UAE Announces Plans for a Mission to Mars in 7 Years

Robert Hilliker

New member
Jan 10, 2012
This IS the UAE and if they make a space probe like they make their skyscrapers, then it's going to be Emirates citizens in the management roles, but when when it comes to building and operating the thing, those actually DOING the mission are going to be an uncredited consortium of Indians, Filipinos, and South-East Asians.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
UAE and surrounding nations need to take a dozen steps forward before they are no longer backwards to meet that goal of moving forward as a society. "Our region is a region of civilization" *Cough Cough* One must be civilized to all to be a civilization. Until the Arab world treats each other with equal rights, respect, and dignity regardless of race, sex, or sexual orientation they can keep their mouths shut about civilization and being civilized.

Maybe when the probe arrives at mars it can study our dead rovers?


New member
Jun 9, 2010
Sure, such things are easy when your whole society is essentially built on slave labour and you are incredibly wealthy because of a small population of real citizens sitting on a tonne of oil.

Timedraven 117

New member
Jan 5, 2011
Adam Jensen said:
Sometimes I wish we still had a Cold War. At least we'd be competing at research and development of space exploration technologies. Which tends to lead to discovery of other technologies that benefit mankind.
That would be a bad, bad, bad! Idea, mainly because the US could not afford it. We are STILL dealing witht eh economic repercussions of 50 years of excessive and horrendous military spending. So bad military spending that it sent Soviet Russia down the tubes by economic collapse. Yeah the largest country on the planet didn't just go bankrupt, it bankrupted so hard that 20+ years later they are still having trouble.

America is on the cusp of a similar problem and we woulds not survive another extended period of war, "Cold" or otherwise

Sorry for the rant, planning on being a economics student. Generally saying if we have military spending above 1% for prolonged periods of time then we will face serious economic problems. (Like we are suffering and still suffering today for instance.)


New member
Mar 8, 2010
Dragonlayer said:
bfgmetalhead said:
Don't let the Arabians go to Mars.... At least not yet, they are still very religious. That failure of a creation needs to stay here and die, don't it spread to other planets. At least they are thinking about I suppose, maybe they are losing their religion?
Its an unmanned probe, not a fucking Jihadi fleet.


I knew they were rich, but not that rich: it'll be interesting to see how this pans out.
They have AIR CONDITIONED beaches yes they are that rich.

Ed130 The Vanguard

(Insert witty quote here)
Sep 10, 2008
Yabba said:
JoJo said:
Well good luck UAE, they've certainly got the spare cash. Any chance you can start thinking about sending a man there too next, might pump up some certain people in the West to fund our own manned mission there to beat the commies, sorry I meant Muslims. Feel free to get in on the fun too China, the more the merrier.
Hell, why doesn't Russia join in again and the European Union just hop in, make this ride alot more fun
Russia is still using the R7 family of rockets for launching of the bulk of their space missions, which while proves the basic simplicity and reliability of Korolev's baseline design isn't exactly indicative of a large push for newer launchers and associated R&D.

Still, this is good news as UAE still have more money than many others combined and more well funded space programs are always welcome.

Rufus Shinra

New member
Oct 11, 2011
youji itami said:
"Please tell me this is sarcasm and not a real belief? please just go and read your science FICTION and ignore the horror's of reality."

Why the hell does this get a warning? rude really? don't leave your basement mods you will be in for a shock if you ever get a job interacting with others in person.
I must side with youji on the subject of the warnings. I'm a fan of space programs and stuff, but why the hell warn him because he disagrees with the general opinion here? What rule did he break here? Or am I going to receive a warning too for pointingthis?


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
I'm keen on any exploration into space. Space is the future. The universe must be seen and understood.
Mar 30, 2010
Well, the scientific insights and benefits that will come as we explore more of our universe make any effort to reach them laudable and worthy of support.

Good luck, UAE.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
bfgmetalhead said:
Don't let the Arabians go to Mars.... At least not yet, they are still very religious. That failure of a creation needs to stay here and die, don't it spread to other planets. At least they are thinking about I suppose, maybe they are losing their religion?
I'm really, really glad that you have no sway in who gets to go to space.

OT: Cool. At least some people are still trying.


