I hear great things about those 'polly gones' far better than that foreign pixel muck. Although you can't be too hard on them, Ubisoft HQ has only recently stopped using whale oil lamps in favour of electricity.ccdohl said:Way to be on top of the newest story from the year GTA3 was released Ubisoft.
Next week they will probably release a press release about how World War II games are out and modern military shooters are in!
That's fantastic. Thank you for the early morning laughter.Zachary Amaranth said:I'm hoping the next Rocksmith will be open world, myself.
We all know the full digital thing is coming. Music couldn't stave it off forever but that leaves room for novelty shops to make some money off of things that aren't sold anymore. Hell Movie Trading company is one such store for games and movies. Its the only reason I have the first 2 Zelda games in cartridge form. I'm not sure if Nintendo has said anything about "x is the future" but if they have I'm pretty certain it would just be "fun is the future" which might be refreshing to hear in a medium that seems to be dominated by cynical 20-30 year olds these days.Living_Brain said:I really don't like when companies say "X is the future!!!!1!1!". They're usually wrong and with that prediction promote stupid policies that aren't intact with the consumers' ideologies. The only future it's possible to predict at the moment is "all digital" and that is at least a decade, maybe 2, off.
Or hell Rayman. I know they just made a game for him but its like as soon as they made a mascot that wasn't silly or goofy they cast him to the wolves for years. No type of game is the end all be all. What is the end all be all is taking a genre of game and seeing what you can do with it. For example Titanfall is the first FPS since Bioshock to get me excited about a straight FPS. Why? It has free running and freaking giant mech robots which I feel the game world is lacking in. I've heard of only one other game using giant mech bots which to me is sad. Anyway Titanfall is changing up the formula of one of my least favorite genres enough that I am actually considering getting it. For my R2D2 360 cause I don't want to get boned yet.KingsGambit said:If you're gonna release a sandbox game, at least give us a toolset so we can mod it. It extends its lifespan, builds a community around the game and lets fans carry the baton forward after you're done with it.
And sandbox has its place, but it isn't the be all and end all. There's something to be said for the Mass Effect way of doing things, the Deus Ex style of game. Tightly scripted, elegant and masterful level design is a thing of beauty. It creates immersion, fun and generally makes for a great experience. Open worlds have a place for sure, but don't neglect other greats, like the Sands of Time games or Splinter Cell.