 - Terran Conflict (Daniel Finney and Alexei Zakharov are masters at creating space ambiance music, just listen to this and be amazed Daniel Finney and Alexei Zakharov - Think [])

8. Homeworld 2 (I still remember The Pride of Hiigara's launch as it were yesterday, the music in this game is phenomenal, somewhere along the lines of Battlestar Gallactica)

9. Advent Rising (even if the game was all over the place in terms of consistency, the soundtrack and back-story kept me going to the end, I still listen to it's soundtrack today, it's one of the best, in my honest opinion, check it out [])

10. Knights of the Temple (absolutely outstanding piece of score well suited for a blockbuster film with this theme)

Cheers and good luck with your list.


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
Pretty much everything by Square. All of their games have amazing soundtracks that really fit the game. Whether it Final Fantasy's, Brave Fencer Mushashi, Kingdom Hearts, Chrono Trigger, or anything else. You generally can't beat their music.

If there was ever a Frankenstein's monster type game made by several different companies (each working on one aspect) I would want Square to make the music. In a perfect world, the game would be the best one ever made. In the real world, it would be horrible. But at least the music would be good.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
1. Final Fantasy 6 (AKA FF3 on SNES)
2. Ninja Gaiden (NES)
3. The Binding of Isaac
4. Tales of Symphonia*
5. Bastion
6. Metroid Prime

When it comes to enjoying the bulk of a video games soundtrack that's all that comes to mind. If I went back and replayed some of the older NES/SNES games I sure I could recommend another complete soundtrack where I love the bulk of the music. That said, there are hundreds of games where I absolutely love one or two pieces. Rather than list the remainder in order of favorite I'll just put some honourable mentions:
- Street Fighter 2
- Castlevania 3
- Mega Man 2, 3, 4 or X (I'd have to replay them all to remember which soundtrack I liked most overall)
- Zelda: Wind Waker, A link to the Past
- Donkey Kong Country
- Bits and pieces of just about every Final Fantasy game ever made

* Tales of Symphonia is definitely a personal taste. I've never heard people mention this games music as anything that stands out. To be honest, it never did for me initially either. However upon replaying the game a second, third, and fourth time over the years the soundtrack really grew on me. It certainly has a cartoon/gamey kind of sound to it but for my money it's among the best I've heard. I wish I've played more Tales games because for all I know they all have excellent tracks. Hopefully one of these years they get a PC release.


Note to self: Prooof reed posts
Sep 4, 2013
Shocking lack of Okami on these lists, it should be on every list.
This my list, in no real order really.
1. Okami
2. Shadow of the Colossus
3. The World Ends with You
4. Bastion
5. Portal 2
6. Skyrim
7. Pokemon X/Y
8. Megaman 2
9. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
10. Journey


New member
Mar 2, 2009
I need some time to think my list, but I am sure the new Rayman games should be there.
Case in point: