Torture Game Criticism Cranks Up Torture Game Popularity


New member
Dec 3, 2007
iamnotincompliance said:
Well, not having played the game (and not going to with the "resounding 'eh' " it's gotten so far), I can't comment on that, however, it does remind me of a situation a few months back I'd like to relate. Passing a local video store on our way to... elsewhere, we (doesn't matter who) spotted a group of protesters outside of said store who apparently did not approve of the store's rental of [shock and horror] pornography. [/shock & horror] Naturally, my first reaction was "Huh, I didn't know they had that. Cool." Not that I rent or buy that sort of thing, mind you, although I must say watching it for the so-call storyline is almost always good for a laugh, but enough of my odd habits. The point I was going for there was I'm sure their business rose too, and that's when my inner skeptic kicked in to full red alert. They weren't there when we drove by again, and I haven't seen them since. Conclusion: the video store put out these protesters to boost business, and that's the same kind of thing I see here. Secretly, Microsoft, Fox, NBC or some combination thereof own Newgrounds.

Go ahead and tell me how utterly wrong my conclusion is (I never go to Newgrounds and know next to nothing about it), but to those who will follow, remember I said "secretly".
Your conclusion is utterly wrong. Everyone knows Fox isn't smart enough to do something like that.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
zoozilla said:
Your conclusion is utterly wrong. Everyone knows Fox isn't smart enough to do something like that.
Yes... and Microsoft loses money on everything they do that's not Windows, which would be difficult to do with something so popular as Newgrounds. And if NBC/Universal/GE for all intents and purposes owned it, no one would care... hmm...

(Many chalk-scratching, blackboard-erasing, Mountain Dew-fueled hours later...)

Yes, it's all very clear now. They are mere fronts for the true owners: Warner Brothers, Paramount, and the revived juggernaut that is DuMont! Can't you see? It's all so very clear!...

(Words words words words)

... so it was Marilyn Monroe who took the fabled shot from the grassy knoll! (Grabs zoozilla by the shoulders and shakes him) DON'T YOU SEE IT TOO?! IT'S ALL HERE! JFK, Roswell, the pyramids, the Firefox crop circle outside Amity, Oregon, New Coke, string theory, P vs NP...

(iamnotincompliance is drowned by the the sirens on a van driven by nice men in white lab coats.)


New member
Mar 26, 2008
iamnotincompliance said:
... so it was Marilyn Monroe who took the fabled shot from the grassy knoll! (Grabs zoozilla by the shoulders and shakes him) DON'T YOU SEE IT TOO?! IT'S ALL HERE! JFK, Roswell, the pyramids, the Firefox crop circle outside Amity, Oregon, New Coke, string theory, P vs NP...

(iamnotincompliance is drowned by the the sirens on a van driven by nice men in white lab coats.)
The government silences the truth again!!

I'd just like to say, as a general note to America, the hypocrisy is becoming tedious. Trying to legalize *REAL* torture on *REAL* people, then kicking up a fuss when someone makes a silly flash game, it's pathetic.. really.

I wish I could say it's just FOX to blame, but it isn't, it really isn't.

I and I'd like to be the first to add in this thread that I think this game isn't particularly healthy .. and yes it WOULD be dangerous for children, IMHO.

*Goes and checks Newgrounds security*

So the direct link really is.. a direct link? For shame. Parents should obviously monitor their children online, but in every way this is an "adult" game and adults should be the only people playing it. I certainly wouldn't be comfortable if I saw a preteen playing this game, in fact I might be very angry.


New member
Feb 1, 2008
So, I'm not the only one bored with this? And I don't mean the "game", if you can even call it that.

I don't seem to be the only one who notices that Fox tries to stir the pot with people who don't watch their stuff in the first place ... so they have more people watch it. Better viewing numbers, better advertising dollars...

*yawns* I'm getting the impression Fox is just an attention whore, you know the kind, starts ranting and raving when the mob who showed up to see what kooky thing they would do next starts to leave because they have better things to look at in their spare time.


New member
Dec 19, 2007
It's not real torture without the classic "Araldite, laxative and buttplug" option.


