Ubisoft vs EA. -Or- The Evil of Two Lessers.


New member
Nov 30, 2012
IMHO: EA is pure evil. Ubisoft wants to be pure evil but isn't competent enough to pull it off.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Johnny Novgorod said:
I'm not sure where Ubisoft got its bad rep. I remember a lot of backlash against Uplay and some silly DRM maneuvers but that's it. So Watch_Dogs was overhyped, and Assassin's Creed: Unity doesn't have the skins you want for multiplayer. Big fucking deal.

EA has a history of acquiring beloved studios (RIP Pandemic), laying off their employees and steering IPs into the wrong, forcing "always online" gameplay while continually shutting down servers, employing moronic and insulting advertising, developing less than satisfying licensed games... the list goes on.
I think it's more about the recent broken releases, mainly FC4 and Unity. They've done a spectacularly shit job lately on their games in terms of getting them out reasonably bug-free.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Vrach said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
I'm not sure where Ubisoft got its bad rep. I remember a lot of backlash against Uplay and some silly DRM maneuvers but that's it. So Watch_Dogs was overhyped, and Assassin's Creed: Unity doesn't have the skins you want for multiplayer. Big fucking deal.

EA has a history of acquiring beloved studios (RIP Pandemic), laying off their employees and steering IPs into the wrong, forcing "always online" gameplay while continually shutting down servers, employing moronic and insulting advertising, developing less than satisfying licensed games... the list goes on.
I think it's more about the recent broken releases, mainly FC4 and Unity. They've done a spectacularly shit job lately on their games in terms of getting them out reasonably bug-free.
The thing is their PC ports seem to be the ones everybody's hating on. The games they actually release on consoles aren't broken or at least that's the bottom line I'm getting on the subject. So a lot of people that don't game on PC wouldn't have much to go on against Ubi - myself included.


In the name of Harman...
May 11, 2012
I'm going to have to say Ubisoft right now.

On the PC front, EA seems to put more effort into their ports, and if we have to use Origin/Uplay, Origin actually functions every time I use it and has a refund policy.

EA got rid of the Online pass, and will allow owners of used games to download online pass shit now without paying (the original Alice for Madness Returns).

Whenever a busted as fuck game has released on the EA front patches start coming out quickly and development on DLC will halt in order to fix it (BF4 vs Unity). Though to be frank nothing that has shipped as gold should be busted as fuck.

EA gave Bioware some actual time to work on Inquisition, and as far as I can tell Inquisition hasn't launched with tons of very story important characters and quests as DLC. Ubisoft would like you to integrate with smartphone apps and there is a 100% chance of a request to pre-order $30 worth of DLC even if the game itself isn't finished (not to say EA has walked away from the Season pass, they just seem to understand the gravity of asking for a $30 DLC preorder and don't pull that card for every single fucking game).

A negative for EA, but they totally fucked the Dead Space franchise. Though Ubisoft is so obsessed with having an entry multiple times a year to the point that all franchises of theirs outside of Rayman are guaranteed to be fucked.

EA has a way better PR team. They don't exactly say brilliant pro-consumer shit, but they seem to know when to put your foot in your mouth. Ubisoft takes every opportunity to dig the fuck out of their graves, incessantly insulting the customer's intelligence and dishing out bizarre justifications for the problems of games.

Both of them represent a lot of the problems with modern AAA development, but I personally see EA trying to take positive steps as they still act as a business and maximize profits in the process. Ubisoft has only gotten worse and worse since like AC2, and I'm still pissed that Beyond Good and Evil 2 was teased a lot for awhile there and then we heard nothing.

The Artificially Prolonged

Random Semi-Frequent Poster
Jul 15, 2008
EA will always in my heart be the big evil (Pandemic was the last straw for me), though I'm now more ambivalent towards them as really they haven't published a game I've been interested in a long time. So my exposure to there dickish behaviour has been somewhat minimised. Although Ubisoft's poor form has been more annoying to me as they have been making games I would be interested but a combination of wariness of Uplay, yearly sequels and using the same template across multiple series have killed my desire to play their games.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Johnny Novgorod said:
The thing is their PC ports seem to be the ones everybody's hating on. The games they actually release on consoles aren't broken or at least that's the bottom line I'm getting on the subject. So a lot of people that don't game on PC wouldn't have much to go on against Ubi - myself included.
No offense, but perhaps they care about more than just themselves? I'm a PC gamer mainly myself, but I'd still think a company is a pile of shit if their every release for consoles was utter garbage.

Also, it's not just their PC ports. Just an example - http://www.computerandvideogames.com/481502/far-cry-4-ps3-corruption-fix-requires-delete-and-reinstall/


New member
Jul 21, 2013
I'm actually cool with both Publishers but I haven't bought any thing from then since the EA humble bundle and Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon. I guess EA for Abandoning the Wii U at least Ubisoft is trying.