Trailers: Lord of the Rings: War in the North Untold Story Trailer

Team Hollywood

New member
Feb 9, 2009
Lord of the Rings: War in the North Untold Story Trailer

The developers of Lord of the Rings: War in the North discuss the importance of the war to Middle Earth and the role of the player in it.

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Friendly Neighborhood Time Lord
Apr 1, 2009
Ehh... as much as I like Lord of the Rings... I'm a little irritated that it seems to be going down the same road as Star Wars.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Looking good. And it's quite interesting that the Angmar/Carn Dum in this game looks quite similar to Turbine's interpretation of it from LOTRO.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
It looks great, it's just a shame the female character may as well be called "Token", for her appearance and presence.
Tolkien's Token, if you would.

Fire Daemon

Quoth the Daemon
Dec 18, 2007
It looks a lot like Dragon Age to be honest. I don't know how it plays, but graphically the two games look very similar, which isn't necessarily a point in the games favour because Dragon Age was quite an ugly game. If it plays well though, has some interesting depth to it, it should be good. The Return of the King game was pretty great and I think if this goes for the hack and slash route it'll have no problem finding it's own place. If it's an RPG though, then I hope that it is a very different RPG to Dragon Age: Origins, otherwise it's going to known as that DA:O rip-off, which would be unfortunate.


New member
Feb 21, 2011
Ugh, I like a good hack and slash as much as the next person, but as a Tolkien fan, I really don't like what they are doing to the lore here. They seem to be taking an incredibly loose interpretation of the lore-Angmar fell a long time before the events in LOTR and the Hobbit, Carn Dum shouldn't be a threat anymore. The *real* war in the north consisted of the Elves storming Sauron's fortress in Mirkwood and the battles of the men of Erebor and the Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain vs the armies of the Easterlings-Carn Dum wasn't important, the fortress of Dol Gulder in Mirkwood was.

Any claims that they are attempting to be faithful to the books is nonsense. I wish they had just made another Champions of Norrath game instead, it makes me sad to see the lore of one of my favorite stories walked all over like this.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Fire Daemon said:
It looks a lot like Dragon Age to be honest. I don't know how it plays, but graphically the two games look very similar, which isn't necessarily a point in the games favour because Dragon Age was quite an ugly game. If it plays well though, has some interesting depth to it, it should be good. The Return of the King game was pretty great and I think if this goes for the hack and slash route it'll have no problem finding it's own place. If it's an RPG though, then I hope that it is a very different RPG to Dragon Age: Origins, otherwise it's going to known as that DA:O rip-off, which would be unfortunate.
Nope, it's going to be a semi team oriented hack and slash, similar to what Snowblind was famous for in the PS2 days. What I mean by semi team based is that the 3 characters are supposed to be able to interact in several ways (magic guy freezes something, melee guy shatters it, etc.) but it's definitely not supposed to be an RPG by any means. I'd say the RotK comparison is a pretty good one, except this game seems like it will be more of a continuous story than the sort of piece meal jump around in the story way RotK was.

Fire Daemon

Quoth the Daemon
Dec 18, 2007
StriderShinryu said:
Fire Daemon said:
It looks a lot like Dragon Age to be honest. I don't know how it plays, but graphically the two games look very similar, which isn't necessarily a point in the games favour because Dragon Age was quite an ugly game. If it plays well though, has some interesting depth to it, it should be good. The Return of the King game was pretty great and I think if this goes for the hack and slash route it'll have no problem finding it's own place. If it's an RPG though, then I hope that it is a very different RPG to Dragon Age: Origins, otherwise it's going to known as that DA:O rip-off, which would be unfortunate.
Nope, it's going to be a semi team oriented hack and slash, similar to what Snowblind was famous for in the PS2 days. What I mean by semi team based is that the 3 characters are supposed to be able to interact in several ways (magic guy freezes something, melee guy shatters it, etc.) but it's definitely not supposed to be an RPG by any means. I'd say the RotK comparison is a pretty good one, except this game seems like it will be more of a continuous story than the sort of piece meal jump around in the story way RotK was.
Ah, that sounds pretty interesting then. I'll have to pay more attention to this game in the future.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
It looks all pretty, but very similar to other fantasy games. Course, it is also in the series that has pretty much defined epic fantasy for the last 100 years or so...


This is the most wittiest title
Oct 26, 2009
Never heard about this before. All that matters is that it stays as true to the books as possible, and has a good gameplay.

The only LOTR games I've played are the RTS's: The Battles For Middle-Earth.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
As someone said above, Carn Dum wasn't said to matter in the books. It was the elves and the dwarves fighting off the bad guys, as in BFMEII.

I can take a loose interpretation, though - just because no one mentioned it in the books doesn't mean it wasn't happening. Maybe when they last got their information it wasn't.

I'm disappointed that no one can seem to come up with something that isn't about the war in the north (BFMEII, LotRO, this) or the main storyline. Some of the best Star Wars games are off the beaten path (KotOR, anyone?), and I imagine much the same kind of thing would be true for LotRO.

Can I at least have a game where I play as the Last Alliance against Sauron and his army? At least in a preview or something?


New member
Feb 28, 2010
It looks a bit too... 'Tolkien' for me... So far I haven't seen anything mind blowingly awesome from it other then the fact its a Lord of the rings game. Also Mages/Wizards using their staffs in melee combat just pisses me off.


New member
Sep 16, 2009
Yay Carn Dum, that never gets old!

(Speaking of which, I still have deeds to grind out there...)

At least it looks cool/evil, and most importantly, BIG.

And this new Lieutenant character? Looks interesting, to say the least.