New member
Feb 22, 2013
Sean951 said:
I see a lot of people lamenting the US space program and how we are being surpassed... Really? We landed an atomic rover armed with lasers on the surface of Mars 2 years ago using a rocket powered sky crane. We're so far ahead in the probe department it's not even funny at this point. Not to mention, the Orion craft will begin manned tests in 2018. The Orion, by the way, was designed with Mars in mind and might actually go there.
Let's not let a lot of facts get in the way of bemoaning the loss of NASA. The place is in mothballs, the scientists have all been canned and the U.S. has decided that space exploration is for the birds. The good news is that the shoestring budget that's left will be enough to pay a man from Ohio to look into probes launched by trebuchet from his back yard in his spare time.


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
The Great JT said:
Good job, UAE. Keep up the good science!
'Good Science' ...and how, exactly, does the UAE contribute anything towards 'science'? You're talking about a nation that funds extremists that threaten to burn down schools and close universities in foreign lands, like incidents seen in Pakistan, Iraq and Syria. Is it any wonder that the only two muslim Nobel prize winners in the sciences have been from Pakistan and Egypt?

If launching a rocket is enough to dismiss all that and achieve some form of 'scientific approval' by the world public then the world has gone mad. I'd rather 500 million muslim boys and girls having violence-free access to schools, and a chance to attain formal university education than merely a rocket into space. That would be 'good science'.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
I too looked at this story and thought of the UAC. The more competition space exploration gets the better I say.

The Great JT

New member
Oct 6, 2008
PaulH said:
The Great JT said:
Good job, UAE. Keep up the good science!
'Good Science' ...and how, exactly, does the UAE contribute anything towards 'science'? You're talking about a nation that funds extremists that threaten to burn down schools and close universities in foreign lands, like incidents seen in Pakistan, Iraq and Syria. Is it any wonder that the only two muslim Nobel prize winners in the sciences have been from Pakistan and Egypt?

If launching a rocket is enough to dismiss all that and achieve some form of 'scientific approval' by the world public then the world has gone mad. I'd rather 500 million muslim boys and girls having violence-free access to schools, and a chance to attain formal university education than merely a rocket into space. That would be 'good science'.
Well I'd imagine going to another planet, likely for the eventual outcome of colonization, has some scientific significance...


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
The Great JT said:
Well I'd imagine going to another planet, likely for the eventual outcome of colonization, has some scientific significance...
But that's not the case. This is an unmanned mission, not unlike what has been done multiple times before. It will add nothing to scientific consensus most likely, as that's not the goal. I am willing to bet it will be foreign technologies, specialists, and engineers running EVERYTHING. This isn't a sincere attempt to create a better future... this is a smoke screen to cover systematic abuses against secular and formal education in other Arab states. It's a costly smoke screen, but they can afford it.

Everyone knows the UAE funds campaigns of terror that directly, and purposefully, tries to keep as many Shias and Christians as illiterate (if not, dead) as possible in the Arab world. Even the US government no longer tries to hide or bury the fact. We know this ...

This isn't a scientific venture, it's a way to divert attention of what's happening in Pakistan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and likely Iran, too, if Iraq and Syria continues to fall into chaos. So the exchange of one unmanned probe, we have millions of children denied education and safety.

If the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, etc donated a TRILLION dollars EACH purely to thereotical technologies development, it would still likely not cover the longterm blow to academic thought and the active reduction of world intelligentsia. Much less cover the massive cost in lives and livelihoods.

As I said before, as long as the situation continues you will not see another muslim with a Nobel prize for great works in scientific endeavour. 1.4 Billion muslims, 2 muslims with Nobels for Science ... the only way you could even rationalize this massive brain drain is that some people are intentionally trying to keep other people from being educated.


Aka Corporal Yakob
Dec 5, 2013
Darks63 said:
Dragonlayer said:
bfgmetalhead said:
Don't let the Arabians go to Mars.... At least not yet, they are still very religious. That failure of a creation needs to stay here and die, don't it spread to other planets. At least they are thinking about I suppose, maybe they are losing their religion?
Its an unmanned probe, not a fucking Jihadi fleet.


I knew they were rich, but not that rich: it'll be interesting to see how this pans out.
They have AIR CONDITIONED beaches yes they are that rich.
Sweet merciful Emperor! I gotta get me some of that!