ToR's Expansion introduces Planet of the Gays


New member
Dec 11, 2012
Soviet Heavy said:
I was willing to give Bioware the benefit of the doubt on this, but seriously? If all of the gays are lumped onto one planet, I'll be annoyed. There better be some more stuff on other planets, or this is just lazy.
I hardly think it's lazy. They originally planned to have same-sex relationships with companions at launch, but it was one of the many features they had to cut to make their release date. After the game released, the expense of creating fully-voiced romances - and the budget cuts that must have come with the drop in subs - meant that for the time being they were limited to romantic opportunities with non-companion NPCs.

All of them being on one planet has more to do with the fact that they're adding a new planet than with a desire to segregate the gays. It wouldn't make sense to put the relationship opportunity on Tatooine. It's a new feature; it goes with the new planet with all the other new features.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Xdeser2 said:
In Biowares Defense, The Asari Really arent Lesbians, as they have no real gender, but thats just me being a Lore nut, and I totally get your point
If that's the case then why are all the Asari feminine? The closest you get to male equivalents is the butch bartender. I'm not trying to say you're wrong, I'm just saying that if Bioware really wanted to make an asexual race, they wouldn't have turned them into the race of sex goddess fuck anyone bisexuals the Asari turned out to be.


New member
Oct 15, 2011
I can only imagine the sh#$storm if the planet somehow blew up and gave Bioware a canon reason why there isnt more homosexuality.


New member
Nov 5, 2008
alphamalet said:
All of them segregated to one planet?
Absolutely hilarious! What the hell is Bioware doing? It comes off to me as more than lazy.

By the way, I'm not too familiar with Star Wars, but I'll just float this out there. If it's a planet of nothing but homosexuals, which can't procreate, wouldn't that planet have an issue sustaining its population? Just saying... Or is this planet some sort of a token gay bar?

OT: I get Bioware wants to include gay relationships as cheaply as possible but putting all gay people on one planet is kinda silly and pandering. Why have relationships (straight or gay) in the game at all? I know it's kind of Bioware's thing but it just seems kinda silly to me.


New member
Aug 6, 2012
"Planet of the gays", is poor phrasing. It is a reactionary label, to an expansion not even released yet. It is the other side of the quick labeled spin coin (although the other side might chose that same phrasing). Bioware is putting out an expansion with more NPCs and a new planet for the players to explore. These gays on this new planet, are probably more like a go in the direction you are going space cowboy type, more than a gathering of gays. It could be argued that romantic "options" should have been there from the start. It could be argued that romantic "options" have no place. I am satisfied that there will be more options. Just hearing the words planet of the gays evokes an opinion on the matter, to anyone who has an opinion on the matter. Either side finding the term an outrage. Relax for a second and wait till release for any outrage on the expansion. If Bioware keeps receiving flak from those they are trying to fight for, what invective will they have to fight.

BTW-I think people from a planet consisting of only homosexuals, can figure out reproduction.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Wait... what? A whole planet of gay people? I'm not even going to get into how that doesn't make any goddamn sense.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
Wait...lore wise it makes no sense. I mean, the planet would be empty in like a good 200 years. Unless, test-tube babies. An entire planet of homosexual test tube hbabies....I think I might start playing this game again.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Fappy said:
That's... really stupid. Homosexual characters shouldn't be a novelty. They should be characters that just happen to be gay.
But novelty is easy, and it's a better sales point.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Gustof26 said:
Wait...lore wise it makes no sense. I mean, the planet would be empty in like a good 200 years. Unless, test-tube babies. An entire planet of homosexual test tube hbabies....I think I might start playing this game again.
What did yo THINK all those clones were for....


New member
Dec 11, 2012
Soviet Heavy said:
If that's the case then why are all the Asari feminine? The closest you get to male equivalents is the butch bartender. I'm not trying to say you're wrong, I'm just saying that if Bioware really wanted to make an asexual race, they wouldn't have turned them into the race of sex goddess fuck anyone bisexuals the Asari turned out to be.
The point he's making is that "feminine" is a meaningless adjective to an asari. They're monogender. They appear feminine to humans, but only because they resemble human females. They're not "lesbians" because their version of heterosexuality/homosexuality is based on asexual reproduction.

If you're talking aesthetically, then yeah, Bioware making them all sexy bisexuals is a bit naff. But in-universe, it's thoroughly justified.

Wait... what? A whole planet of gay people? I'm not even going to get into how that doesn't make any goddamn sense.
Wait...lore wise it makes no sense. I mean, the planet would be empty in like a good 200 years. Unless, test-tube babies. An entire planet of homosexual test tube hbabies....I think I might start playing this game again.
...there's no actual gay planet. Bioware are just phasing in same-sex relationships in the same update as the new planet of Makeb. So for the time being, those relationships are only going to be on Makeb. In no way does this imply that only Makeb has gay people. It's just that Makeb has the only gay people that have yet appeared in the SWTOR storyline.

This is like seeing Jabba the Hutt on Tatooine and assuming that all Hutts live on Tatooine, and that there are no Hutts anywhere else in the galaxy. People are being dumb, is what I'm saying.

Darren Carrigan

New member
Mar 6, 2012
I got to admit, this is hilarious just for the fact that I can't imagine how this will work...

Greetings ___________ Welcome to pansexualia! where first base is last place!

like seriously - would nobody who ISN'T on this planet think "hey hear about that gay planet?"

or is the empire rounding up all homosexuals and liberal minded citizens and tossing them on said planet?
nevermind just the homosexuals and their supporters -ANYONE who mentions them/ knows of them must be on that planet for it never to have come up...

or does the whole galaxy subscribe to Don't ask Don't Tell

(I'm thinking of how ridiculous an explanation it'd require for every homosexual to live on one planet in canon)

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
So men are from Mars, women are from Venus, and gays are from Makeb?

Will they all be dressed as Dr Frank N. Furter?


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Well that's...kind of a stupid way to promote tolerance. There's one planet in the game where all the gays are, but the rest aren't interested.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
I love BioWare.

They went from making decent games to absolute comedy gold in just a few short years.

In years to come developers will be saying "we are going to make a game, lets not do a BioWare and fuck it all up".