Trailers: Deus Ex: Human Revolution Gameplay Trailer


New member
Mar 13, 2009
oh sure you could stealth through the building...or you could just easily kill everyone with a few shots of a gun and hiding behind cover for half the video.


New member
Sep 8, 2009
Daedalus1942 said:
If you expect to play it like any other FPS you may have played, you will be sorely disappointed in this game.-Tabs<3-
Thanks for the heads up. I love RPG's so I'm cool if it's different. It's just that with most RPG's they have poor FPS controls (Fallout 3 & New Vegas) or they have poor story interaction (Borderlands). So if it's a happy medium between the two I'm all for it!


New member
Jun 2, 2010
looks like a real improvement on the second one, gameplay wise at least.

Still not sure how the whole close combat thing is gonna work out though.

edit, and that had better be crouching, not cover based wall magnet combat i saw there.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
Zhukov said:
Daedalus1942 said:
It would be interesting to see how many of you people bitching about IW have actually played the damn game. I would imagine not many...
It's still alot of fun.

Zhukov, reporting for fanboy duty.


Deus Ex, despite having a great many flaws, was interesting enough to keep me engaged for three (non-consecutive) play-throughs.
Invisible War was too boring to keep me engaged for one. I never finished it.
Flaws? where?
Goes off to play for the 20th time.


New member
Jul 25, 2009
9_6 said:
We don't know anything about this game yet.
It might turn out to be a halo of war. There's still room to fuck it up.
It's squeenix after all. You know, FF13 squeenix, linearity, bright flashing arrow pointing where you have to go...
Actually we know quite a bit and have learned more with this video. Also the developer is Eidos Montreal. Square Enix is just the publisher and makes the trailers.

Personally I'm not going to assume this game is bad(or could be bad) simply because of Invisible War. I'm really excited by what I saw and have seen. If the story holds up(and I expect it will) this will definitely be a great game.


New member
Jan 3, 2008
ninjajoeman said:
oh sure you could stealth through the building...or you could just easily kill everyone with a few shots of a gun and hiding behind cover for half the video.
Look up, you just might be able to see the point sailing over your head.


New member
Feb 24, 2009
As someone who didn't enjoy the original Deus Ex; I'm glad to say this is actually looking pretty fun and intuitive, unlike the first game. Might check it out if it gets good reviews.


Everything in Moderation
Aug 18, 2008
Sephiroth_deus said:
9_6 said:
We don't know anything about this game yet.
It might turn out to be a halo of war. There's still room to fuck it up.
It's squeenix after all. You know, FF13 squeenix, linearity, bright flashing arrow pointing where you have to go...
Actually we know quite a bit and have learned more with this video. Also the developer is Eidos Montreal. Square Enix is just the publisher and makes the trailers.
And all the cinematics, too...


New member
Mar 12, 2010
firemark said:
OhJohnNo said:
I thought this game was singleplayer-only.
Well then I know I'm going to get it in hopes of actually enjoying an FPS without a bunch of people telling me I should play online. Thanks for the heads up! Like I said, I'm new to the franchise. I'm still waiting for a single-player FPS that has a decent story. I want to scrape the crap encrusted in my memory caused by all of the Call of Duty series I've played off to make room for something decent.
Dude, just as a heads up if this game is anything like the original DX it will be GOD.

Certainly will be be better than that tacked on campaign stuff we get bombarded with.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
IBlackKiteI said:
firemark said:
OhJohnNo said:
I thought this game was singleplayer-only.
Well then I know I'm going to get it in hopes of actually enjoying an FPS without a bunch of people telling me I should play online. Thanks for the heads up! Like I said, I'm new to the franchise. I'm still waiting for a single-player FPS that has a decent story. I want to scrape the crap encrusted in my memory caused by all of the Call of Duty series I've played off to make room for something decent.
Dude, just as a heads up if this game is anything like the original DX it will be GOD.

Certainly will be be better than that tacked on campaign stuff we get bombarded with.
true that, but am i the only person who found the guy on your alex dentons comlink annoying?


