Transformers 2 Writers Explain Why it Sucked

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
Transformers 2 Writers Explain Why it Sucked

According to the people who wrote its script, bad timing proved to be the undoing of the second Transformers movie.

When Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen came out in 2009, it didn't exactly win over the critics. In fact, they blasted it with such choice phrases as, "a horrible experience of unbearable length []," and "simply despicable []." Even director Michael Bay said that it was "crap," and in a roundtable discussion with The Hollywood Reporter [], writers Ehren Kruger and Roberts Orci explained exactly what went wrong.

According to the writing duo, it wasn't one thing that went wrong, but a series of problems and quirks that chained into each other. As they related [] back in 2009 at the BotCon convention, the script for the movie was written in a big hurry after the WGA writers' strike in 2007 - 2008. That wouldn't have been a problem for some movies, but for an effects-heavy movie like Revenge of the Fallen, work has to begin months before shooting starts in order to have everything ready.

That wouldn't have been a problem either as the movie could have been put on hold, but Bay didn't want to wait, and so took an expanded version of the treatment that had been created before the strike started, and used that as his guide. "The movie could have been pushed," said Orci. "But [Bay] uses all the same people over and over. He considers himself kind of a jobs program. And for him the idea of pushing the movie means all these people that rely on him go down and they're in between jobs, etc."

"[It] would have been considered a first draft outline," Kruger said. "And then suddenly you're locked into some of those things. And at that point it becomes very difficult - and very expensive - to try to rework macro ideas. Added to which, he was a bit cross about us going on strike in the first place!" Kruger continued, saying that the strike put both Bay and the movie in a rather untenable position. He said that the movie ended up being a collection of spectacles with the narrative connecting them as well as it could.

It's worth mentioning, however, that as much as critics might have hated the movie, it still made a boatload of cash. It made back its $200 million budget in just five days [], and went on to make hundreds of millions of dollars more, both domestically and internationally. Hopefully, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, which hits theaters on July 1st, will be just as successful, without sucking quite so hard.

Source: via Blastr []



New member
Aug 17, 2009
Was I the only person who thought Transformers 2 was really Awsome?
It had tons of action and explosions, and robot killing each other.
Not movie of the year but still really good.

Lt. Vinciti

New member
Nov 5, 2009
What the excuse for doing this at all....was better animated then Shia Laboof and Megan Cantact

Random Argument Man

New member
May 21, 2008
zombie711 said:
Was I the only person who thought Transformers 2 was Awsome?
Not movie of the year but still really good.
It was nice as a laugh festival. Let's just say that it was some sort of "so's good" kind of thing.


Perfect Strangers
Jun 23, 2009
I thought of this movie like I do an action game. That means I don't care what the story is and I just want to get straight into the action.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
That's the excuse? Bad timing?

Not bad acting or bad writing? Of course not they were perfectly fine


Gildan Bladeborn

New member
Aug 11, 2009
zombie711 said:
Was I the only person who thought Transformers 2 was Awsome?
Not movie of the year but still really good.
Usually when people raise that sort of question, the immediate answer is "No, of course you aren't!", but in this case I can honestly say I have never seen anyone else ever describe Transformers 2 as "awesome", or "really good". I've seen people admit to enjoying it of course, but you usually get the sense that at least they know why they weren't supposed to.

On Topic: I can't say I really expect the 3rd film to be any better than the 2nd, not when they have already established that releasing a film its own director at one point described as "crap" will still make them crazy amounts of money - where is the incentive to improve in this scenario exactly?


New member
Nov 29, 2010
The timing sucked.
It didn't help that the concept is retarded to begin with, the cast is terrible, it was a sequel to a crappy movie, and that Michael Bay should have been forced into early retirement after Bad Boys.

James Raynor

New member
Sep 3, 2008
The Wykydtron said:
That's the excuse? Bad timing?

Not bad acting or bad writing? Of course not they were perfectly fine

The bad writing was caused by the writer strike during the peroid where it needed to be written.


Future sovereign of Oz
Nov 6, 2010
It wasn't just the shitty script that made the movie bad thoug. What about Meagan Fox's terrible acting?

Paragon Fury

The Loud Shadow
Jan 23, 2009
The Wykydtron said:
That's the excuse? Bad timing?

Not bad acting or bad writing? Of course not they were perfectly fine

Did you read the story at all?

They basically admit, that yes, bad writing was one of the reasons the movie sucked so bad, and they admit that they basically didn't have any writers when the movie was being done, so they had to make do with the pre-shooting first draft.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
DevilWolf47 said:
Michael Bay should have been forced into early retirement after Bad Boys.
At gun point...

OT: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me...
All I can say is... *Puts on Glasses*

[small]So no, I wont be spending another 30 dollars to have my childhood molested in front of me for a third time. I have the internet to do that for free.[/small]


King over my mind
Mar 29, 2011
This is the one with the horrible "college brownies" bit right?

been a long time since I've suffered through that movie


New member
Aug 17, 2009
Gildan Bladeborn said:
zombie711 said:
Was I the only person who thought Transformers 2 was Awsome?
Not movie of the year but still really good.
Usually when people raise that sort of question, the immediate answer is "No, of course you aren't!", but in this case I can honestly say I have never seen anyone else ever describe Transformers 2 as "awesome", or "really good". I've seen people admit to enjoying it of course, but you usually get the sense that at least they know why they weren't supposed to.

On Topic: I can't say I really expect the 3rd film to be any better than the 2nd, not when they have already established that releasing a film its own director at one point described as "crap" will still make them crazy amounts of money - where is the incentive to improve in this scenario exactly?
I understand why some people didnt like it. I walked into the theater thinking Hope this has tons of explosions and everything else I like about Micheal bay. I didnt walk out disapointed.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I had a feeling that the writer strike how something to do with them rushing the script but did no one said to Bay that his sense of humours (e.g. the mother getting high and giving that Decipticon balls) is utterly stupid and so not funny?


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Roberto Orci has my forgiveness. I know he is capable of better work since he writes for Fringe, which is awesome.

Besides, in a Michael Bay movie starring Shia Labeouf and Megan Fox, about robots that turn into cars... a bad script is just the tip of the iceberg.


New member
Dec 21, 2009
Little know fact had they had not release Transformer 2 at that exact moment the whole world would have been eaten by a space goat, thank god they decided to past such thing as effort in order to deliver the story in time.

You know if they had to rush so fast how come its a 2h30 minute movie?

Bad timing excuse was used by Micheal Bay long ago if I recall