Twitter Considering New 10,000 Character Limit

The Enquirer

New member
Apr 10, 2013
Strazdas said:
Or realize this is not the 90s anymore and do away with arbitrary character limits.

Gibbagobba said:
This is a joke, right? This really would defeat the site's purpose entirely.
Twitter had a purpose? Unless that purpose was to limit nuance in speed to make everyone look like idiot assholes, i dont see it.

The Enquirer said:
I think it's that they're taking the most unique thing about the site and essentially removing it.
if the most unique thing about the site is the worst thing about the site....

BiH-Kira said:
That's because those people are in the wrong place and there is already another site for them.
No, whats in the wrong place is a character limit. its place is in the history books.
I'm not totally sure why the excessive negativity here. If I didn't know any better I'd say twitter physically reached out from the screen your family was viewing it on and strangled them all.

I don't think anyone is suggesting to keep the character limit exactly as is, but doing away with it entirely does defeat the site's purpose of being able to ask questions and receive answers in a short and concise manner or short messages. At that point it becomes almost every other social media site out there.

So not only is doing away with the character limit bad for users, in the long run I'd imagine it would be bad for business too.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
The Enquirer said:
I don't think anyone is suggesting to keep the character limit exactly as is, but doing away with it entirely does defeat the site's purpose of being able to ask questions and receive answers in a short and concise manner or short messages. At that point it becomes almost every other social media site out there.

So not only is doing away with the character limit bad for users, in the long run I'd imagine it would be bad for business too.
No, it does no such thing. removing character limit (something that shouldnt exist to begin with) does not remove anyones ability to ask short questions or give direct answers. It only allows introduction of nuance and context to otherwise severely constricted space.


New member
Dec 8, 2015
Strazdas said:
Gibbagobba said:
This is a joke, right? This really would defeat the site's purpose entirely.
Twitter had a purpose? Unless that purpose was to limit nuance in speed to make everyone look like idiot assholes, i dont see it.
Well, I mean apart from that obviously.

The Enquirer

New member
Apr 10, 2013
Strazdas said:
The Enquirer said:
I don't think anyone is suggesting to keep the character limit exactly as is, but doing away with it entirely does defeat the site's purpose of being able to ask questions and receive answers in a short and concise manner or short messages. At that point it becomes almost every other social media site out there.

So not only is doing away with the character limit bad for users, in the long run I'd imagine it would be bad for business too.
No, it does no such thing. removing character limit (something that shouldnt exist to begin with) does not remove anyones ability to ask short questions or give direct answers. It only allows introduction of nuance and context to otherwise severely constricted space.
No other form of social media gets live feeds on television in the same way Twitter does because moderators are able to very easily skim through hundreds of these tweets to determine whether or not it will add to the discussion in any meaningful way and are appropriate to put out on TV. While I probably should have rephrased what I said to something along the lines of "increasing the character limit beyond a certain amount will put heavy constraints on it's usefulness compared to other social media", I'll certainly stand by what I said.