I really liked Tribes, but their proposed marketing model and, in particular, my previous experiences with HiRez were extremely disappointing. I'll keep an eye on this, but I'm not holding my breath. Not at all.
Tentickles said:
That was some crazy light show!
F2P? I'll try it.
I guess you missed the bit about having to buy kits for specific roles... and having to KEEP buying them as HiRez release newer (and presumably more powerful, else what's the point) kits. It's supposedly aping League of Legends, and that is a
massive cash sink if you want to stay competitive - I wouldn't know. I don't take things that seriously.
Aerograt said:
I heard Section 8 was really similar to Tribes, but I didn't realize just how similar. This looks really cool with the fast movement speed though.
As bug ridden and design-flawed as S8 was, I still think it is a better game than what's being described here (with the necessary disclaimers about future developments etc.).
Andy Chalk said:
Wow dudes, why not give it a try before declaring it shit and moving on?
I don't see too many people knocking the game... the vast majority are knocking the marketing/pricing models. And in all fairness, there's a darned good reason that FPS's like this are seldom successful with those models.