Trying to pick song to sing for a friend's birthday.


Guardian Of Forever
Oct 15, 2009
DoW Lowen said:
Hey so sorry I haven't been on in a while. I've been really busy now that I'm working and studying I don't have time to do much on the Escapist except browse a few videos, Critical Miss and of course the news, well... "news".

Anyway, my friend and I were trying to pick a song to sing for another friend's birthday. We're both kind of hopeless singers but it's the though that counts. A quick description of our friend;

Female, turning 21, does teaching and fine arts, is an English tutor, came from a poor background but has done really well for herself, remarkably intelligent but dumb (if that makes sense), quite traditional and has very fairytale book ideals, dated a complete asshole for a few years, a bit of a social hermit, every single one of her guy friends (myself included) has fallen for her at some point, really attractive and her favorite bands range from Matchbox 20, Radiohead and Muse to Amy Winehouse, Duffy and Lady GaGa.

EDIT: She can also sing and paint really well.

So any suggestion of songs?
There is only one birthday song worth playing