Trailers: League of Legends - Tryndamere Champion Spotlight

Team Hollywood

New member
Feb 9, 2009
League of Legends - Tryndamere Champion Spotlight

Pick up a few tips and tricks on how to use Tryndamere the Barbarian King, the melee-based champion from League of Legends.

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New member
Aug 18, 2010
I despise only this champion in the whole game. I don't know who at Riot thought it was a good idea to make someone invicible for a few seconds with crazy damage was a good idea. It takes at least two people with exhaust and ignite and sometimes a tower and ultimates just to survive him let alone kill him.

It also is worse since the president of Riot signs his name with "Tryndamere" in the middle. Then when they made just a video for Trynds new skin, it look extremely biased by Riot, and that's why Trynd will never be changed either to be manageable. Him and Malzahar are the only two characters who can feed but once they hit level 6 start getting fed themselves. It's broken IMO. However at least Malzahar is able to be taken down and there is even an item to deal with him. Trynd is just foolish, and fury makes him even harder to deal with now ffs.

Oh well, I'm just going to keep on keeping my fingers crossed I don't see a trynd on the other team. But I must say I do like the new skin and always thought Fury was cool since Renekton.


New member
Dec 12, 2008
Nayr said:
I despise only this champion in the whole game. I don't know who at Riot thought it was a good idea to make someone invicible for a few seconds with crazy damage was a good idea. It takes at least two people with exhaust and ignite and sometimes a tower and ultimates just to survive him let alone kill him.

It also is worse since the president of Riot signs his name with "Tryndamere" in the middle. Then when they made just a video for Trynds new skin, it look extremely biased by Riot, and that's why Trynd will never be changed either to be manageable. Him and Malzahar are the only two characters who can feed but once they hit level 6 start getting fed themselves. It's broken IMO. However at least Malzahar is able to be taken down and there is even an item to deal with him. Trynd is just foolish, and fury makes him even harder to deal with now ffs.

Oh well, I'm just going to keep on keeping my fingers crossed I don't see a trynd on the other team. But I must say I do like the new skin and always thought Fury was cool since Renekton.
It bears mentioning here that the spotlight was not made specifically for the new skin, Riot releases spotlights for brand new champions or when and older champion get's a rework. Tryndamere falls under the latter scenario as well as Kayle, since the two reworks came out at the same time. Also, I think you're greatly over-estimating Tryndamere, he's a very feast-or-famine type character who was generally disregarded at high levels of play because of his inability to be effective unless he was at 1 health with his ultimate on. The rework sought to even out his power level with the addition of the fury mechanic to make him more effective at all stages of the game and also make him viable at full health as well as make him weaker at 1 health.

Ultimately Tryndamere's kit is based around his ultimate, but his Achilles heel is and always will be his weakness to CC, drop a few stuns on him and he's forced to ult before doing any damage, and 5 seconds of damage immunity is not a very long time in a League of Legends teamfight.

I also think you're reaching quite a bit with the insinuation that Mark Merril (Aka Tryndamere) has a personal hand in the characters power level. Do you really think that the president of a company would forsake game balance for his own ego? It is true that he had a hand in the construction of the character, but he has said on several occasions that he has absolutely zero say in any balance choices.

Furthermore, I think it is a little childish to apply your personal feelings about a single character from an 80 character roster and use it to make sweeping statements about how Riot operates. You may dislike the character, but he's not a balance issue, if anything he is underpowered not overpowered, and if you wish to dispute that I encourage you to find a competitive team that has used tryndamere with any consistency over the last 3 months. Because you won't find one.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Captain Placeholder said:
Nayr said:
I despise only this champion in the whole game. I don't know who at Riot thought it was a good idea to make someone invicible for a few seconds with crazy damage was a good idea. It takes at least two people with exhaust and ignite and sometimes a tower and ultimates just to survive him let alone kill him.

It also is worse since the president of Riot signs his name with "Tryndamere" in the middle. Then when they made just a video for Trynds new skin, it look extremely biased by Riot, and that's why Trynd will never be changed either to be manageable. Him and Malzahar are the only two characters who can feed but once they hit level 6 start getting fed themselves. It's broken IMO. However at least Malzahar is able to be taken down and there is even an item to deal with him. Trynd is just foolish, and fury makes him even harder to deal with now ffs.

Oh well, I'm just going to keep on keeping my fingers crossed I don't see a trynd on the other team. But I must say I do like the new skin and always thought Fury was cool since Renekton.
Most Likely, people will either figure out ways to defeat him or he will be nerfed. Both are likely to be seen soon. I always wanted a Barbarian type guy and I LOVE the skins on him. However... it just seems, as you said, Unbalanced as hell.

Nerfs, then I will get my Trynd on!
Trind basicly dies to CC
he is a glass cannon

for the most part its an incredibly balanced game(theres a few i would call under powered but none i would call severely overpowered) it ultmilty comes down to how you play the hero wether they are good or not


New member
Nov 26, 2009
Well, I'm quite new to LoL, but I've seen him in several game,s and at the end he's sooo damn powerful. But what surprised me was how many dislikes the YouTube vid of this got, over half of the votes were dislikes.
And the comments on that video... like a war-zone.


