crackfool said:
Ugh, I know Jim Sterling brings in a lot of Mountain Dew ad revenue, but can we get a more competent writer? Preferably someone who doesn't come out with such a shallow reading, and bashed Bastion for not being a AAA zombie QTE game?
Ladies and gents, this is what happens when you don't read the entirety of a review and just make a knee jerk reaction. You miss things in the very piece of work you're criticizing and then come off looking rather foolish...
That aside, I'm fucking loving this game so far. Only an hour in so far though, but it's pretty fantastic. The description of 'depressing' could not be more spot on, but I'd actually go one step forward and say this game has an air of horror and tragedy. Challenging first boss fight that pushed me to my limits and had me putting up with the overload mechanic, but I managed to work around it.
For what it's worth, here's some advice I'm gonna throw out to people planning to play the game later. Do not hesitate to use abilities in REAL TIME. You don't ALWAYS need to Load(). Attack as much as you can and when the moment comes where the enemy is close by and about to fuck your shit up, then use Load() to get in a backstab or piercing attack and run away either with Jaunt, Mask or both. Don't rely JUST on Load() or there's a good chance you'll Overload faster than you would have if you'd attacked from a distance or rushed enemies that can't handle CQC.
It's definitely going to feel familiar to fans of Bastion, but those little slices of 'ambience' that were more scattered throughout Bastion are easily more plentiful so far. And if you loved the way Bastion kicks off, Transistor's gonna throw you for even more of a loop.