Tribes: Ascend Gameplay Trailer Brings the Sexy Heat


New member
Jan 1, 2011
This doesn't have customisable loadouts. You'll have to purchase preset loadouts.

Not looking too good.


New member
Oct 5, 2010
Ya, I was looking forward to Tribes Ascend when they were first starting to talk about it, the concept art and screenshots looked great to. Then I heard it would be F2P but I held out hope that it wouldn't be too bad. Then I heard that the loadouts wouldn't have customization and you just bought them and my hope for it took a nose dive. The only thing that I think could save it now is if it's a one time fee for items and loadouts as opposed to a "buy for the month" type of system. If they do that, I'll just pass completely.

So much promise and then to have most of it stripped away like that... I guess it could still turn around and not be as bad as I think it will be. But I loaded up my skeptic shield pack now so we'll see what happens.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I was excited up until the curses of modern day FPS seeped in. Reloading? Only 2 weapons? Mine or grenade?

Part of the deal with tribes is the inventory station, letting you switch loadouts on the fly. Now it'll be a store station, where you get to buy vanilla and stock assets.

From the looks of it it will have no mod or skinning access.

Back to Tribes 1 for me, which I might add is freeware.

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Wow dudes, why not give it a try before declaring it shit and moving on?


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I really liked Tribes, but their proposed marketing model and, in particular, my previous experiences with HiRez were extremely disappointing. I'll keep an eye on this, but I'm not holding my breath. Not at all.

Tentickles said:
That was some crazy light show!
F2P? I'll try it.
I guess you missed the bit about having to buy kits for specific roles... and having to KEEP buying them as HiRez release newer (and presumably more powerful, else what's the point) kits. It's supposedly aping League of Legends, and that is a massive cash sink if you want to stay competitive - I wouldn't know. I don't take things that seriously.

Aerograt said:
I heard Section 8 was really similar to Tribes, but I didn't realize just how similar. This looks really cool with the fast movement speed though.
As bug ridden and design-flawed as S8 was, I still think it is a better game than what's being described here (with the necessary disclaimers about future developments etc.).

Andy Chalk said:
Wow dudes, why not give it a try before declaring it shit and moving on?
I don't see too many people knocking the game... the vast majority are knocking the marketing/pricing models. And in all fairness, there's a darned good reason that FPS's like this are seldom successful with those models.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
As a T1 and T2 veteran, I am cautiously optimistic.

Unlike many people on the internet, I will reserve judgement until I can actually play the game.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
This should be just the thing to cleanse my palette of all the brownchesthighwall games I've been stuck playing lately.

Fun fact: Tribes 2 was one of the first video games I ever played.


New member
Dec 12, 2010
Meh, looks like Halo-rip. Still, if it's free to play, I'll tag along for the ride, before the douchebags find it and ruin it for everyone.

As for S:8...God, I got bored of that game even after the first mission. What an utter generic experience. Only cool thing was the jetpacks.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
Excited for the game, not excited for the payment plan. I'd much rather just pay 50$ for it.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
Realitycrash said:
Meh, looks like Halo-rip. Still, if it's free to play, I'll tag along for the ride, before the douchebags find it and ruin it for everyone.

As for S:8...God, I got bored of that game even after the first mission. What an utter generic experience. Only cool thing was the jetpacks.
Halo rip..?

You do know that TRIBES (1998) came out BEFORE HALO (2001)

and TRIBES (1998) Had jetpacks before REACH (2010)

So yeah, we went back in time 12 years and ripped off halo, makes perfect sence

and before you say "Marathon 1994" Marathon is no halo, it's by the same company, but it's not the same franchice

which by the way Earthsiege (by the makers of Tribes) came out 5 months before your precious Marathon did

and I'm guessing by "douchebags ruining it" is Halo and CoD fans playing a shooter that requires skill, and the Tribes vets shooting them down like the bad gamers they are

Translation- Gunna be a lot like DotA meets TF2 isn't it..?


New member
Dec 8, 2010
Played a little of the original tribes, must this one looks disturbingly similar to halo


New member
Jul 28, 2010
I can't believe people are knocking the F2P system already. There's barely even any details about it out yet! All they did was hint at what it might be like.

I'm excited. I loved Tribes and this being F2P makes me want to play it more than ever


New member
Mar 10, 2009
F2P, huh? Honestly, I'd rather have paid full for a box copy and been able to play the full game with people on servers like I did with the original two games, rather than get this free version that apparently boasts being unfinished as a feature. Buying loadouts? Give me a break. I'll stick to playing games that have all of the content up front and available to all players, thanks.