Turkish Soccer Fans Unfurl World's Biggest Trollface


New member
Oct 25, 2010
while banning road flares is a perfectly logical ban to make, the sheer dedication of these turkish trolls cannot be ignored either.

i think the proper way to describe this is "impressively retarded".

seriously, you europeans need to calm the fuck down when it comes to sports. when all is said and done, its just a bloody game: you dont need to be setting off dozens of road flares at a time or deafening the stadium with vuvuzelas. nor do you need to be starting childish arguments over whose name for the game is superior. i mean, you call trucks "lorries", where's the vitriolic internet debates over that?


New member
Nov 21, 2009
You know what, humanity? I can take Justin Bieber, Twilight, Rebecca Black, SOPA, Jack Thompson, and other random acts of stupidity you can think of throwing out now.

Because you did THIS.

And this redeemed you.

And this will infinitely keep redeeming you until the end of existence.


New member
Nov 5, 2010
Allow me to make use of this touching moment.



May 1, 2008
Jamash said:
That's hilarious.

For some reason, the flare waving, loud chanting public trolling antics of Football fans rarely fails to make me laugh.

That Turkish video reminds me of a similar, recent incident where a Polish under-8 game had to be called off because of the fans:

I know it's pretty bad (and has sinister undertones), but I find the complete inappropriateness of the fans behaviour at a kids game hilarious.

I think it's the spectacle of the flares, drumming and chanting that contrasts so much with the little children trying to clear up the mess that really amuses me.
So do they not have smoke detectors is Poland? because over here any school gym would be sprinkling and blaring a high pitched repetitive beep.

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
Dooly95 said:
Susan Arendt said:
Not really true. Sure, we'll destroy anyone in football, but Japanese teams regularly crush us in baseball.
Isn't it because the US won't risk getting their players injured for a silly international competition?

Or perhaps because most MLB teams don't have a lot of home-grown talent?
I'd say it's about 50/50 homegrown and not. (Or at least it was last I was paying attention, which admittedly was a few years back.) But the Japanese just happen to be really good at baseball and really love it.

Techno Squidgy

New member
Nov 23, 2010
J Tyran said:
Andy Chalk said:
[they call soccer "football" in Europe] to ban flares from all domestic games.
Its the other way around, you call American hand egg "football".
beat me to it.
Seriously, how on earth is American 'Football' still called football? It bears as much resemblance to football as rugby does. I appreciate that Rugby is also developed from proper football but surely once you start picking the damn thing up and running with it you've taken the foot part out of the equation? /rant

Yes I know that Rugby is properly called Rugby football. Yes I know that the word Soccer comes form Association football. This doesn't mean calling Rugby and American Football football makes any less sense.