The biggest problem with trying to make smaller ships nuclear powered is that you run into space issues. They actually tried this with 3 Los Angeles class cruisers, but you had too much unusable space in the ship, so they ditched them. Smaller ships would be worse.Vuliev said:See, I thought that a large portion of our fleet was already nuclear, but I guess not.TestECull said:Just make smaller nuclear reactors for the other ships. Or repurpose submarine reactors. IT's a proven safe tech, we've only been powering subs and carriers with them for 40 or 50 years now, and they cost sooo much less to operate.
Right now, it's basically about the same cost as fuel, but the replacement costs would ultimately be lower than fuel in the long run.rednose1 said:My best guess is to use the seawater and electrolysis to create hydrogen for power. Whether this would be cost effective is anyone's guess.
Other fun ideas for uses for Nukes was land mines, blowing a bunch up in a cave for power generation, short range artillery pieces, and landscaping.Barda236 said:That idea was actually proposed by members of the space program at one point. It was going to be used on rockets.Not G. Ivingname said:NO! That idea is to logical! D:TestECull said:Just make smaller nuclear reactors for the other ships. Or repurpose submarine reactors. IT's a proven safe tech, we've only been powering subs and carriers with them for 40 or 50 years now, and they cost sooo much less to operate.
We must power our ships by firing off NUKES behind them!
The shockwave will carry off our finest to where ever they need to go!
OT: I wonder if what people will come up with. In many cases, the masses guesses are actually better than the things experts come up with.
The US government would never do that! What is wrong with you. ):<rhizhim said:
To protect the aircraft carriers from an enemy with air superiority, enemy ships, and submarines. You need to be able to keep your aircraft carriers alive if you lose air superiority, and make sure the enemy doesn't bomb the flight deck, making all the planes in the air unable to land.Dimitriov said:How about using fewer and generally smaller ships? Aside from things like aircraft carriers, what is really the purpose of the majority of navy ships?
Air superiority seems more important, and if you can just make smaller more powerful warheads (which is something that is obviously always being worked on) then what do you need giant ships for anyway?
Missile boats and mobile launching platforms for aircraft seem like the only real useful naval ships to me in the 21st century...
But if anyone knows better I'd love to learn why![]()
That's why you would want to use hydrogen. It provides a ton of bang for the buck when used in a combustion engine. You just wouldn't want it to leak that's all.Rainboq said:Lets not also forget the big problem with hydrogen, it combusts easily and violently. [] So having it on a warship might not be a good idea.Teddy Roosevelt said:Excellent idea as well, love fuel cells, but they are painfully inefficient on a overall energy scale. Getting the hydrogen requires that you use some other source to break down water, which is of course where we'd find the vast majority of our hydrogen. So, in order to mass produce hydrogen, your best bet would be to increase the nation's energy infrastructure first, hopefully causing us to finally realize that nuclear can solve nearly everything for us in power plants, then work toward getting fuel cells going. Another thing is that fuel cells are very, very heavy for their power output, so you have the potential of making vessels even slower. Perhaps they won't lose half of their speed, but even a max speed drop of five knots would be something to think about, and you of course need large fuel cells.Gormech said:Start converting to hydrogen cells. You'll get more bang for your buck and lower emissions. Also, the militarization of it will make it profitable for the general masses, lowering your costs further.
Something unfortunate to consider as well is that the catalyst in fuel cells used to allow protons to pass through to join with oxygen but to prevent electrons form flowing is made using platinum. We have no other material yet with which we can make the catalysts. That, of course, means you need to have pretty deep pockets until something comes along (glances as molybdenite-based substitute).
Aha! Sorry about all that, guys. I saw this article only had ten comments to it, so I got all of my discussion responses in at once! Feels good!
OT: crowd sourcing certainly seems to be all the rage these days, and it might end up being a good thing too!
Well, I know submarines at least make their own air and water from the resources all around them (the only limiting factor on how long they can stay down is food), I imagine the rest of the fleet does this as well.MammothBlade said:Use deployable hydro electric power plants as an auxillary power source, and also to recycle a portion of the energy through the ships' motion. They could create some drag, so it would be important to create a streamlined design and position them carefully, preferably where they will receive the most sea currents.
Navies ought to exploit the most abundant resource in their natural habitat - the sea.
Well, the Carriers and Subs are already Steam powered, utilizing water from the ocean. They just have a nuclear heat source to make the steam.Sneezeguard said:I propose Steam power! You can build anything with that stuff the Internet told me so.
On a more serious note the most effective thing you could do would be to utilise the water water around you to create energy i.e. hydro electric generators.
damn too slow
Thanks for bringing this up. I was going to mention it.rednose1 said:To everyone wanting nuclear reactors, one thing you have to realize, it takes trained people to run them. A problem the Navy ran into as late. Back in the beginning, NNPTC (Naval Nuclear Power Training Command) got rid of 50%+ of all the people that were in. This, combined with people advancing through the ranks and getting out, led to a shortage of people, which is still felt today (which is why at the time I left, they were offering $100,000 plus auto advance to E-5 for a 2 year enlistment. You put even more reactors out there, and the cost to keep the people alone would make it insane.