U.K. Religious Leaders Hate On Modern Warfare 2

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
U.K. Religious Leaders Hate On Modern Warfare 2

U.K. leaders from Islam, Christianity and Judaism all claim that the violence in Modern Warfare 2 went too far.

Several religious leaders discussed the implications of the violence in Modern Warfare 2 on a panel on BBC One's talk show, "The Big Questions." The panel consisted of Alex Goldberg, CEO of the London Jewish Forum, Fazan Mohammed of the British Muslim Forum, and the Rt. Reverend Stephen Lowe, former Bishop of Hulme. The three leaders took umbrage [SLIGHT SPOILER ALERT!] with the now notorious airport scene, pitting the player as an undercover CIA posing as a terrorist. [END SLIGHT SPOILER ALERT!]

"When I was young, [society was] worried about horror comics - because they were going to pollute the minds of young people and make them violent," said Reverend Stephen Lowe, an admitted World of Warcraft fan. "This [game] is very different from that; this is [ANOTHER SLIGHT SPOILER ALERT!]taking on the role of a terrorist in a way that relates to the news - what we actually see on our [TV] screens. That is fundamentally different. It somehow says: 'Maybe this is all right.' It isn't."

Fazan Mohammed had this to add:

"You can't equate it with watching TV or a movie or reading a book. This is a much more intimate experience. You're mentally playing out the effects of violence. A lot of people make the excuse that this is sport - that it's just entertainment. But Joseph Goebbels - the propaganda minister of Nazi Germany - said his entertainment did more for the German people, in terms of creating the psyche for war and hostility towards others, than the speeches of Adolf Hitler. The idea this is entertainment is not justification whatsoever."

The biggest head-scratching quote was from Alex Goldberg, from the London Jewish Forum. He said, "In the Holy scriptures, when Cain kills Abel, God asks him one question: Are you your brother's keeper? The rest of the bible is an answer to that - and it's a big yes. When I play this game I don't get that answer - I get upset."

I'm not sure that the bible I read specfically stated that I was my brother's keeper, but I won't get too much into religious debates here.

Finally, the spokesperson for the gaming community on this panel actually had a decent rebuttal, contrary to the Fox news segment [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/96035-Fox-Friends-Shoots-at-Modern-Warfare-2] from last week. Future Publishing's James Binns said, "You need to see it in the same way you'd see a movie, TV show or book. There are movies, books and TV shows for kids, and there are those for adults. This is an adult piece of entertainment. We can make all entertainment for children, or we can take proper steps to try and protect children from adult entertainment."

To me, that is the argument that is never sufficiently discussed here in the U.S. It is culturally ok that there are pieces of art, theater and cinema that are made specifically for adults and pieces of the same media that are made for children. Videogames are just a different form of entertainment media and must be treated the same way.

Source: MCV [http://www.mcvuk.com/news/36523/Religious-leaders-slam-Modern-Warfare-2]



New member
Oct 9, 2008
Greg Tito said:
pitting the player as an undercover CIA posing as a terrorist.
For fuck sake, would you PLEASE MENTION there are STORY SPOILERS involved?!?!?! Other articles on this site, that reveal nothing about the game, were at least so kind. It's the ones that DON'T have it that seem to have something relevant. And honestly, I don't care how soon into the game it is, or how insignificant, for those of us that want it to be FRESH, it's a pretty big disappointment with the writing staff.


New member
Sep 9, 2008
I'd just like to put it out there that the phrase "hate on" should be obliterated from common usage, along with the people who use it.


New member
Jun 29, 2008
I couldn't agree more with your closing statement - this is not a child's game, and people who consider this to be the case are still under the impression that games have been for kids since the 80's. I'm not sure if anyone has told them that many games have been made with adults in mind for the last 20 years.

Still, I suppose it was only a matter of time before this went religious. I can only hope this doesn't get as extreme as things like this tend to do.

Obrien Xp

New member
Sep 27, 2009
They gave the option to skip it, they were warned that there was something that most people wouldn't want to experience.

Video Game hate is getting pretty old, when will society move along to the next thing. The Beatles and Elvis all had the same treatment, video games are having theirs.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Who gives a shit - we've got people in parliament sticking up for it which is where it matters. If religious idiots can't actually read all the studies which say there is no link then that's there problem.

I think the facts that:

- it's an 18
- it was done for story effect
- you're asked whether you even want to play it
- you're given 2 warnings about it before hand

more than justify its inclusion. Its not gratuitous, it's there for a purpose.

I worry about these people that have the inability to distinguish games from fiction, because us gamers can. Ironic they criticise us for being too stupid to handle it, yet we're fine and they hide behind the bloody Bible (of all things! and biased studies.



Vi Britannia
Aug 1, 2009
Religious leaders angered, has about the same impact these days as an elderly man whos angry at the president


Mar 26, 2008
Did watch it (my Games Designer Lecturer, Dr Bobbie Fletcher was on there) and tbh it just seemed like a bunch of whiners moaning about a bit of violence. Nothing was really discussed.

Also what shocked me is that Agony Aunt allowed her 15 year old son to watch an 18 certificate game........yeah.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
UK religious leaders make me laugh

especially the ones at the local church

"god made the animals appear! science says animals appeared! what's more believable hmm?"

/care for them :p


Jan 23, 2008
uppitycracker said:
For fuck sake, would you PLEASE MENTION there are STORY SPOILERS involved?!?!?!
Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father, Bruce Willis is dead in the Sixth Sense, Neo IS the one, the cake is a lie, AND JESUS DIES!

...Seriously, the terrorist thing has been spoiled to hell and back and isn't it the VERY FIRST FUCKING MISSION IN THE GAME? What kind of spoiler is that? It's not like they're burbling the end of the game... It's the first mission... "SPOILER: YOU SHOOT PEOPLE!". Come on...


New member
Feb 22, 2009
I like you Greg. You don't make stereotypical English jokes, and anyone named Greg is alright in my books.


New member
Jul 22, 2009
Too bad I stopped caring what religious leaders had to say around the time of the contraceptive issue.


New member
Oct 9, 2008
Caliostro said:
uppitycracker said:
For fuck sake, would you PLEASE MENTION there are STORY SPOILERS involved?!?!?!
Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father, Bruce Willis is dead in the Sixth Sense, Neo IS the one, the cake is a lie, AND JESUS DIES!

...Seriously, the terrorist thing has been spoiled to hell and back and isn't it the VERY FIRST FUCKING MISSION IN THE GAME? What kind of spoiler is that? It's not like they're burbling the end of the game... It's the first mission... "SPOILER: YOU SHOOT PEOPLE!". Come on...
Troll elsewhere with yer irrelevant examples and lack of attention to the rest of my post.