U.S. soldiers killing Afghan civilians


New member
Mar 24, 2009
I have no sympathy for these monsters. Terrorists themselves. I only hope that the prosecution is accurate and they get what's deserved of them. We all do in the end.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
InterAirplay said:
g) If you don't have a problem with slaughtering your fellow man
Gee I should sure hope not. If so then you'd be totally useless except in an army of peacekeepers. Wait...


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
What a tragedy. Don't look at the pictures if you've got a weak stomach. I found them really disturbing. It's a shame that monsters like this color the entire American military as psychopaths.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
I love it. I just love it.

People get murdered in every country every day, but because an American soldier murders, our whole country is bad and it's infinitely worse than a civilian committing murder.

Because nothing like this has ever happened in the army of any other country. Ever. No military other than the American military has ever committed a crime in a war, or done some unspeakable act such as a common murder.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
Everyone here (well, the first page, anyway, I didn't have the patience to read all the posts) seems very nonchalant about the whole thing, saying stuff like "it's terrible, but these things happen in a war." I would very much like to see what everyone would say if the news were about Afghan soldiers killing American civilians...

My opinion: this news is simply terrible and there is no excuse for behavior like that. Those soldiers should not only be severely punished, but executed. Like what happens if you commit this kind of heinous crime outside of a war.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
You get packs of psychopaths in all walks of life, the armed forces are no different.
I don't like it, however.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
InterAirplay said:
punkrocker27 said:
InterAirplay said:
g) If you don't have a problem with slaughtering your fellow man
Gee I should sure hope not. If so then you'd be totally useless except in an army of peacekeepers. Wait...
how does one "keep the peace" in an Army of peacekeepers, I ask?
That's exactly what I was thinking. It's an oxymoron in and of itself, and pairing it with a statement about being useless is just too damn ironic for my head not to explode.

Basically war is bad, but until humanity reaches that sought after new epoch where it no longer occurs, we need people with the means for defense. Of course the soldiers mentioned in this article definitely aren't helping the cause.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Patrick_and_the_ricks said:
Dr Snakeman said:
Al-Qaeda. It's spelled al-Qaeda. Sorry, but it was driving me crazy.
Balls, I never spell it right. Which tends to make me look unintelligent and lose a foothold in debates...
Isn't "Al-qaeda" a transliteration of an Arabic word? So, spelling is a bit iffy anyways?


New member
Apr 8, 2008
emeraldrafael said:
War is war, and war is hell. These soldiers broke, and didnt act like soldiers. I hope they're punished severely.
Agreed. But every war has incidents like this all over...

And if it doesn't they covered it fairly well. War messes up people, and just like if they murdered someone in the states...they are gonna never been free men/women again.


New member
Sep 25, 2008
To my knowledge, one of the perps has been tried and sentenced already.

As for the incidents themselves, there are some people that really go off the reservation, so to speak. War is horrible, it's dehumanizing to many in different ways than others. Some cope in their own ways while others will cope by demoninizing the enemy theyre fighting- easier to hate, easier and practically necessary to kill them. Then you couple that with an insurgency like the one in Afghanistan, that essentially is made up of civvies- and you get soldiers with warped perspectives that really close the margins of 'us versus them'

Reading into this story in particular, this was far from some kind of command-sanctioned kill squad as some might trump it up to be. It has been called a Rogue Squad, but I've thought of it as quite a Deranged Squad, where the SL was basically a bully, bragged about killing and took trophies of his victims. (most trophies of any sort are, in fact, contraband) This man, combined with his drug use and increasingly psychotic behavior turned him into this soldier that has striking similarities to a serial killer to the public. The man deserves punishment for his horrible murders but also for betraying his vows to service and for all of his comrades that he has disgraced and possibly endangered. (imagine being the replacement squad for these sick fucks, doing their patrol, from the same battalion with the same badges, patches and all.)

It's one thing to simply write this off as war being hell, but I think that it should cast a light on the standards for recruitment within the Army. Armed Forces have been strapped for personnel this last decade but the Army, I believe, initially saw a surge in recruits but have since found it harder to get more personnel into their ranks. This has been a problem for the entirety of the Armed Forces for decades, though. A man like this, though, who seems to have been focused on causing 'incidents' to kill innocent civvies should never have been given any sort of leadership position, even if it is something as small as a squad. I know some vets from the Marines and the Army, especially, that believe that most of these war crimes can be chalked up to these lax requirements and what counts as acceptable conduct.

