Trailers: Deus Ex: Human Revolution Gameplay Trailer


New member
Sep 1, 2007
Looks like a mix of DX 2 and ME, which is not bad, looks like there is alot of interation with the world/AI. Tho the final build will show if the AI is not drooling like BS's was. I still think Dark messhia was the last great FPS RPG and ya I know it didnt have much shooting in it LOL.

Up side it looks good down side it dose not look hard enough, but if it has alot of customization one could play it to taste, which make a game better IMO.


New member
Mar 26, 2011
Clinr Eastwood's voice is far from stupid. In the context of this game is very appropriate. The main character in the game is a man who has seen death in the eye. So it needs a little tried and cracked voice like Clint Eastwood. Eastwood's voice is welcome and will be a great advantage in evaluating the game.But I think you just do not like Eastwood.