If there's one thing that's been true of all of human civilization, it's that those who control information are those who control the public mindset.
For whatever your take on it, those who control today's information are those who can spin media first.
This has been bad for gamers of late. We have been suffering Slings and Arrows since Cooper and Mackie [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1559-1816.1986.tb01755.x]. With the recent school shootings, we're back at it again [https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2019/08/11/el-paso-dayton-gilroy-scapegoat-calls-video-game-censorship-column/1936119001/].
We're Entitled, We're Racist, We're Misogynist. We're always the weakest link in our chain that someone can find.
And no one seems to hate us more recently... than the very developers and Publishers that make their livelihood off of us.
This latest round has come from the Now Epic Game Store Exclusive [https://ooblets.com/2019/07/we-did-the-thing/] and Tim Sweeney's Tim Sweenying. I'll never say an issue doesn't have at least two sides, but every issue has a starting off point, and it wasn't the original post. To me, it wasn't that bad. The tone is a tone that long time acquaintances might use, not someone you just met.
No. The problem was when he said that he wanted to have an open discussion, and when people tried he came off as less than favorable [https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2019/08/ooblets-dev-calls-potential-customers-toxic-baby-gamers/90199/] in a few people's eyes.
This is just one example of what I feel is a growing list of dust-ups that the Game Industry and the Game Customers are having. The writer for Ooblets, Ben Wasser, trotted out "Nobody owes you the game [https://i.redd.it/92pzrok960e31.png]" when a person said that the EGS store doesn't support their currency.
I do not understand what meant when he said he wanted to have an Open Conversation with his audience. When his audience brought up legitimate complaints like this one, he is met with apathy. Ooblet's decision has actual ramifications for gamers.
But here's the point. With the growing amount of anger and/or condescension coming from leads in Game Design like Randy Pitchford [https://www.pcgamer.com/gearbox-boss-*****-and-moan-if-you-want-but-the-epic-store-is-best-for-borderlands-3/] and Tim Sweeney (no link needed)... How come they can throw around the title 'Entitled' and 'Toxic', but their communication is only 'Questionable'?
Their actions and communication are in a bubble, but the weakest displays from all corners of 'our ranks' (like gamers are actually some sort of monolith) must be firmly stamped on our heads for the entire world to know us by.
Here's the thing. I don't think the Ooblets creators are CD Projekt Red. I don't take Gearbox's behavior and consider Paradox to be the same thing. But because I currently stopped playing Skyrim to type up this musing, I'm in league with the same assholes who send death and rape threats because we've both play games. Because of those LCDs, I must walk around fearing what people will think of me because I play games.
Yet these game industry designers and developers can be nasty, rude, condescending, dismissive, and pretty much derisive and we must take it in stride. They can't be toxic.
Even though that's exactly what they are being.
For whatever your take on it, those who control today's information are those who can spin media first.
This has been bad for gamers of late. We have been suffering Slings and Arrows since Cooper and Mackie [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1559-1816.1986.tb01755.x]. With the recent school shootings, we're back at it again [https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2019/08/11/el-paso-dayton-gilroy-scapegoat-calls-video-game-censorship-column/1936119001/].
We're Entitled, We're Racist, We're Misogynist. We're always the weakest link in our chain that someone can find.
And no one seems to hate us more recently... than the very developers and Publishers that make their livelihood off of us.
This latest round has come from the Now Epic Game Store Exclusive [https://ooblets.com/2019/07/we-did-the-thing/] and Tim Sweeney's Tim Sweenying. I'll never say an issue doesn't have at least two sides, but every issue has a starting off point, and it wasn't the original post. To me, it wasn't that bad. The tone is a tone that long time acquaintances might use, not someone you just met.
No. The problem was when he said that he wanted to have an open discussion, and when people tried he came off as less than favorable [https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2019/08/ooblets-dev-calls-potential-customers-toxic-baby-gamers/90199/] in a few people's eyes.
This is just one example of what I feel is a growing list of dust-ups that the Game Industry and the Game Customers are having. The writer for Ooblets, Ben Wasser, trotted out "Nobody owes you the game [https://i.redd.it/92pzrok960e31.png]" when a person said that the EGS store doesn't support their currency.
I do not understand what meant when he said he wanted to have an Open Conversation with his audience. When his audience brought up legitimate complaints like this one, he is met with apathy. Ooblet's decision has actual ramifications for gamers.
But here's the point. With the growing amount of anger and/or condescension coming from leads in Game Design like Randy Pitchford [https://www.pcgamer.com/gearbox-boss-*****-and-moan-if-you-want-but-the-epic-store-is-best-for-borderlands-3/] and Tim Sweeney (no link needed)... How come they can throw around the title 'Entitled' and 'Toxic', but their communication is only 'Questionable'?
Their actions and communication are in a bubble, but the weakest displays from all corners of 'our ranks' (like gamers are actually some sort of monolith) must be firmly stamped on our heads for the entire world to know us by.
Here's the thing. I don't think the Ooblets creators are CD Projekt Red. I don't take Gearbox's behavior and consider Paradox to be the same thing. But because I currently stopped playing Skyrim to type up this musing, I'm in league with the same assholes who send death and rape threats because we've both play games. Because of those LCDs, I must walk around fearing what people will think of me because I play games.
Yet these game industry designers and developers can be nasty, rude, condescending, dismissive, and pretty much derisive and we must take it in stride. They can't be toxic.
Even though that's exactly what they are being.