New member
May 27, 2009
Owlslayer said:
Well, I'm quite new to LoL, but I've seen him in several game,s and at the end he's sooo damn powerful. But what surprised me was how many dislikes the YouTube vid of this got, over half of the votes were dislikes.
And the comments on that video... like a war-zone.
The changes to the character is great.
The problem is tryndamere was a make or break character who either excelled or failed due to random crits being crucial.
The main problem is the community were calling out for nerf or buff 24/7 for trynd and the same for kayle. Riot knew the only way to solve them was with a rework, however the community being the 12 year old flamers they are hate the idea they need to change their builds or style of play.
Trynd played the same way as another character called Master Yi, they can dominate dmg wise but when it comes surviveabilty one bit of CC and their gone.
He used critical hits to get a buff and heal meaning early game it was make or break.
He now gets this buff and heal by attacking and building rage and to build rage attack speed is needed, this change drastically changes your build and players are still attempting to play him the old way.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
new trynd is pretty awful really, only slightly better than the old one. damage early-mid game is still awful and his farming blows.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
direkiller said:
Captain Placeholder said:
Nayr said:
I despise only this champion in the whole game. I don't know who at Riot thought it was a good idea to make someone invicible for a few seconds with crazy damage was a good idea. It takes at least two people with exhaust and ignite and sometimes a tower and ultimates just to survive him let alone kill him.

It also is worse since the president of Riot signs his name with "Tryndamere" in the middle. Then when they made just a video for Trynds new skin, it look extremely biased by Riot, and that's why Trynd will never be changed either to be manageable. Him and Malzahar are the only two characters who can feed but once they hit level 6 start getting fed themselves. It's broken IMO. However at least Malzahar is able to be taken down and there is even an item to deal with him. Trynd is just foolish, and fury makes him even harder to deal with now ffs.

Oh well, I'm just going to keep on keeping my fingers crossed I don't see a trynd on the other team. But I must say I do like the new skin and always thought Fury was cool since Renekton.
Most Likely, people will either figure out ways to defeat him or he will be nerfed. Both are likely to be seen soon. I always wanted a Barbarian type guy and I LOVE the skins on him. However... it just seems, as you said, Unbalanced as hell.

Nerfs, then I will get my Trynd on!
Trind basicly dies to CC
he is a glass cannon

for the most part its an incredibly balanced game(theres a few i would call under powered but none i would call severely overpowered) it ultmilty comes down to how you play the hero wether they are good or not
he is a glass cannon that is sometimes made of invincible steel and unless your team has a decent number of stuns that are up when he shows up, he is just a huge pain in the ass, its all well and good to say he dies to cc but pretty much every champ does, he also seems like the only one who can use their ult despite being silenced and stunned


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Worgen said:
direkiller said:
Captain Placeholder said:
Nayr said:
I despise only this champion in the whole game. I don't know who at Riot thought it was a good idea to make someone invicible for a few seconds with crazy damage was a good idea. It takes at least two people with exhaust and ignite and sometimes a tower and ultimates just to survive him let alone kill him.

It also is worse since the president of Riot signs his name with "Tryndamere" in the middle. Then when they made just a video for Trynds new skin, it look extremely biased by Riot, and that's why Trynd will never be changed either to be manageable. Him and Malzahar are the only two characters who can feed but once they hit level 6 start getting fed themselves. It's broken IMO. However at least Malzahar is able to be taken down and there is even an item to deal with him. Trynd is just foolish, and fury makes him even harder to deal with now ffs.

Oh well, I'm just going to keep on keeping my fingers crossed I don't see a trynd on the other team. But I must say I do like the new skin and always thought Fury was cool since Renekton.
Most Likely, people will either figure out ways to defeat him or he will be nerfed. Both are likely to be seen soon. I always wanted a Barbarian type guy and I LOVE the skins on him. However... it just seems, as you said, Unbalanced as hell.

Nerfs, then I will get my Trynd on!
Trind basicly dies to CC
he is a glass cannon

for the most part its an incredibly balanced game(theres a few i would call under powered but none i would call severely overpowered) it ultmilty comes down to how you play the hero wether they are good or not
he is a glass cannon that is sometimes made of invincible steel and unless your team has a decent number of stuns that are up when he shows up, he is just a huge pain in the ass, its all well and good to say he dies to cc but pretty much every champ does, he also seems like the only one who can use their ult despite being silenced and stunned
fine he dies to CC and if you get a dot on him that ends after his ult finishes there are pleanty of people who do that(and even a summoner ability for it)

also gangplank and Alastar have abilitys they can use while silenced and stunned

Ezreal, Trista, Kassadin,lee,Kat, and many more can telport/jump out of suppression

