TotalBiscuit's very strange behavior in this Vlog video....


New member
Mar 18, 2013
As a recent TB subber, I personally don't care for con footage at all and I solely focus on the Content Patch stuff he posts.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
Archer666 said:
Ilikemilkshake said:
You say TB treats his viewers only as potential revenue but then say he doesn't care about feedback as to why his viewers (and revenue) fell during PAX. Bit of a contradiction no? By that logic he should definitely care about the feedback because his revenue fell and he needs to know why so he can fix it and more.

And you can take an out of context quote, overlay it onto a terrible picture and make him seem like a douche compared to Freddie Mercury all you like, it doesn't really change anything.

If I remember correctly that quote was about people who threaten him by saying "I'll unsub if you don't..." or "You can't do this, I'll unsub" and his response is an entirely legitimate one. He's not going to change what he is doing because ONE person is threatening to unsub, when if he continues what he's doing, producing the same style of content he'll gain 1000 new subs by the end of the day.
Well of course, once his revenue takes a hit then he starts singing a different tune. That's the fun of this situation: He didn't care until it hit him right in the money. When he found that there were no more replacements to be had. As seen in the OP video where he's asking for feedback because he knows that if this drop of viewers continues its going to hurt. Suddenly, he cares! He wants to know! Funny how that works.

Here's the quote for you, btw. Guy likes his content, he's just unsobbing because TB is a bit of a git, to borrow a term. If he didn't want to be seen as a git, he should have just ignored the comment.
You know listening to individual requests would be useless for that anyway right, removing any point at all?

He'd need to chart the requests to know what to make to target his stuff. So your criticism doesn't apply even if that was his motive. But it wasn't. It was about expensive to make Convention shows which didn't pull a lot of views. So he spends more, on something people liked less, and consequentially, he makes less money off. Everyone loses. So the question there is, should he waste money on something people don't want that he doesn't make money off which is harder to do?

Comparing that to taking requests off individual YT comments shows a vast misunderstanding of scales.

Also: if your standard for comparison is Freddy Mercury, pretty much EVERYONE will fall below this standard. So from now on, I'm going to compare all posts I read by you to the writing of Carl Sagan. You'd better show some comparative insight, articulation, and engage me to a similar level, or I'll make sure to make an unflattering image macro.