Transgender Q & A


New member
Feb 4, 2013
Thank you all very much for the responses~ they were very helpful .w.

Also, I've gotta say, I knew my community included a lot of very angry, misguided women, but I had no idea there were feminists out there saying things like *that*. That sort of behavior is simply dispicable, and those comments are far beyond disturbing. I'm sorry you've had to hear such awful things, especially from feminists. We're supposed to be here to help oppressed groups, not damn them.

@Jayemsal, that sounds awesome! I'd love to read it.


New member
Mar 28, 2008
Jenvas1306 said:
first of all the obligatory correction: You refer to you friend as 'he' but if she identifies as female, shouldnt you as a friend use female pronouns?
I'd actually given that some thought before I hit "Post", and I decided to use "he" because it was still early on in the process, before any real physical changes had started. Plus he'd never really made it clear which pronoun he preferred at that point. But you're right, I probably should have used "she". Sorry about that. X)

Thanks for your answer! I feel smarter now, and I'm glad you had a (mostly) positive experience with your transition. :D

Queen Michael

has read 4,010 manga books
Jun 9, 2009
Jayemsal said:
So go ahead and ask whatever questions you may have on the subject.
Huge thanks. Here's what I'm wondering:

If I understand things correctly, there are two mental genders: Men and women. To keep things clear I'll use the word "Salt" to refer to somebody who's mentally a man. And then we have those who are mentally female. I'll call them "Pepper." What I'm wondering is, what makes the Salts male and the Peppers female? If both biological guys and biological girls can be salts, then it seems to me that we've just got two different personality types that I call salts and peppers, and I don't understand why one of them is classified as female and the other one as male. Why assign genders to the two different personality types? And if there are two different mental genders, then how do you determine which one is which? Biologically you just have too look at what's inside their underwear (sorry for the crudeness), but then what's the factor you use to determine what mental gender you are? What's the mental trait that salts have and peppers lack? You might answer that a person's a woman if that person feels like a woman, but then I still wonder what it means to feel like a woman. What makes a feeling, or a personality, female?

So to sum up my question, what is the difference between the salts and the peppers, and how do you know that the salts are the male ones?

Maybe I seem really ignorant. That's cause I am. Otherwise I wouldn't need to ask.

Also: I'm sincerely sorry if these questions are rude or hurtful. I didn't know how else to phrase it, and if you're offended you have my permissionto call me a stupid poopyhead as much as you like. But it'd be great if you answered, because I have a transexual FtM pal who's getting surgery really soon, and I can't ask him this because it might be rude.


New member
Dec 28, 2012
Queen Michael said:
Bump-a-bump, 'cause my question ain't answered yet.
eek, sorry. 1 sec.

(also, my annotated bibliography is complete, on the subject of multiple articles relating to this subject, if you're interested, just message me for it.)


New member
Dec 28, 2012
Queen Michael said:
Jayemsal said:
So go ahead and ask whatever questions you may have on the subject.
Huge thanks. Here's what I'm wondering:

If I understand things correctly, there are two mental genders: Men and women. To keep things clear I'll use the word "Salt" to refer to somebody who's mentally a man. And then we have those who are mentally female. I'll call them "Pepper." What I'm wondering is, what makes the Salts male and the Peppers female? If both biological guys and biological girls can be salts, then it seems to me that we've just got two different personality types that I call salts and peppers, and I don't understand why one of them is classified as female and the other one as male. Why assign genders to the two different personality types? And if there are two different mental genders, then how do you determine which one is which? Biologically you just have too look at what's inside their underwear (sorry for the crudeness), but then what's the factor you use to determine what mental gender you are? What's the mental trait that salts have and peppers lack? You might answer that a person's a woman if that person feels like a woman, but then I still wonder what it means to feel like a woman. What makes a feeling, or a personality, female?

So to sum up my question, what is the difference between the salts and the peppers, and how do you know that the salts are the male ones?

Maybe I seem really ignorant. That's cause I am. Otherwise I wouldn't need to ask.

Also: I'm sincerely sorry if these questions are rude or hurtful. I didn't know how else to phrase it, and if you're offended you have my permissionto call me a stupid poopyhead as much as you like. But it'd be great if you answered, because I have a transexual FtM pal who's getting surgery really soon, and I can't ask him this because it might be rude.
Try not to use the phrase "personality types" thats a completely different area of psychology.

There are many different "mental genders" it isnt a binary male/female.
Its a matter of spectrum, if measurable at all.

Even moreso, the brains of transgender men and women have been shown to match (in certain areas) the typical brain chemistry and build of the gender/sex that they identify as.


New member
Dec 28, 2012
I'm resurrecting this thread.

It provided some great discussion and I feel like it could use a bit of attention.

Sorry for the self bump.



New member
Jul 7, 2013
Hi, another transperson here. Although I feel uncomfortable with saying this - since most people tend to tell me to fuck off and say that I'm wrong - I'm agender. Sexes aren't very black and white thing, by the way, but one could say that I was born as female. I'm not going to get any operations apart from a possible breast reduction, but that's for my killer backpain they're causing.

The "reason" that I am agender is because I feel nothing but apathy towards the concept of gender in an introspective manner and I do get dysphoria from being perceived as a certain gender? It's sort of hard to explain, but since there are little of my gender present, I thought it'd be a good idea to throw myself into this Q&A, to spread info about non-binary genders or something.

So yeah, feel free to ask me questions as well or something.