Vlad can pool his way out of it

poppie can get 8 sec immunity too but doesn't have to go to 1 hp to do it and it at least takes 10 hits to kill her

Trind has never been op(infact he is often and still ranked tear 3,4)

Comic Sans

Oct 15, 2008
United States
weker said:
Owlslayer said:
Well, I'm quite new to LoL, but I've seen him in several game,s and at the end he's sooo damn powerful. But what surprised me was how many dislikes the YouTube vid of this got, over half of the votes were dislikes.
And the comments on that video... like a war-zone.
The changes to the character is great.
The problem is tryndamere was a make or break character who either excelled or failed due to random crits being crucial.
The main problem is the community were calling out for nerf or buff 24/7 for trynd and the same for kayle. Riot knew the only way to solve them was with a rework, however the community being the 12 year old flamers they are hate the idea they need to change their builds or style of play.
Trynd played the same way as another character called Master Yi, they can dominate dmg wise but when it comes surviveabilty one bit of CC and their gone.
He used critical hits to get a buff and heal meaning early game it was make or break.
He now gets this buff and heal by attacking and building rage and to build rage attack speed is needed, this change drastically changes your build and players are still attempting to play him the old way.
Because he is weaker now. I'm going to go into much here, but it's been mathematically proven several times on the forums that he has way less damage output, way less healing, reduced crit chance, and increased cooldowns. His jungling was also a bit nerfed. So it's like they did to Kayle, Fiddlesticks, and Gangplank. They preached "Look, remaking them to make the viable!" and then totally ruined the character, requiring more work on them later to bring them up to par and generally homogenizing the game by removing niche roles.

On another note, seeing all the LoL news here on Escapist is getting kind of annoying. Anyone who cares already knows all this. If I want the news swamped with LoL, I'll got to the LoL site.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
direkiller said:
Worgen said:
direkiller said:
Captain Placeholder said:
Nayr said:
I despise only this champion in the whole game. I don't know who at Riot thought it was a good idea to make someone invicible for a few seconds with crazy damage was a good idea. It takes at least two people with exhaust and ignite and sometimes a tower and ultimates just to survive him let alone kill him.

It also is worse since the president of Riot signs his name with "Tryndamere" in the middle. Then when they made just a video for Trynds new skin, it look extremely biased by Riot, and that's why Trynd will never be changed either to be manageable. Him and Malzahar are the only two characters who can feed but once they hit level 6 start getting fed themselves. It's broken IMO. However at least Malzahar is able to be taken down and there is even an item to deal with him. Trynd is just foolish, and fury makes him even harder to deal with now ffs.

Oh well, I'm just going to keep on keeping my fingers crossed I don't see a trynd on the other team. But I must say I do like the new skin and always thought Fury was cool since Renekton.
Most Likely, people will either figure out ways to defeat him or he will be nerfed. Both are likely to be seen soon. I always wanted a Barbarian type guy and I LOVE the skins on him. However... it just seems, as you said, Unbalanced as hell.

Nerfs, then I will get my Trynd on!
Trind basicly dies to CC
he is a glass cannon

for the most part its an incredibly balanced game(theres a few i would call under powered but none i would call severely overpowered) it ultmilty comes down to how you play the hero wether they are good or not
he is a glass cannon that is sometimes made of invincible steel and unless your team has a decent number of stuns that are up when he shows up, he is just a huge pain in the ass, its all well and good to say he dies to cc but pretty much every champ does, he also seems like the only one who can use their ult despite being silenced and stunned
fine he dies to CC and if you get a dot on him that ends after his ult finishes there are pleanty of people who do that(and even a summoner ability for it)

also gangplank and Alastar have abilitys they can use while silenced and stunned

Ezreal, Trista, Kassadin,lee,Kat, and many more can telport/jump out of suppression

Vlad can pool his way out of it

poppie can get 8 sec immunity too but doesn't have to go to 1 hp to do it and it at least takes 10 hits to kill her

Trind has never been op(infact he is often and still ranked tear 3,4)
none of the other abilties are as good as an invincibility that can be popped at any time on someone that hits really damn hard

they tend to have rather long cd times on their move skills while try and reduce his cd just by getting crits which he is already good at

vlad is annyoing

poppy is only immune to most of your team, if she uses her immune on the wrong champ then that one can just beat her down

try isnt so much op as just a fucken pain to deal with when he gets fed in the slightest, not many champs get so powerful so quickly by so few kills

oh,also, the dumping ignite on him when he uses his ult doesnt seem to work as well as it used too, it used to be pretty much a guaranteed kill before they changed it


New member
May 27, 2009
Comic Sans said:
Tryn may be weaker (however seeing as he is a crit champ i fail to see how)
he may have been overpowered to start with.
Champs in the fist place are hard to judge but seeing as the character has temporary invincibility really does leave opinions on ifhe is OP or UP.
In my personal opinion making trynd not have to critaclly hit the target has made him massively more balanced.