Ubisoft Enlists Teens to Market Upcoming Game


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Sis said:
> Explosions
> Babes
> Dubstep

Shouldn't be too hard to top these usual suspects in gaming ads.
This. So much of this. Sometimes I really hate what my generation thinks is good music and advertising.

Apr 28, 2008
Dastardly said:
kitsuta said:
Ubisoft Enlists Teens to Market Upcoming Game
I was under the impression that all of the previous Dead Space games were marketed by teenagers...

But seriously, it's an interesting idea, depending on the specifics. For one, does this go hand-in-hand with providing actual training and learning, or are they just getting cheap labor under the guise of "exposure?" Also, are the kids getting paid for this at all?
Also Splinter Cell Conviction. Remember that stunt they pulled in New Zealand where they pretended to rob a bar and didn't bother to inform the police, or bar owner, or anyone? Good times.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
saintdane05 said:
Yeah, I'm going to plug the Sonic Adventure soundtracks whenever I can.
So are you saying we are just going to have to Live and Learn with it?!

OT: Assassin's Creed 3 Dubstep trailer coming soon


New member
Aug 2, 2011
Ragsnstitches said:
Signa said:
Ragsnstitches said:
I'm too lazy to fact check, but isn't Ubisoft notorious for ill conceived marketing schemes?
I'm quite sure you're thinking of EA. Dante's Inferno's Sin to Win competition, and the Moms Hate Dead Space 2 come to mind. They also had fake Christians protest one of their games.
No, I know EA has a history of tasteless marketing, but I was sure Ubisoft is just as bad for it. More for competency reasons though, rather then sheer decadent shamelessness like EA.

Aside from the Splinter Cell derp fest I mentioned earlier, they also had that Watch Dogs promotion that leaked participants E-Mail addresses. I'm sure there are others, but google is not forthcoming.
That was simply a programming error, not part of the marketing itself.


New member
Dec 2, 2009
saintdane05 said:
Ragsnstitches said:
Signa said:
Ragsnstitches said:
I'm too lazy to fact check, but isn't Ubisoft notorious for ill conceived marketing schemes?
I'm quite sure you're thinking of EA. Dante's Inferno's Sin to Win competition, and the Moms Hate Dead Space 2 come to mind. They also had fake Christians protest one of their games.
No, I know EA has a history of tasteless marketing, but I was sure Ubisoft is just as bad for it. More for competency reasons though, rather then sheer decadent shamelessness like EA.

Aside from the Splinter Cell derp fest I mentioned earlier, they also had that Watch Dogs promotion that leaked participants E-Mail addresses. I'm sure there are others, but google is not forthcoming.
That was simply a programming error, not part of the marketing itself.
I'm pretty sure genuine panic and confusion, which almost got someone shot, wasn't a desired outcome either during the Splinter Cell stunt. It's a competency issue... I didn't say it was intended.