U.K. Religious Leaders Hate On Modern Warfare 2


New member
Nov 16, 2009
Ranooth said:
Also what shocked me is that Agony Aunt allowed her 15 year old son to watch an 18 certificate game........yeah.
I was about to mention this!
I was frustrated watching this as it's always the same discussion, just a different game. There's an 18 certificate on it for a reason, I think people forget it's there.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
People are allowed to be offended by things. Further more, the fact that they are should not wreck your enjoyment of what is essentially, an amazing game. That is the basis of the democratic system. Get over it.


Jan 23, 2008
uppitycracker said:
Troll elsewhere with yer irrelevant examples and lack of attention to the rest of my post.
There is no new information spoiled here, and you make no further arguments than "Oh noesh, you spoiled information regarding the first mission!".


New member
Nov 1, 2009
i wont start with what i think about religion. or organised religion i should say but these... no wait, all religion. every aspect. but so what? three blokes with beards and a hatred for people who don't belive what they do (facists? racists? ****s?) don't like my game?


no one will care. everyone who wants it has it, everyone who doesn't doesnt... the rest is just white noise.


Sep 5, 2009
Caliostro said:
Greg Tito said:
Religious Leaders [...]

Aardvark said:
I'd just like to put it out there that the phrase "hate on" should be obliterated from common usage, along with the people who use it.
Also seconded. But let us also remember that all references to it should also be purged from public memory, if at all possible.


New member
Apr 3, 2009
Religious leaders? We stopped listening to them when the Middle Ages ended.

The final paragraph of this article sums it up well, this is a game for adults and not for children. Adults (mostly) have the sufficent maturity to see the point to the airport level, it's for story effect. The critisism of that this game faces comes from the misguided notion that video games are for children.

I also don't buy the point made by Reverend Stephen Lowe. Yes, games are interactive but he has not proven that interactive entertainment is any more likely than spectator style entertainment to turn someone violent.


New member
Sep 30, 2008
If that scene didn't make you feel uncomfortable, there's already something wrong with you.
Like that scene near the end of Bioshock pertaining a certain bludgeoning, you're not meant to enjoy it, you're meant to realise the horror of it and have it draw you into the story.

It makes me angry that none of these religious leaders ever studied up to at LEAST GCSE level english/film studies/creative arts, and learned to read between lines, and yet are looked upon for interpretation of their respective texts?

F, what the?


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Someone needs
Greg Tito said:
Fazan Mohammed had this to add:

"You can't equate it with watching TV or a movie or reading a book. This is a much more intimate experience. You're mentally playing out the effects of violence. A lot of people make the excuse that this is sport - that it's just entertainment. But Joseph Goebbels - the propaganda minister of Nazi Germany - said his entertainment did more for the German people, in terms of creating the psyche for war and hostility towards others, than the speeches of Adolf Hitler. The idea this is entertainment is not justification whatsoever."
Someone needs to introduce Fazan Mohammed to Godwin's Law. Because he just proved it (i.e. he lost).

And I must say, this is starting to sound like an old joke:

"A Priest, an Imam and a Rabbi walk into a bar... "

I mean, surely Activision/IW should get some sort of award, I mean they managed to get the (representatives of) Jews, Christians and Muslims to all agree to hate one thing... I mean they usually can't agree on ANYTHING!

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
Alex Goldberg said:
In the Holy scriptures, when Cain kills Abel, God asks him one question: Are you your brother's keeper? The rest of the bible is an answer to that - and it's a big yes. When I play this game I don't get that answer - I get upset.
God didn't ask that.
He asked 'where is your brother?', to which Cain replied 'Am I my brother's keeper?'.
Pro theological fact: God didn't reply: 'Yes. Yes you are.'

But that's besides the point.

More on topic: People seem to keep equating video games with children, and until that stops then we won't make any head-way with this ridiculous debate. There are games, movies, books, and TV shows for kids, just as there are all of those things for adults. MW2 is an adult game. I wouldn't let my 12 year old son play it! that is, if I had a 12 year old son.

Anyways, point is: Games =/= for kids. This is why we need the ESRB.


New member
Feb 19, 2009
The Rockerfly said:
Caliostro said:
Greg Tito said:
Religious Leaders [...]
I hate the term but /thread

A certain religious leader also believed that condoms were evil. This is just going on the list of why I shouldn't listen to them
And another one convinced *insert name here* troops in the middle east the the holy cross would supply them with food and water and that they would never feel weak near it.
[small]Everyone who was on the side of the cross died during that battle[/small]

OP, why are people playing this game is they are offended.
Speaking of offended there is a good site for you about that on a Wiki...
Wait, i am never going to mention that.
And now to make you lose 6 hours of your life


New member
Jan 20, 2009
1. the point of the airport scene is for you to realize the cruelty and harshness of the situation.
2. religious leaders, especially western ones, are idiots.
3. *cough* crusades, teutonic murder of thousands of pagan families, witch burning *cough*

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
uppitycracker said:
Greg Tito said:
pitting the player as an undercover CIA posing as a terrorist.
For fuck sake, would you PLEASE MENTION there are STORY SPOILERS involved?!?!?! Other articles on this site, that reveal nothing about the game, were at least so kind. It's the ones that DON'T have it that seem to have something relevant. And honestly, I don't care how soon into the game it is, or how insignificant, for those of us that want it to be FRESH, it's a pretty big disappointment with the writing staff.
Oh, you mean how later in the game Russia and America team up to take on third world country Spoiler-ville.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
I think saying it's an 'adult game' is perfectly reasonable, but it depends what you define as an adult. Maturity can develop in people up to 3 years before they reach 18 and IMO if the parents think their children are mature enough and won't be mentally scared by it then that's their judgement.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
I wonder how much longer they're gonna harp on MW2 before they get bored. Probably till the next big (likely overblown) controversy shows itself.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Greg Tito said:
"You need to see it in the same way you'd see a movie, TV show or book. There are movies, books and TV shows for kids, and there are those for adults. This is an adult piece of entertainment. We can make all entertainment for children, or we can take proper steps to try and protect children from adult entertainment."
This needs to be said a lot more. Its rated "M" for a reason folks. Just don't give this game to your 13 year old son/nephew/pleading child. Its simply not designed with them in mind.


New member
Mar 30, 2009
I find the whole idea of these religious leaders talking about violence hilarious. At least the game will get more publicity.