New member
Nov 4, 2007
L.B. Jeffries said:
My favorite thing about that pic is that the torture doll is both tied up and nailed to the wall. Remember kids, you can never be too careful when you're suspending the victim in the air.
If we learned anything from the Crucifixion it should be that it's hard to nail a good man down.


New member
Jun 12, 2008
Saskwach said:
L.B. Jeffries said:
My favorite thing about that pic is that the torture doll is both tied up and nailed to the wall. Remember kids, you can never be too careful when you're suspending the victim in the air.
If we learned anything from the Crucifixion it should be that it's hard to nail a good man down.
I thought it was "check the wallet before you fuck yourself by nailing that guy to a tree"?

Johnn Johnston

New member
May 4, 2008
L.B. Jeffries said:
My favorite thing about that pic is that the torture doll is both tied up and nailed to the wall. Remember kids, you can never be too careful when you're suspending the victim in the air.
After the nailing, they uses Scotch Tape. He'll never escape from the Scotch tape.


New member
Sep 14, 2007
L.B. Jeffries said:
Remember kids, you can never be too careful when you're suspending the victim in the air.
Today L.B, I learnt more about your hobbies than I ever wanted to.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
I...I...Ihink I lol'd myself at the article a litle bit. i Like seeing how a media giant like Fox showed it to EVERY home in america and instead of turning people away, they got more people on it. and i saw the deal they did on it... it was too much fun to laugh at them...


New member
Feb 25, 2008
I tried ripping off his arm at the shoulder and his feet exploded. The only remotely realistic part is that nothing works as it's supposed to do.

Edit: Attempt 2 - ripping off legs by pulling his head doesn't seem to harm him in the slightest but a shotgun to the foot is lethal at full health.

Attempt 3 - I tried attaching a rope to his leg and decapitated him somehow.

Attempt 4 - Complete dismemberment with a chainsaw = non lethal. Razor to toes = lethal.

Atttempt 5 - Rubbing his hand against his head decapitated him again.


New member
May 7, 2008
I guarantee most, of not all kids didn't know about it until now, and Fox told them where to find it. The game looks pointless and boring anyway.


New member
Oct 8, 2007
I hardly can beleive it. After playing this 'filth' for over two minutes I still have no urges to go out and torture people in real life.

Maybe I should stop listening to everything I hear on TV and guess that kids are not as impressionable as they are made out to be. I am bored though.


New member
Oct 17, 2007
roo18 said:
I hardly can beleive it. After playing this 'filth' for over two minutes I still have no urges to go out and torture people in real life.

Maybe I should stop listening to everything I hear on TV and guess that kids are not as impressionable as they are made out to be. I am bored though.
speak for yourself, I played this game for 3 minutes then went out, tied a guy up in my basement and tortured him for hours, its more fun in real life


New member
Jan 13, 2007
DamienHell said:
roo18 said:
I hardly can beleive it. After playing this 'filth' for over two minutes I still have no urges to go out and torture people in real life.

Maybe I should stop listening to everything I hear on TV and guess that kids are not as impressionable as they are made out to be. I am bored though.
speak for yourself, I played this game for 3 minutes then went out, tied a guy up in my basement and tortured him for hours, its more fun in real life
Now that you said it, I may have lost an eye in your basement.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Well, all they have to do is change a few things.

1. Rename "Torture game" to "Guantanamo Bay Simulator"
2. Put an intro saying "This guy is an enemy combatant/Terrorist. Have fun" in there.
3. Put in a Waterboarding option.

Then Fox News would like it.


New member
May 17, 2008
Dalisclock said:
Well, all they have to do is change a few things.

1. Rename "Torture game" to "Guantanamo Bay Simulator"
2. Put an intro saying "This guy is an enemy combatant/Terrorist. Have fun" in there.
3. Put in a Waterboarding option.

Then Fox News would like it.
QFT. Too bad we can't torture kittens in this game. I so hate them with their cute little meow-meows and what's not. Next time, FOX news might want to take look into the Artificial Girls series etc ...


New member
Mar 29, 2008
As much as I hate the way MSNBC and Foxnews covered this (incorrectly and sadly biased), it's still kind of creepy. I just wonder why the kid would want to make that kind of a game :(