Trashed Batman Cartoon Made Joker a Psychotic Teen

Boba Frag

New member
Dec 11, 2009
HG131 said:
Boba Frag said:
Hmmm.... Barbara Gordon (I think) as a love interest for Bruce Wayne... Despite being roughly 20 years his junior... Not sure that particular aspect would work, but the artwork is very good, along with a very interesting idea.

Not sure about Harvey Dent already being scarred, though.. Just doesn't translate well.

Or Croc... If they'd shown him more as the human Waylon Jones gradually succumbing to the rare condition he has (epidermatlytic hypercuratosis, I believe)... but fully fledged Croc? Not so sure.

Interesting 'What if' material, though.
Um, hate to tell ya, but Barbra and Bruce had a thing for a bit in the DCAU.
Oh, I'm well aware of that. Although it was more of a Barbara has a thing for Bruce, but Bruce never lets himself even think about it kinda deal.
Interesting that they would have that continuity, but it really boils down to a huge disparity in ages that I wouldn't be able to forget easily.


New member
Feb 10, 2009
The Joker being who he is and doing what he does as an adult would do tons more damage in a high school environment.

It'd be social commentary hitting way too close to home.


New member
May 16, 2010

Oh wait, they actually left this on the shelf? Okay, there is a God.

Seriously, the animation looks fine, but honestly, does everything need a high school version? Superman? Fine. Clark Kent went to high school and it was awkward. Got it. Do you think Bruce Wayne went to Gotham High, with a ridiculous crime rate and a public school system where he could be kidnapped for his money? So Alfred can secretly protect him from the shadows as the school's janitor? Let's not forget that Bruce Wayne is batshyte loco himself.

Dump it, burn it, and never speak of this again.


New member
Feb 6, 2009
Jeronus said:
I couldn't see this doing well even if they had permission to do some pretty violent stuff. Batman in high school so when did he train as a ninja during elementary school?
Well, just like with any re-telling of a story, I'm sure they could have found a way to make some reason up for him being a good fighter and stealthy.
1. ninja's have kids too. They gotta start somewhere. Check out some old kungfu flicks with kids in it, it can be done.
2. He could just have been natrually adept at stalking.
3.He could have been getting training from someone in the batman universe that was an ally in the comics. They could have been portrayed as like the career counselor, helping him overcome bullies as a little under the radar rich kid that got beat up the first day of school.
I sooo would have watched this. It certainly beats how they changed 'The Batman' into a kiddie type show. I would at least have accepted a highschool retelling. Xmen Evolution wasn't really half bad for what it was at the time...why not?
All I'm saying is, for half the crap that people accept pertaining to the actual comic story line, this isn't as stupid as previous posts would have you think, especially considering how the best batman known to some are the recent movies >.>
Many different versions have drastically altered storylines from the originals, so big deal if this is just another different universe with big changes in it. Heck, in some peoples minds, batman was like a monster, or even some kind of knight and wasn't he a pirate at one point? It's not that inconcievable. (did I spell that correctly?)


New member
Dec 5, 2008
"Batman" as "Archie"? I suppose how good or bad it might have been would really have depended on the caliber of the writing and the quality of the voice actors, but I think a tiny voice in the back of my head would have been constantly going "Why is the rich orphan kid going to a public school with all these thugs, many of whom would probably be high school drop-outs?"


New member
Nov 17, 2010
Nah, I would have watched it. Most of my exposure to the heroes have been through the television shows with my Dad.

This would have made for some great bonding time, basking in the awesomeness or hearing my Father rant about how it destroyed continuity or something.

If they could have made it cool, I would have watched it for a bit. I liked Teen Titians and Xmen: Evolution when it was still new. I could have liked this too.

Jeeeeebus, you people are quick to shut down anything as stupid that goes against the norm of the beloved superheroes. >.> Hmm...maybe I should lighten up on M.Night for A:TLA.



New member
Dec 23, 2009
I like the concept art for Clayface, but then again I have to wonder if this character would have had ANY similarity to the main version. I mean what's a kid with clay going to do?

Also, while there's plenty of art here for Bruce, what about, you know, Batman? I'd have to think it would be hard to keep your secret identity when your entire rogues gallery are your classmates. So would Bruce have even bothered with it?

While I would like to have seen where this would have gone, I'm still glad they went with Batman Beyond instead. It was Batman in high school, and it kicked ass!


Cortana's guardian
Oct 22, 2009
inso far as concept art it by and large it works well and would all depend on how they handled toning back/changing charaters and thier back/origin stories as well as episode to episode stuff. I certainly would watch it. wether or not I'd like it I can't yet tell...Though I can say for certain that Im not upset by the concept art for the young takes on Catwoman, Batgirl, Harley and Ivey


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Considering how much I hate high school drama, I don't mind the fact that this never came out.


Aug 8, 2010
I'm glad this didn't work out. The Joker would have been reduced to simple practical joking i.e. Roger Klutz on Doug.