That all taken into consideration, there are a lot of problems with the Six Headed Beast that is the US Armed Forces, but the 3 guys I know who served still say they don't regret it and that too much focus is placed on the fuck ups and the crazies in the services. And all that considered, I myself am still contemplating joining the Navy out of college.


New member
Apr 8, 2008
Truehare said:
Everyone here (well, the first page, anyway, I didn't have the patience to read all the posts) seems very nonchalant about the whole thing, saying stuff like "it's terrible, but these things happen in a war." I would very much like to see what everyone would say if the news were about Afghan soldiers killing American civilians...

My opinion: this news is simply terrible and there is no excuse for behavior like that. Those soldiers should not only be severely punished, but executed. Like what happens if you commit this kind of heinous crime outside of a war.
You'd get the same statements, but also expect the same people high up to punish them and for them to go on trial...
And since there is no mention of "Higher ups ignored the murders." which they did not since they investigated, reported, moving court cases forward.

The Long Road

New member
Sep 3, 2010
Jazoni89 said:
illmuri said:
Why is it that every time i post some smug person wants to contradict me.

Admittedly im no expert on the subject, but i only know what i know, so take that as it is.
He contradicted you because you were wrong. Welcome to Earth. You may be unfamiliar with our customs and cultures, but when someone's wrong here, we usually correct them so they don't misinform others. Next time do a 30-second Google search before vomiting more uninformed BS into these forums.

OT: Every position with some power attracts the wrong kind of people. You see it all the time in law enforcement; lots of cops just want the badge and handgun. It makes them feel superior, and they can exercise that power almost unchecked. But many, many more want to protect the innocent citizen who has done nothing wrong.

The same applies to the military. The vast majority sign up because they support their country's actions and want to contribute their effort towards a greater goal. But there are those who just want to grab an assault rifle and shoot people. There is no uncovering who these people are until they've been in a combat situation for months on end.

I don't know why there were no officers charged, though. They should be held accountable for the actions of the men under their command. Navy Captains have been discharged for hitting a buoy in a harbor.


New member
Mar 29, 2010
RobCoxxy said:
SilentCom said:
RobCoxxy said:
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
The saddest thing? I wish I could say that I was surprised.
Summed it up perfectly.

As much as I hate to say it, the draft actually includes everyone (well, everyone who can't buy their way out) not just people who are much more likely to sign up "Just to kill people"
U.S. soldiers weren't drafted to fight in Afghanistan...
That's what I'm saying.

In a voluntary war, you sign up if you

a) have no other options (poor)
b) you're a fucking psychopath
You have to be trolling here....you really think thats all that joins the military? I don't know of 1 person who has joined the military for either of thoes reasons. As a matter of fact most everyone I know who has joined, joined for a sense of honor and to serve there country. The fact that you would group every American solider into the same group becuase of what a few did is completely disrespectful and terrible. AND if you think it's only American soldiers who do this you are sadly mistaken. This happen with every country. Go read up on the prociedures of application to the U.S militry before you make yourself look any worse. They wont hire morons/psycos.


New member
Mar 12, 2010
God damn it! Stop making the US look bad. We are not all murderous douche bags. What the hell is wrong with these guys? If you want to something KILL THE FREAKING ENEMY NOT THE CIVILIANS!


New member
Dec 16, 2008
This is not "something thta happens in a war" This is 2000 fucking 11 not the bloody crusades we have war standards, treaties, and protocols this was cold blooded murder of a civilian it had no tactical advantage, it was not collateral, point blank murder and these people were not brave they were utter scum anyone who would try and defend this is a pathetic excuse for a person. Seriously, is this what you want your tax money going towards socipaths and adranaline junkies dicking around kiling fucking pesants?

War is rough but the moment you cross that line (it's a fucking child) you are a monster and should be tried as one amazing how brainwashed with soldier worship some people are. Police face tough shit every day aswell wonder how much slack a cop would get for shooting a 14 year old dealing marrowana in the face.