Treblaine said:
Therumancer said:
To me it seems like it might very well be staged so scared people won't complain about Sony doing whatever it wants in the name of security.
See this is my problem with conspiracy theories, they revolve around massive groups concocting extraordinary deceptions for such trivial effects.
What the hell is complaining going to do? People will grumble in forums but people will still buy the games and use the service.
Well, it would take a relatively small group of people to do this one, it wouldn't be a conspiricy by every employee in Sony, but more or less a fiction being created within the company.
I've been involved in things on a similar level when I worked casino security, the information circulated by upper management to employees is oftentimes not accurate, and used to justify things like layoffs, or firings if they want to try and avoid paying the compensation involved in layoffs and so on. As security if there are going to be a lot of walk outs all of a sudden, typically we'd be notified, though the frank terms we get are not nessicarly what people elsewhere are going to hear. What's more not everyone involved in security is nessicarly going to be told, just supervision and the officers doing the walk outs. When I worked monitor room for example they wanted back of the house camera coverage on employees being fired and walked out when it was planned ahead of time, in case of incident, so as a result I might very well be in the loop when something was planned.
The point I'm getting at is that people act like conspiricies are ridiculous by their very nature, but they really aren't. What's more a lot of people don't usually think of themselves as being part of one, even when they are, albiet most people get involved on things of a lower level than what we're talking about with big business.
Laws exist in the US against cartel behavior because it's relatively easy for people involved in large scale business to do things like coordinate to avoid direct competition with each other, and set prices so nobody is trying to undercut each other, and everyone involved makes the most money possible. Effectively killing competition much like a monopoly, but without one group recognizably having total control of the good or service. The gas industry in the US is in trouble for this all the time, and we see constant investigations by the goverment trying to prove the coordination. Of course given the international nature of businesses like that and that things like oil are oftentimes bought from what amounts to a foreign cartel to begin with it can be very difficult.
One thing to remember also about Japanacorps is that while things are changing, and you don't quite have the "employment for life" and assured loyalty you used to, a lot of those attitudes and the whole "dynasty" perspective still does exist. There has been a lot written about it, and the Japanacorp became a stock villain largely due to their behavior in the 80s for that reason. An unheard of level of information control and coordination is possible due to a differant mentality, which had made them difficult for more western businesses to compete.
Hence a lot of my suspicians given the timing.
I'll also say that there are plenty of very large scale conspiricies that have been busted and are now known, which demonstrates the possibilities, and of course leads to the theories. While jokes now, groups like the KKK for example were at one time secret societies, and had substantial influance within the goverment that wasn't acknowleged. They were eventually discovered and rooted out, but it did show how a large group of people could be secretly coordinated within the goverment towards an agenda. It's also why it was a big deal when guys like David Dukes were uncovered as having Klan connections, he was found out after the Klan had lost most of it's overt power, which is part of what made it kind of freaky that they had someone so high up even for a little while.
A tangent, but I'm just providing some food for thought. In the scheme of things what I'm saying isn't all that implausible.