New member
Mar 12, 2010
RadiusXd said:
IBlackKiteI said:
firemark said:
OhJohnNo said:
I thought this game was singleplayer-only.
Well then I know I'm going to get it in hopes of actually enjoying an FPS without a bunch of people telling me I should play online. Thanks for the heads up! Like I said, I'm new to the franchise. I'm still waiting for a single-player FPS that has a decent story. I want to scrape the crap encrusted in my memory caused by all of the Call of Duty series I've played off to make room for something decent.
Dude, just as a heads up if this game is anything like the original DX it will be GOD.

Certainly will be be better than that tacked on campaign stuff we get bombarded with.
true that, but am i the only person who found the guy on your alex dentons comlink annoying?
If DX had a downside it would be the voice acting, thought is probably the ONLY bad thing about the game.


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
I saw a bunch of cutscene choreography with a few seconds of possible gameplay peppered in and an interface suffering from a severe case of console-itis.

This won't live up to the standards of the old game, there's too much risk for a major publisher to be that ambitious, and especially if it's tuned for consoles instead of PC. I'm not beating my chest as a member of the "PC Master Race", but in this case with Deus Ex, it was optomized for PC controls, there's just too much to keep track of for a few buttons. The horrible sequel that was developed for consoles is further proof this spesific IP is hindered by trying to move it from the PC. We'll be lucky if we get something above average that games media will be paid to hype.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
IBlackKiteI said:
RadiusXd said:
IBlackKiteI said:
firemark said:
OhJohnNo said:
I thought this game was singleplayer-only.
Well then I know I'm going to get it in hopes of actually enjoying an FPS without a bunch of people telling me I should play online. Thanks for the heads up! Like I said, I'm new to the franchise. I'm still waiting for a single-player FPS that has a decent story. I want to scrape the crap encrusted in my memory caused by all of the Call of Duty series I've played off to make room for something decent.
Dude, just as a heads up if this game is anything like the original DX it will be GOD.

Certainly will be be better than that tacked on campaign stuff we get bombarded with.
true that, but am i the only person who found the guy on your alex dentons comlink annoying?
If DX had a downside it would be the voice acting, thought is probably the ONLY bad thing about the game.
i didn't mind Alex or tracer tong, that guys voice was just so, bad? annoying? bland?
i hope he is only the person manning the datalink for part of the game, or better yet a substitute that will be replaced before release.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
Nurb said:
I saw a bunch of cutscene choreography with a few seconds of possible gameplay peppered in and an interface suffering from a severe case of console-itis.

This won't live up to the standards of the old game, there's too much risk for a major publisher to be that ambitious, and especially if it's tuned for consoles instead of PC. I'm not beating my chest as a member of the "PC Master Race", but in this case with Deus Ex, it was optomized for PC controls, there's just too much to keep track of for a few buttons. The horrible sequel that was developed for consoles is further proof this spesific IP is hindered by trying to move it from the PC. We'll be lucky if we get something above average that games media will be paid to hype.
i dont know, its possible that they have come up with a really smooth and intuitive interface for handling all the various game components.



Do the buttwalk!
Mar 11, 2009
RadiusXd said:
am i the only person who found the guy on your alex dentons comlink annoying?
Actually, the comlink voice reminded me very much of Jeremy Irons, which is always a plus.

OT: Looks like good, solid fun.

By the way, I've never played a Deus Ex game before. Is that a bad thing?


New member
Sep 29, 2010
IW really dumbed down the controls far beyond what was needed. Either they couldn't figure out how to retain the complexity or they tried to make it more accessible.

Since then, I think consoles have gotten much better dealing with complex control schemes and we've had a handful of fairly complex games become hits that I think they can hit the target. Whether they do ornot is still in question, but the video gives me some hope.


New member
Jan 3, 2008
Nurb said:
I saw a bunch of cutscene choreography with a few seconds of possible gameplay peppered in and an interface suffering from a severe case of console-itis.
Again, I don't know what trailer some people watching. Your "few seconds" of gameplay was most of the trailer.